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Maths team- this week some children took part in the Stockport Grammar maths competition. They were amazing and great ambassadors for our school.

Science- investigating materials. Magnets and transparency challenges.

Survival tips based around food and where would we pitch our wild camp.

Learning Samba with Stockport Music Service- exploring pitch and dynamics.

Fieldwork geography- draft one of our maps indicating where to establish our camp. Exploring links to our text,’The book of Lost Adventures’.

Oscars 2023

Oscars Performance Year 5

Forest School

Music - practising our samba drumming skills

Spanish- children had to translate the Spanish phrases linked to animals.

Forest School

Using Scratch to create code. We learned new skills very quickly.

Exploring water resistance in science

Our fabulous Viking Longhouses

Our amazing finished products.... Our Viking Longhouses!!

Sharing our design ideas and concepts for our Viking Longhouses.

York Residential 2023

Fairtrade Activity

Tuesday 14th March

Monday 13th March

Quiz, Quiz, Trade - learning lots and lots of Viking facts.

Hot seating- asking questions of a Viking warrior and the last Anglo-Saxon king.

Science investigation. Does the heavier object fall more quickly? Finding out about air resistance.

World Book Week

‘Read Dating’- a brand new experience and a fantastic way to share books and a love of reading.



We studied Anglo-Saxon artefacts making inferences about who used them? What was their purpose? How were they made? Lots of discussions based on where they could be found and what materials were available at that time.

History - Designing an Anglo Saxon settlement

Spanish DEAL - buying vegetables from a shop keeper

Balanced arguments- courtroom decisions. Did Woody push Buzz out of the window or was it an accident? Arguments for and against.

Art - Dragon Eye Artwork

Music - Creating a loop on garage band

Spanish- at the supermarket making the vegetables needed on our shopping list.

Creating our Dragon’s eyes drawings, developing sketching, shading and adding tone to our work.


Performance poetry. Great expression and ideas how to improve. We loved the variety of poems and how creative the children were in their performances.

Y5 reading with Y2

Year 5 buddying with year 2- helping children with their design and technology evaluations and sharing books. A wonderful experience for both year groups.

DT - Christmas Stockings

Design and Technology project- making Christmas stockings with button/ press stud fastenings.

Rewind for Christmas


Finding ways to make comparing and ordering fractions stick in our maths minds.



Displaying our growing knowledge of biomes through circle books.

Maths and Computing Week

Creating our own maths game linked to sports skills. We created penalty points, used times tables, factors and negative numbers to create unique scoring systems. Maths and Computing week with World Cup/ Sports themes.

Maths - Factors and Multiples

Smile for a Mile

Chester Zoo

Chester Zoo

Sycamore Class Assembly

Curriculum week - children around the world

Exploring factors and multiples. Brilliant discussions and explanations whilst playing the games.

Sycamore class school councillors and eco councillors

Creative writing based on the text, ‘The Island’. Used thought-tracking, conscience alley and teacher in role to move onto a persuasive letter.


Science-learning about phases of the moon with a little help from some Oreo biscuits!

Making rounding fun by showing each other our skills and problem solving how to present to each other.

Investigating distances between planets. Each sheet represented 16 million km. We used a peppercorn for Mercury and a watermelon for Jupiter.



Finding out facts about the Arctic and Antarctica.

Creating our class tribe through maths and sharing our interests.

Forest School
