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Our Curriculum

Our Narrative Immersion Approach in Reception


The highlight of the week is our storybox ritual on a Monday morning, we meet a character from our text and problem solve and explore our chosen book. We are all fully committed to delivering a narrative immersion approach, which puts stories and drama at the heart of our curriculum.


How do stories help develop learners?

  • Support pupils to develop key life skills.
  • Develop children’s thinking skills.
  • Teach children facts, concepts and skills that accelerate their learning in a number of curriculum areas.
  • Explore, enjoy and teach about language.
  • Develop many aspects of emotional intelligence.


Why narrative immersion?

  • It enables thematic teaching which helps embed literacy.
  • Provides a vehicle for a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Is designed to accommodate coverage of many areas of the curriculum in depth.
  • Builds broad conceptual and social frameworks into young minds and hearts.
  • Enables pupils to grasp the art of story-telling.
  • Develops a language rich environment.
  • Provides a context for learning and gives it added value and purpose.


Narrative immersion is providing a context for the development of:

  • Thinking skills
  • Emotional intelligence
  • The dispositions of independent learning


Without these skills to underpin their educational and life-skill development pupils will struggle to:

  • work in groups;
  • to carry out research;
  • manage relationships;
  • resolve conflict peacefully;
  • solve problems;
  • develop self-discipline;
  • manage time and deadlines;
  • speak out;
  • think independently and creatively
  • We all need these skills in the exponential technological age of the 21st century.


This is the basis of life-long learning. 
