Congratulations to our Year 6 graduates on successfully completing their final year at Primary School. You have been amazing!
Thanks too for the very kind gifts and thoughtful words expressed to the staff. It has been very much appreciated. In addition, Mrs Sheldon would like to express her thanks for the gifts as she goes on to enjoy her very much deserved retirement. She will be extremely missed by staff and children alike.
Once again have a great summer and we hope to hear how our Ludworth leavers get on in their next adventures!
Summer 2 Week 5
What a week for Year 6! This week has been filled to the brim with celebrations and exciting events where all children showcased their best selves. The Football Tournament for Oliver Buchanan's Trust was a wonderful event where £100.05 was raised. The speed cage was a particular highlight for many children and the sportsmanship from all was noted by Stockport County FC.
We are also eagerly awaiting the production of 'Pirates of the Curry Bean' this evening where all children are an integral part of the production. Please see attached an image from the dress rehearsal.
Next half term, our PE sessions will be: Football with Stockport County on a Monday and Forest Schools on Thursday afternoon- please bring outdoor PE kit.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we are now approaching the last half term of the year and preparations are in full swing for the transition of our year 6 children to secondary, I wanted to share an update of where we are up to for our end of year events.
Year 6 Performance - Pirates of the Curry Bean
Year 6 are performing ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’ on Thursday 18th July at 5:30pm. Owing to fire regulations ticket numbers are restricted and will be limited to two tickets per child.
The office team have set up a google form to allocate you your tickets to come and see the production. Due to fire regulations, we are limited to the number of adults that we can have in the hall. This was our decision behind the 2-ticket limitation. After reviewing how many tickets have been allocated, we will be in a position to see whether or not we can offer an additional 3rd ticket on a first come, first served basis to families who want them.
The children need to be at school for 4.45pm in their costumes.
Year 6 Leavers Assembly
Year 6’s Leavers Assembly will be on Wednesday 24th July at 2:15pm. This is not a ticketed event.
Year 6 BBQ & Silent Disco
Year 6’s BBQ & Silent Disco will be on Thursday 25th July after lunch. This event is just for children.
Last Day of Term
We will be asking all parents and carers to collect their children at 2.00pm. This is to ensure that the focus is on the Year 6 children who are ending their time at Ludworth and allows any family and friends to celebrate their next steps.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you at the upcoming events.
Best wishes,
Year 6
We have received the following from Transport for Greater Manchester :
As your Year 6 pupils are approaching the end of their time at Primary school and looking ahead to starting new schools in September I would just like to highlight TfGM’s school travel support.
TfGM have a dedicated webpage to encourage sustainable travel to and from high schools. The link is :
Summer 2 Week 5
In Year 6 we are continuing to work hard on our production 'Pirates of the Curry Bean' and it has been wonderful to see the teamwork, dedication and problem-solving skills used by all. All children, irrespective of their part, are making props, costumes and refining their acting skills to ensure next week's performance will be thrilling! We also had visitors from Stockport County Football Club on Monday and worked with Christians in Schools where we discussed transition after primary school.
Highlight of a Core Subject:
This week in PE, we discussed E Saftey with Stockport County FC and the children worked in groups to produce presentations on how to stay safe online. They made sure the children were aware of some of the risks to safety that are online and what to do to stay safe. They created a set of rules and top tips for other children to follow at school and at home. This was followed by an excellent group session of football where the children played short burst games and ran drills to improve their fitness.
Next half term, our PE sessions will be: Football with Stockport County on a Monday and Forest Schools on Thursday afternoon- please bring outdoor PE kit.
Note from Transport for Greater Manchester:
Year 6 pupils are approaching the end of their time at Primary school and looking ahead to starting new schools in September I would like to highlight TfGM’s school travel support. TfGM has a dedicated webpage encouraging sustainable travel to and from high schools. The link is attached:
Year 6 Performance Information - Pirates of the Curry Bean
Year 6 are performing ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’ on Thursday 18th July at 5:30pm. Owing to fire regulations ticket numbers are restricted and will be limited to two tickets per child. The office team have set up the parent pay account to allocate you your tickets to come and see the production. Due to fire regulations, we are limited to the number of adults that we can have in the hall. This was our decision behind the 2-ticket limitation. After reviewing how many tickets have been allocated, we will be in a position to see whether or not we can offer an additional 3rd ticket on a first come, first served basis to families who want them.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you on the 18th.
Year 6 Costume letter
Dear Parents and Careers,
The children have been working hard this half-term in preparation for our KS2 production ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’ and looking forward to the performance in a couple of weeks' time.
All children will need to have their costume in school for the dress rehearsal on Tuesday 16th July children can start bringing in costumes from Friday 12th July in a clearly labelled plastic / cotton bag. All items of clothing must be labelled too.
What is required?
Pirates: If your child is a pirate, part of the Curry Bean ship, please could they bring a plain or striped coloured t-shirt and some knee length shorts (you could even cut the legs off old trousers in a jagged pattern). They could also bring stripy socks if they wish. We will provide all children cast as pirates with a pirate bandana.
Sailors: If your child is a sailor, part of The Crunchy Frog ship, please could they bring a plain navy/white coloured t-shirt and navy/white coloured trousers or shorts.
Periwinkle family: If your child is part of the Periwinkle family (Liza, Jack or Pearl) Jack and Liza can wear their own clothes (without logos if possible). If your child is Pearl please can they wear a mid to long length dress.
Cat: If your child is a cat please could they bring a plain coloured t-shirt and trousers all in one colour e.g. black t-shirt and black leggings. We will provide cat ears.
Rat/Mouse: If your child is a rat or mouse please could they wear a grey or brown coloured t-shirt and trousers. We will provide ears.
Lumbago tour guides (Walt, Wilt, Seller): If your child is a resident of Lumbago please can they wear a white school shirt, flip flops/sandals and holiday shorts
If you have any pirate props that would be of use for our show, these would be greatly appreciated, please feel free to send these in with your children.
Thanks for all your support,
Y6 Team
Summer 2 Week 4
Another busy week in Year 6 with Sports Day, transition days and visits from Marple Hall. We were thrilled to see so many supporters at Sports Day where the children took part in both competitive races and a carousel of different sporting activities led by Mrs Wall. Observing the children's dedication to the event and support they showed to each other was wonderful.
Highlight of a Core Subject:
This week in Science, we did an investigation to observe how exercise affects our heart rate. We experimented with different types of exercise (running, jumping jacks and burpees) to see whether our heart rate increased or decreased, comparing this data to our resting heart rate. It was fascinating to compare heart rates with our peers and later athletes!
Next half term, our PE sessions will be: Football with Stockport County on a Monday and Forest Schools on Thursday afternoon- please bring outdoor PE kit.
Summer 2 Week 3
As we begin to collate the photographs from a fabulous residential, drive on to our next challenge of the Production while still working hard on all our learning in Science, English and Maths, we as a staff would like to take this opportunity to thank all those parents who have taken the time to thank us and especially for the kind well-being packs sent in to help with our recovery! It has been very much appreciated. The children have also enjoyed a treat today as a well-done for all their hard work during SATs. This was delayed a little due to our Residential trip but was appreciated when it arrived in the heat today. The school arranged for an ice cream van to come and all the children received a refreshing ice cream or lolly.
Dates for your diary:
2nd July: Sports Day @ 1-3.30
4th July: Transition Day
5th July: Marple Hall visit Y6
15th July: Charity football tournament @1.30-3.15
18th July: Year 6 Production 5:30pm
24th July: Year 6 Leavers Assembly 2:15pm
25th July: BBQ & Silent Disco 1:00pm - 2:45pm
Next half term, our PE sessions will be: Football with Stockport County on a Monday - please bring outdoor PE kit. Outdoor and Adventurous PE will be covered in the upcoming Year 6 Residential.
Y6 Residential - Kingswood
Arrived safe and sound ! We’ve all now successfully made our beds and we are now off out and onto our activities.
We will update this page each evening with photos.
Summer 2 Week 2
Information for the Production:
Please find all of the dance routines for our production 'Pirates of the Curry Bean' for you to learn at home. This is the link to the Google Classroom folder containing all of the dances:
I have also created an assignment on Google Classroom which contains all of the links.
Next half term, our PE sessions will be: Football with Stockport County on a Monday - please bring outdoor PE kit. Outdoor and Adventurous PE will be covered in the upcoming Year 6 Residential.
Summer 2 Week 1
It has been great to be back at school after May half term and Year 6 have hit the ground running with a fun-filled and busy week! Our school trip to Mellor Mill and tour with Mellor Archaeological Trust volunteers was very informative and was an excellent way to end our Discovery Learning topic which focused on Samuel Oldknow. We were so proud of the children's attitude to learning and received outstanding reports from all leaders- well done!
Highlight of a Core Subject:
English: Year 6 have illustrated their teamwork through peer editing their formal letters of complaints. We have also started our immersion stage of the new book 'Hansel and Gretal' by Neil Gaiman, exploring ambitious vocabulary and characterisation through imagery.
Highlight of a Foundation Subject:
PE: The children have started their sessions with Stockport Country FC. These sessions will focus on E-Safety and football skills across the whole of Summer 2. The children responded well to the two visiting coaches and are excited to work with them going forward.
Next half term, our PE sessions will be: Football with Stockport County on a Monday - please bring outdoor PE kit. Outdoor and Adventurous PE will be covered in the upcoming Year 6 Residential.
Summer 2 Week 1
*UPDATE* Due to the unavoidable cancellation of the online meeting for parents regarding the Year 6 Residential, a new date of Thursday 13th June at 4:30pm has been scheduled. A link will be sent next week when we are back in school.
Many thanks
Year 6 team
Summer 1 Week 6
We have been so proud of all Year 6 this week as they have displayed their best selves in every aspect of their learning. After a tough SATs week, the children have displayed their determination and resilience to get back to the normal business of classroom learning. Well done Year 6 - we wish you all and your families a very happy half term and hope the weather is kind so that you can have some fresh air and fun!
Highlight of a Core Subject:
English: Year 6 have written some exceedingly forthright formal letters of complaint. Some of the children used the class text to imagine themselves in role as a wolf writing to a solicitor to avoid eviction (not an easy thing). Other children wrote back to Mrs Walker to challenge her accusations of having an untidy classroom (very brave!).
Highlight of a Foundation Subject:
Spanish: The children have ended the week with a Spanish morning. They have imagined themselves as Estate Agents and have designed a house using their computing skills learnt in Tinker Cad. They have then used all their learning about 'Mi Casa' to write descriptions of the house for sale and label parts of the property in Spanish.
Next half term, our PE sessions will be: Football with Stockport County on a Monday - please bring outdoor PE kit. Outdoor and Adventurous PE will be covered in the upcoming Year 6 Residential.
Welcome to Week 5 of the Summer Term!
Highlight of a core subject
We are incredibly proud of the resilience, focus and hard work that the children have shown across all of their SATs exams this week. They have worked as a team to support each other. Every single child was undoubtedly showcasing themselves as their best self-well done!
It is clear that Year 6 are maturing and thriving in their leadership positions across the school; these images of Year 6 reading with their reception buddies epitomise this. It is wonderful to see the children sharing their love of reading with KS1!
Highlight of a foundation subject
Within our RE sessions this week we have focused on the question 'Is it better to express your religion in arts and architecture or in charity and generosity?' We explored great examples of Muslim architecture and presenting our reasons for choosing those they find most impressive using our transferable computing skills (creating power point presentations)
Reading Plus
Welcome to Week 4 of Summer Term!
Highlight of a core subject
In English, we have enjoyed focused guided reading sessions analysing song lyrics and inferring meaning from our favourite artists. We explored George Ezra's 'Pretty Shiny People' and Bastille's 'Pompeii.' This has been a fun way to develop our understanding and retrieval skills with a range of texts.
Highlight of a foundation subject
Within our PSHE and circle time this week, we had a visit from Nick Dux to help the children with managing their emotions and any worries around SATs. This session utilised transformative communication and encouraged the children to think about their inner monologue. We openly shared any concerns around SATs week and looked at strategies to help manage these anxieties. It ended with an activity where all children spoke about what makes them who they are and why they are important and valued irrespective of any academic achievements.
Mymaths and arithmetic
Reading Plus
We always encourage any additional support with SATs preparation and reading at home too!
Year 6 Kingswood arrangements:
We will be holding a virtual meeting to discuss Year 6 Kingswood arrangements on Tuesday 21st May 2024 at 4.30. This meeting will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams to ensure that as many parents as possible can attend. There will be an opportunity for you and your children to ask any questions.
Please see the attached link to Microsoft Teams where the meeting will be held.
We will send out all relevant information after the meeting for those who cannot attend.
Kind regards,
Year 6 team.
Welcome to Week 3 of Summer Term!
Highlight of a core subject
In Maths, we have focused on co-ordinates, specifically plotting points in four quadrants and translating shapes. These skills will assist us with our map reading and cartography in our Samuel Oldknow Discovery Learning topic.
In English, we completed our suspense narratives inspired by 'The Wolves in the Walls' by Neil Gaiman. We have attached images of sample work from our class. It's up to you to guess who wrote it...
Highlight of a foundation subject
Within our Discovery Learning, we have used our artistic weaving skills to create paper weaves inspired by the Marple cotton trade. We have discussed the geographical and historical reasons for the growth of the cotton trade within our local area, and how this continues to impact social and economic growth in 2024.
Mymaths and arithmetic
Reading Plus
We always encourage any additional support with SATs preparation and reading at home too!
Welcome to Week 2 of Summer Term!
Highlight of a core subject
This week in English we have been writing our suspense narrative inspired by 'The Wolves in the Walls' by Neil Gaiman. We have focused on using different grammatical features to add suspense and tension such as ellipses and a range of sentence structures.
Highlight of a foundation subject
We have delved further into the world of the Industrial Revolution and Samuel Oldknow in History and Geography this week. It has been fascinating to debate the factors which influenced Oldknow's success and how this influenced Marple's wider population.
Mymaths and arithmetic
Reading Plus
We always encourage any additional support with SATs preparation and reading at home too!
Welcome to Summer term!
Highlight of a core subject
This week in Maths we have been allowed to do one of the most forbidden things in school: to write on the tables! We have been allowed to draw angles on the tables with wipeable pen so that our partner could calculate their size sing a protractor. We had a great time with this!
Highlight of a Foundation Subject
We have been extremely lucky to have been able to enjoy sessions with Rugby Rob this week. We practised dodging and weaving as well as perfecting our pocket passes.
Mymaths and arithmetic
Reading Plus
Happy Easter Everyone!
What an amazing Spring half term we have had and we have certainly had a grand finale this week!
Highlight of a core subject
We have completed our explanation texts about adaptation and they are marvellous! This fits in with our work in Science about Living Things and also English where we are studying Charles Darwin’s Origins of the Species.
Highlight of a Foundation Subject
We have completed our DT project in exploring Mechanical Systems this week. Year 6 have researched, designed and built moving toys using cams and axels. Look at the busy work in action below.
Reading Plus
Please also take time to enjoy time with family and friends, Easter egg hunts, chocolate sharing and Spring sunshine. We are looking forward to seeing everyone again in the Summer term.
Spring 2 Week 5
Highlight of a core subject:
In maths this week, we have begun to explore the wonderful world of statistics with a focus on perfecting pie charts and lovely line graphs! We incorporated our fresh new knowledge into our computing and science learning by surveying the class and recording their eye colour and whether this was the same as either of their parents. From this, we used excel to create spreadsheets, line graphs and pie charts to display the results.
Highlight of a foundation subject
In PE this week, the sports ambassadors lead a warm up and main activity session following training in dodge ball from our sports coach in previous weeks.
This term, PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please can all children have both an indoor and outdoor kit with them.
Home learning this week:
Arithmetic practise (on paper)
Reading Plus 5 assignments
Spelling (please ensure your child is bringing home their spelling book)
Spring 2 Week 4
Highlight of a core subject:
Year 6 have been teaming up with a buddy in EYFs each week to share their love of reading. This week we put our new library space to good use and shared a range of books with each other. Our Year 6 love this end of the week activity which tests their skills of reading with emphasis and purpose to keep young children engaged while the younger ones love the chance to listen and spend time with their friend from 6. This is such a super way of building positive relationships across school while instilling a a shared love of the written word.
Highlight of a foundation subject
Please ask us about the work in Science this week which has included spotting well camouflaged creatures, learning about how humans have caused animal adaptation as seen in the wonderful world of the peppered moth and once again, how bacteria is spread and the importance of these microbes and their role in nature.
This term, PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please can all children have both an indoor and outdoor kit with them.
Home learning this week:
Arithmetic practise (on paper)
Reading Plus 5 assignments
Spelling (please ensure your child is bringing home their spelling book)
Spring 2 Week 3
Highlight of a core subject:
This week we have practised creating questions in Maths to challenge our understanding of area and perimeter. We used some question stems such as: convince me that, always, sometimes and never, if this is the answer, what is the question.
Highlight of a foundation subject
We had a fabulous session practising our STEM skills by participating in a robotics workshop. We learnt how to build and programme moving buggys using algorithms to programme smart hubs connected to a motor.
“I think this type of Science is really exciting.”
“ It’s fun designing products and maybe we could use this in the future.”
This term, PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please can all children have both an indoor and outdoor kit with them.
Home learning this week:
Arithmetic practise (on paper)
Reading Plus 5 assignments
Spelling (please ensure your child is bringing home their spelling book)
Spring 2 Week 2
Highlight of a core subject:
We have been writing a narrative about Charles Darwin's voyages which is linked to the Science topic currently being studies this half term - Living Things and Evolution. The children have enjoyed learning all about the wonderful creatures he discovered on the Galapagos Islands and creating their own dialogues of what he may have discussed with the crew members of The Beagle.
Highlight of a foundation subject
We are extremely fortunate to have a fabulous sports coach in for one of our P.E. sessions this week. We have delved into the world of Dodgeball like never before! The children have used their skills in Year 6 to create their own warm up sessions and then use their growing awareness of different types of throwing and moving to accurately score points. We look forward to building these skills over the coming weeks.
Our second P.E. topic is Tag Rugby and this week, the children braved the weather to practise the 'pop pass' and the 'pocket pass'.
This term, PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please can all children have both an indoor and outdoor kit with them.
Home learning this week:
Arithmetic practise (on paper)
Reading Plus 5 assignments
Spelling (please ensure your child is bringing home their spelling book)
Spring 2 Week 1
Highlight of a core subject:
Are we still evolving? That is the question we will be attempting to answer this term in Science. We began our learning this week in the juicy topic of microorganisms and whether they are friend or foe. The children were fascinated to learn that there are plenty of good bacteria living inside them!
Highlight of a foundation subject
We have had our whole Music Day this week where we immersed ourselves in the wonderful world of film music! The children expressed how the music made them feel by creating artwork based on the sounds they heard. We had some fabulously insightful emotions shared. We ended the day by creating a story board for our the text we are using in English - Darwin's Origin of the Species - and used the Foley Artist's technique of putting sounds to the scenes.
This term, PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please can all children have both an indoor and outdoor kit with them.
Home learning this week:
Arithmetic practise (on paper)
MyMaths percentages
Reading Plus 5 assignments
Spelling (please ensure your child is bringing home their spelling book)
For this week only - Tuesday 27th February there will be no Year 6 booster sessions before school. They will recommence on Tuesday 5th March.
Spring 1 Week 5
Highlight of a core subject:
This week has seen the final editing and redrafting of the information texts we have been working on. They are wonderful! We have celebrated this writing in assembly this week.
Highlight of a foundation subject
We have had our whole Spanish Day this week. The children learnt how to tell the time and say what they do at the weekend. We even braved the snowy, outdoor conditions on Thursday to complete an orienteering activity hunting for clocks and practising saying the time. Very brave!
Home learning this week:
We are really placing an emphasis on reading this term. Please see Google Classroom for details but everyone should know their Reading Plus login. We will expect 5 reading assignments to be completed over the week.
Maths: The children have been given an arithmetic practise sheet and fractions consolidation booster can be accessed vis My Maths
Spelling: Please see individual lists
Spring 1 Week 4
It was lovely to chat with you at our parents meetings this week and to share the fantastic progress the children are making!
Highlight of a core subject:
In Maths, we have had great fun using bar models to explain algebraic expressions - some of the children are big bar model fans now!
Highlight of a foundation subject
In PSHE we have been discussing the Rights of the Child as identified by UNCEF. We researched four individuals who have championed for change: Lord Shaftsbury, Eglantyne Jebb, David Beckham and Malala Yousafzai.
We designed portraits of our chosen figure and a wrote a short biography of each. We are hoping some of these will be displayed in Marple Library as part of a local project. Watch this space!
Home learning this week:
We are really placing an emphasis on reading this term. Please see Google Classroom for details but everyone should know their Reading Plus login. We will expect 5 reading assignments to be completed over the week.
Maths: can be accessed vis My Maths
Spelling: Please see individual lists
Spring 1 Week 3
Thank you to those who made it out on a dark and windy evening for our SATs information presentation. The slides from the presentation are available on the resources section of this website if you missed it.
Highlight of a core subject:
In English, we have enjoyed learning more about the wonderful ways of the wolf so that we can write fabulous information pieces. Look out for examples soon.
Highlight of a foundation subject
In computing, we have looked at what makes a good website and begun to design our own versions based upon finding out more about Wolves!
Home learning this week:
We are really placing an emphasis on reading this term. Please see Google Classroom for details but everyone should know their Reading Plus login. We will expect 5 reading assignments to be completed over the week.
Maths: one step algebra on My Maths
Spelling: Please see individual lists
Spring 1 Week 2
This week we have been very productive and have begun our Year 6 Booster sessions. These take place every Tuesday morning at 8:10am. Everyone in Year 6 is welcome to attend, the children really benefit from some small group work. Children have said that it has helped them to feel more confident with their reading and maths learning. This is great to hear!
Highlight of a core subject:
Maths has been a spotlight subject for us again this week as we had two mornings where we invited parents into school to share some Maths activities with their child. Thank you to those who came, the children enjoyed their times tables and fraction games.
Highlight of a foundation subject
In Geography this week, we have begun to learn about coastal erosion and compare Norfolk to an area of New England in the USA. We have discussed the impact of climate change on our oceans and coastlines and ways in which we could all help.
Home learning this week:
We are really placing an emphasis on reading this term. Please see Google Classroom for details but everyone should know their Reading Plus login. We will expect 5 reading assignments to be completed over the week.
Maths: Ratio on My Maths
Spelling: Please see individual lists
Spring Term Week 1
We have had a very productive first week back this term! We have, amongst other things, started a new book in English, begun a P.E. session of Ultimate Frisbee and been inducted into the fabulous Ludworth Library!
Highlight of a core subject:
This week, we have begun to look at Ratio. We have worked incredibly hard and have made super progress in our understanding of how these are linked to fractions and amounts.
Highlight of a foundation subject
Definitely the highlight this week was beginning new P.E. subject involving ultimate frisbee. This involves building up the skills of an invasion game. We have never had this on our curriculum before and were the first to use the new foam frisbees! Check out the active shots below!
Home learning this week:
We are really placing an emphasis on reading this term. Please see Google Classroom fr details but everyone should know their Reading Plus login.
Maths: Ratio on My Maths
Spelling: Please see individual lists
Happy New Year and Welcome to Spring Term!
We hope that you have had time to recharge and reflect and to spend precious time with family and friends. We are looking forward to welcoming the children back and getting started on new challenges and adventures together. Look out for more to come this week from our first week back.
Please note that PE days for Year 6 have changed to Wednesday for outdoor P.E. and Thursday for indoor P.E.
Merry Christmas from all in Year 6!
Can we take this opportunity to thank you for all your support this year and for the lovely, thoughtful gifts. Please take some time for yourselves and enjoy the festive period.
Best Wishes for the New Year.
Enjoy the Year group rendition of Feliz Navidad
Week 8
Highlight of a core subject:
This week, we have created fabulous Newspaper articles about Rami, a refugee, from the book, Story Like the Wind. The focus was on including direct speech and formal language. The reports have been edited carefully and prepared for printing and we think they look great.
Highlight of a foundation subject
We have now completed our 'Steady Hand Games' and the children were thrilled that their circuits actually worked! The circuits contained a component such as a lamp or a buzzer and a switch.
Home learning this week:
Please enjoy your time with family and friends and we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Thank you for your support this term.
Week 7
Highlight of a core subject:
This week we have been doing some end of term assessments, while some may not immediately identify these as a highlight, we are so proud of the children for their resilience, hard work and determination to improve their individual learning, which is really beginning to pay off.
Highlight of a foundation subject
We have begun to plan a fabulous DT project involving electrical circuits. This will involve the children creating their own version of a steady hand game. Stay tuned for pictures next week of completed projects.
Home learning this week:
Please log in to My Maths for this week's Maths learning and please read at least 3 assignments on Reading Plus. Spelling lists should come home weekly.
Week 6
Highlight of a core subject:
We have begun to think about planning our reports in English of how Rami from A Story Like the Wind was rescued from the small boat. In order to be able to get some real life context around this, we researched the plight of refugees around the world. This resulted in some very thought-provoking discussions.
Highlight of a foundation subject
In Y6 this week we have had a fabulous time (despite being rather chilly) topping up our learning of life on the home front during World War II. We had a go at semaphore, learnt how to be spies using invisible ink and witnessed just how little rationing provided to families. We are glad we don’t have to survive on only one egg a week! Watch one of our Year 6 recall his highlights.
Home learning this week:
Please login to Google Classrooms to discover the learning challenges we have set for this week. Which include My Maths, Reading and Spelling.
Key Information:
Next week, we will be assessing the children on their learning, this is to inform our next steps and to encourage the children to reflect on how far they have come since September!
Week 5
This week, we have continued with our sessions in Dance despite having hall access problems, which makes us use our skills of adaptability! We have practised how to keep a beat and move in time to the music. we also worked as a team to perform a sequence of moves.
mymaths - fractions
Reading Plus and individual reading
Spelling practise
Week 4
We have had a fun filled week this week, beginning with our reading mornings. We shared our love of books with parents and had a great t8me reciting poetry and performing scripts - the witches scene from Macbeth was particularly memorable! Later in the week, we learnt how about shadows in our Science topic and investigated how the angle of the light impacts the size and shape by creating a shadow puppet theatre.
Congratulations to Isla - our year 6 winner - who created a Christmas poster for Dolce (our catering company). She received a small cash prize and will be entered into the national competition.
mymaths - fractions
Reading Plus and individual reading
Spelling practise
Week 3
This week, we have had the invaluable opportunity to visit the Crucial Crew team in Stockport. This is where we had various workshops with representatives from Greater Manchester Police, British Transport Police, the Canals and Waterways trust, Stockport Housing Association and School Nurses. We learnt about how to keep healthy and safe. Please ask us what we learnt.
Homework this week:
Maths - My Maths Fractions
English - Reading and Spelling
Optional Homework, please make a poppy.
Autumn 2 Week 2
This week, we have enjoyed a whole curriculum day for R.E. During this time, we reminded ourselves of ways in which we can show resilience and discussed strategies to overcome challenges and trials in our lives. We researched famous sports stars who have differing religious beliefs to see how this enhanced their performances. We also had a visit from the company, Christians in Schools, where we looked at how the bible teaches about adversity and how some people believe that God helps them through tough times.
My maths - fractions
Optional Art Task: If you would like to create a 3D poppy for our remembrance display, please complete one at home and bring it to school as soon as you can.
Autumn 2 Week 1
Welcome to a new half term!
Please note that P.E. days have changed to Tuesday and Friday. Tuesday will be indoor and will be Dance, while Friday is outdoors and this half term will be Netball. Please can you ensure that children have their P.E. kit with them in school.
This week’s homework is:
MyMaths - fractions
Our highlight this week was having our Computing Specialist Teacher come into school to show us how to use coding to create Moving images with text and sound.
Week 7
What a wonderful half term and beginning to year 6! The children have shown great resiliency during their adaption to Year 6 and are well on the way to making their final year “the best year ever!”.
This week, we are looking forward to a super Spanish day on Thursday and a marvellous music day on Friday, look out for pictures to follow! This week, the children have explored the use of the new Play Pod equipment and Sports Ambassadors organised team games such as ‘Crossing the River’.
Optional homework for half term is set out in Google classroom however, please continue to read with your child and practise spellings.
Please could your child bring an empty cardboard cereal box to school for the first week back after half term. This is for work in Science.
Please enjoy your half term with friends and family and thank you for your support this term.
Year 6 team
Week 6
What a busy week! We have really enjoyed seeing all the children's homework projects coming in from their World War 2 research. They are amazing! Hopefully they have also enjoyed sharing their knowledge at home and relished learning about relatives who may have been involved during this period of history.
Homework: Please see Google Classroom
Maths - My Maths
English - Reading comprehension
Please continue to remind children to practise their individual spelling lists at home and continue to learn times tables.
Many thanks.
Year 6 team
Week 5 Update
Week 5
In Y6 this week we have:
In Maths this week we been revising our knowledge of multiplication facts and practising long multiplication techniques. Please support your child to learn the times tables as quickly and reliably as possible.
We are loving spending so much time on our Discovery Learning of World WR 2. This week we are code breaking to reveal key information about British hero - Alan Turing.
Home learning this week:
Please login to Google Classrooms to discover the learning challenges we have set for this week.
Key Information:
PE Days
Indoor PE is on Monday and outdoor PE is on a Thursday. Please ensure that all children’s PE kit is appropriate. Some children are still forgetting to bring their kit in on the appropriate days and will miss out on some sessions if they do not have their P.E uniform with them. Please can we remind the children that they must not wear any form of jewellery and that earrings must be removed for P.E.
Thank you for your support.
Dates for your diary:
We look forward to speaking to you about how your child is settling into Year 6 on Monday or Wednesday at our parents appointments.
Below are the highlights of our week in action.
Have a lovely weekend.
What does reading look like in Year 6?
We love reading in Year 6 and have lots of challenging books that we borrow as a class from the library service. Guided reading is a taught session with a teacher which happens every week. We also have a Reading Plus competition between both Year 6 classes in which we try to read more words than the other class! Who will win this term’ s coveted prize?
Week 4: Week Commencing Monday 25th September - Friday 29th September
In Y6 this week we have:
In Maths this week we have looked at the 'prime factors’ – looking for prime numbers within a number’s common factor.
For example, the prime factors of 28 are 2,2 and 7. We know that 2x2x7=28 and that 2 and 7 are prime numbers.
Ask your child and see if they can remember what these are.
In our history lessons, pupils shared their incredible presentations on an inspiring individual from WW2.
Child Voice : Cai shared “this is my Fy Hen Daid Godfrey Griffith on the U Boat U-619 which was torpedoed- but don’t worry he survived!”
Home learning this week:
Please login to Google Classrooms to discover the learning challenges we have set for this week.
Key Information:
PE Days
Indoor PE is on Monday and outdoor PE is on a Thursday. Please ensure that all children’s PE kit is appropriate.
Thank you for your support.
Dates for your diary:
Below are the highlights of our week in action.
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 6 have been channelling their inner zen over the last couple of weeks to learn how to quieten their minds and bodies. We attempted some tricky poses and tried to end with some breath work and relaxation - with varying degrees of success.
Maths this half term is consolidating Place Value understanding. The children need to have knowledge of using numbers to 10,000,000, rounding and negative number.
In Year 6, we have been questioning this image to help us form a prediction of the story. Questions generated were:
I wonder who this is?
I wonder where she might be going?
What is she carrying with her?
She looks like she is hurrying along, who or what is she running from or to?
We then created a descriptive passage of writing based on the image.