Autumn 2 Week 5: Week Commencing Monday 25th November - Friday 29th November
In Y4 this week:
We finally created our podcasts about the Olympic Games. They sound fantastic,and we will share them on the website next week once we have finished editing.
Highlight of a core subject:
This week in English, we started to write our Greek myths. There has been some wonderful writing!
Highlight of a foundation subject:
We explored the different city-states of Ancient Greece. We drew maps and carried out research to find similarities and differences between the city states.
Home learning this week
Greek Day - Tuesday 3rd December
On Tuesday, we will be having our Greek Day. Please come to school wearing a Greek costume. These do not need to be elaborate and there are some DIY ideas on the document below.
The day will include exploring Greek Myths, taking part in theatre, exploring Athens vs Sparta, learning about Democracy, trying food, meeting a Greek warrior and trying on armour, and finally taking part in our own Olympic Games.
Key Information
PE Days this half term:
Art Day - We would appreciate donations of coloured wool and ribbons to use on our art day on Monday 9th December.
Year 4 Production - Wednesday 12th February - More details to follow!
Checkout the latest update from the RSS David Attenborough on their trip to Antarctica.
Autumn 2 Week 4: Week Commencing Monday 18th November - Friday 22nd November
In Y4 this week:
We whittled spears in forest school and went on a hunt for mythical creatures.
Highlight of a core subject:
This week in maths, we have been learning our times tables and using Topmarks Daily 10 to test our recall speed.
Highlight of a foundation subject:
We had our computing day on Friday and made podcasts about ancient Greek Olympic games.
Home learning this week
Key Information
PE Days after half term:
Monday PM - indoor
Tuesday PM - Forest School
Please make sure your child has their PE/Forest school kit.
Checkout the latest update from the RSS David Attenborough on their trip to Antarctica.
Friday 29th November - Trainer day for Christmas fair. Please bring chocolate donations.
Sissay Class Assembly - 9am Friday 29th November
Greek Day - Tuesday 3rd December
Autumn 2 Week 3: Week Commencing Monday 11th November - Friday 15th November
In Y4 this week:
We started the week commemorating Remembrance Day.
Highlight of a core subject:
This week we started planning our myth narrative, thinking about our character and describing a mythical creature.
Highlight of a foundation subject:
In forest school, we read the story of 'Theseus and the Minotaur'. We had to work in groups to create our own maze and thought about traps and ways to make our labyrinth impossible to escape.
Home learning this week
Key Information
PE Days after half term:
Monday PM - indoor
Tuesday PM - Forest School
Please make sure your child has their PE/Forest school kit.
Checkout the latest update from the RSS David Attenborough on their trip to Antarctica.
Sissay Class Assembly - 9am Friday 29th November
Greek Day - Tuesday 3rd December
Autumn 2 Week 2: Week Commencing Monday 4th November - Friday 8th November
In Y4 this week:
We had a great time during Rock Star Day!! Everyone looked amazing! We also had fun building homes for dryads, tree spirits of Ancient Greece, during Forest School.
Highlight of a core subject:
This week we started looking at finding the area of shapes.
Highlight of a foundation subject:
We travelled back in time to Ancient Greece and met King Polydectes. He wanted us to help him decide on a mythical creature to send Perseus to defeat.
Home learning this week
Key Information
PE Days after half term:
Monday PM - indoor
Tuesday PM - Forest School
Please make sure your child has their PE/Forest school kit.
Sissay Class Assembly - 9am Friday 29th November
Greek Day - Tuesday 3rd December
Autumn 2 Week 1: Week Commencing Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November
In Y4 this week:
We had our first forest school session on Tuesday with Mr Templar and worked in teams to create a den.
Highlight of a core subject:
On Monday, we opened our story box and made predictions regarding what it might be about. We had lots of exciting items, including a golden rope, a picture of mythical creatures and Norse gods and goddesses, and a jar. There were also some vocabulary words: adventurer, vault, myth, hero and townsfolk. We thought the story might be about a hero who had to retrieve a golden rope or magical object from a vault that was being guarded by a mythical creature.
We were later introduced to the story, 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'. We will spend the next few weeks exploring this with the aim of writing our own Myth Narrative.
Highlight of a foundation subject:
This week we started learning how to play the keyboard with Mrs Shaw. It was very exciting and we are looking forward to improving our skills over the next few weeks.
Home learning this week
Key Information
PE Days after half term:
Monday PM - indoor
Tuesday PM - Forest School
TTRS Day - Thursday 7th November
Sissay Class Assembly - 9am Friday 29th November
Greek Day - Tuesday 3rd December
Week 7: Week Commencing Monday 14th October - Friday 18th October
In Y4 this week:
What a busy end to the half term! We have been finishing our discovery on sound and electricity, and creating news reports on the Loch Ness monster!
Highlight of a core subject:
In our English work, we researched information about the Loch Ness monster. We then worked in teams to create a news report about the latest sighting.
Highlight of a foundation subject:
We finished the half term with an art day where we learnt all about the artist L.S. Lowry and about perspective drawing. Our final pieces will be completed after the holidays and entered into 'The Copley Prize' competition at the Lowry gallery.
Home learning this week
Key Information
PE Days after half term:
Monday PM - indoor
Tuesday PM - Forest School
Please make sure you bring your forest school clothes on 29th October.
Week 6: Week Commencing Monday 7th October - Friday 11th October
In Y4 this week:
We have begun to explore how to add 4-digit numbers using the column method.
Congratulations to Duffy Class on a fabulous class assembly about sound!
Highlight of a core subject:
In our English work, we imagined we lived in a seaside town and acted out the things we would be doing in the town. Suddenly, there was a huge announcement in the newspaper about the spotting of a giant whale in our area. We used gossip circle to spread information from the article and to express our thoughts as to whether the story was true, or just a hoax.
Highlight of a foundation subject:
This week we started exploring electricity and built circuits and switches.
Home learning this week
Key Information
PE Days: Indoor PE is on Wednesday. Outdoor PE is on Thursday.
Week 5: Week Commencing Monday 30th September - Friday 4th October
In Y4 this week:
We have been learning about Roman Numerals in our maths, as well as using apparatus to create balances, jumps and sequences in gymnastics.
Highlight of a core subject:
This week we have been planning and writing our ominous setting narrative. We drew on the vocabulary we have been learning over the previous weeks, such as fronted adverbials,expanded noun phrases and similes. We also read partners work, and shared ideas to up level our writing.
Highlight of a foundation subject:
This week we had a Spanish day where we learnt how to present ourselves. We practiced phrases to explain our name, age, where we lived and how we are feeling. We then used these phrases to create a conversation.
Home learning this week
Key Information
PE Days: Indoor PE is on Wednesday. Outdoor PE is on Thursday.
Duffy Class Assembly - 9am Friday 11th October
Greek Workshop - A letter has been emailed out regarding out Greek Workshop in December. Please find a copy of the letter below.
Week 4: Week Commencing Monday 23rd September - Friday 27th September
In Y4 this week:
We have had a busy week researching animals and how they use sound.We were very surprised to find out which creatures were the loudest in the world and how loud they could be.
Highlight of a core subject:
We have been exploring using effective vocabulary to create an ominous setting.We also practiced writing descriptions of a humpback whale, including fronted adverbials, ready to help us with writing our ominous narrative next week.
Highlight of a foundation subject:
This week we had our music day and used body percussion and instruments to create sounds of the rainforest.
Home learning this week
Key Information
PE Days: Indoor PE is on Wednesday. Outdoor PE is on Thursday.
Duffy Class Assembly - 9am Friday 11th October
Week 3: Week Commencing Monday 16th September - Friday 20th September
In Y4 this week:
We have started to work on our typing skills using Dance Mat Type, and exploring positive gaming behaviour in our online safety lessons. See photographs below for this week's highlights.
Highlight of a core subject:
We have been working on place value, finding varies ways to partition numbers to 10,000. We have also started practicing our times tables.
Highlight of a foundation subject:
This week we explored how different objects create different pitch and volume. We created a water xylophone and discovered that sound vibrations create a higher pitch sound when they travel a shorter distance.
Home learning this week
Key Information
PE Days: Indoor PE is on Wednesday. Outdoor PE is on Thursday.
Duffy Class Assembly - 9am Friday 11th October
Week 2: Week Commencing Monday 9th September - Friday 13th September
In Y4 this week:
What a busy week we have had! We have been expanding our knowledge of place value and looking at numbers up to 10,000, as well as delving into our class story.
Highlight of a core subject:
In our English, we opened our story box and made predictions about what the story might be about:
'I think that someone's friend went exploring the jungle and got lost. Then his friend goes to find him and finds his friend's glasses on the floor next to the rickety bridge where there are torrents of water.'
We looked at some illustrations from the book and discovered that the story was about some children travelling on a boat and ran into a storm. We created simile poems to describe the storm, and wrote setting descriptions. At the end of the week, we discovered that the title of our class text is, 'The Whale'.
Highlight of a foundation subject:
In our Discovery time, we received a message from a secret agent asking us to help capture a mysterious creature spotted off the coast of Alaska. All he knew was that it used sound to communicate. We started to learn all we could about sound, looked at the parts of the ear and how sound travels.
Home learning this week
Maths - Times Table Rock Stars (All passwords have been glued into the front of reading records and sent home). If anyone is having trouble logging on to their account, please let one of the Year 4 Team know.
Spellings - prefix 'in'
Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you. We will be using the library every Friday and choosing exciting new books to bring home.
Key Information
PE Days: Indoor PE is on Wednesday. Outdoor PE is on Thursday.
Week 1: Week Commencing Wednesday 4th September - Friday 6th September
In Y4 this week:
Wow! What a great start to the new academic year. Year 4 have settled in really nicely to their new classrooms.
Highlight of a core subject:
In our English, we have been looking at different word classes, as well as doing a piece of writing inspired by a dragon picture.
Highlight of a foundation subject:
In our Discovery time, we became marine biologists and learned about types of whales and their features. We then went 'whale watching' to see if we could identify individuals based on their fluke.
Home learning this week
Maths - Times Table Rock Stars (All passwords have been glued into the front of reading records and sent home)
Spellings - homophones
Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you. Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and their username and password should be inside their reading record. Please let us know if you require their username/password.
Key Information
PE Days: Indoor PE is on Wednesday. Outdoor PE is on Thursday.