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Safeguarding and Prevent


Safeguarding and Prevent


We Take Safeguarding Seriously

The designated officers for child protection at Ludworth Primary School are:


Mrs Victoria Walker,  our Headteacher

Mrs Walker

Designated Safeguarding Leader



Mr Jake Senogles, our Deputy Headteacher

Mr Senogles

Designated Safeguarding Leader



In their absence, this role will be carried out by:


Mrs Nicola Hankey, our SENDCo’

Mrs Hankey
Deputy DSL



Miss Clare Spink, our learning mentor

Miss Spink

Deputy DSL


 Mrs Holly Gregg, our Assistant Head (EYFS/KS1)

Mrs Gregg

Early Years Deputy DSL




Our link governor for Safeguarding and Prevent is: Mrs Victoria Richardson.



This team (along with all staff being trained at level 1 or higher) gives us depth and support in making more informed
decisions around the safeguarding needs of our Ludworth school community.
Our children, families, staff and whole school community strive to be our best selves, follow our values and uphold our Rights and responsibilities as part of being proud to be a Respecting Rights School.


Everyone is responsible for Safeguarding and as communinication is one of our values, we converse daily about the needs of our community.

All staff are trained in at least level 1 safeguarding awareness which is updated every year.

Team teach and de-escalation techniques are taught every 3 years and more often to those staff whose children require additional support.
Mrs Walker, our Headteacher is the designated lead for Prevent. All staff complete online prevent training through the government prevent training course.

