Summer Term 2 Week 6 15th-19th July.
We have had another exciting week in year 3! We have had some beautiful weather! We have also been very lucky to watch the year 6 production 'Pirates Of The Curry Bean', Year 3 were very impressed and we think we definitely have some future pirates on our hands!
Highlight of a Core Subject-
In Maths, we have really enjoyed learning about time. We have spent a lot of time focusing on 'past', 'to', 'quarter' and 'half past' and have even created rhymes to help us to remember what goes where on a clock. We have also enjoyed discussing AM and PM and deciding what activities in our daily routines go in the AM or the PM.
Highlight of a Foundation Subject
The children really enjoyed exploring all things Dragon during our Dragon morning on Monday! It was a lovely morning where the children got to share art work and stories that reflect all of the amazing characteristics of Oliver. It was really lovely to have some year 6 helpers come along to share their knowledge and memories as well.
In PE, the children have had great fun learning about different types of throwing and have loved putting their skills to the test by seeing how far they can throw a ball using different throws. Thankfully all windows are still in tact!
Home Learning
No homework will be set on mymaths this week, so please can you continue to read with your child, at least three times a week, using the bookmarks provided to ask them questions about the text.
We will be continuing to learn how to tell the time next week, so use your clock at home and see if your child can tell the time to the nearest minute! Could you also ask your child to label a clock, E.G which side is past and which side is to etc. Children could also have a go reading digital clocks and practicing to tell the time during significant parts of the day E.G bed time.
Key Information:
As we are approaching the end of term, please could children bring in a large and strong carrier bag such as a bag for life for their English and Maths books.
P.E. Outdoor P.E. Kits are needed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Many thanks for your continued support,
The Year 3 Team
Summer Term 2 Week 5 8th-12th July.
We have had another fantastic week in year 3!
Highlight of a Core Subject
We have just finished our topic of statistics where the children have been creating their own research question and putting it into a tally chart by asking their class mates. The children were then able to transfer the data into pictograms and bar graphs.
Highlight of a Foundation Subject
In science, we have been learning about the human body and the skeleton. It was very impressive to hear how many bones the children could name! The children were then able to put their knowledge into practice by labelling where each bone on a skeleton.
Home Learning
No homework will be set on mymaths this week, so please can you continue to read with your child, at least three times a week, using the bookmarks provided to ask them questions about the text.
We will be continuing to learn how to tell the time next week, so use your clock at home and see if your child can tell the time to the nearest minute!
Key Information:
Dragon's Day: If you have any books at home with dragons in, please could you bring them into school for a special art based activity on Monday.
Computing: We have had a great contribution so far, thank you! Please can children continue to bring in 1-2 empty cardboard tubes next week for an activity in class, e.g. from a kitchen roll, toilet roll.
P.E. Outdoor P.E. Kits are needed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Many thanks for your continued support,
The Year 3 Team
Summer Term 2 Week 4 1st July - 5th July.
Wow, what a performance the Year 3s treated us all to this morning! Well done to everyone for putting on a great show and sharing with our school community what a fabulous time we have had being part of the School's Linking Project!
A big thank you to everyone for joining us on our Sport's Day this week too! The weather was on our side for this popular event in the school calendar and the children loved participating in the different activities and competing in the sack, egg and spoon and running events!
Highlight of a Core Subject
We have completed a couple of 'quizzes' this week to help us assess the progress the children have made in maths this year. They showed great resilience and commitment to complete this challenges and we are very proud of them.
Home Learning
No homework will be set on mymaths this week, so please can you continue to read with your child, at least three times a week, using the bookmarks provided to ask them questions about the text.
We will be moving on to learning to tell the time next week, so use your clock at home and see if your child can tell the time to the nearest minute!
Key Information:
Computing: Please can children bring in 1-2 empty cardboard tubes next week for an activity in class, e.g. from a kitchen roll, toilet roll.
P.E. Outdoor P.E. Kits are needed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Many thanks for your continued support,
The Year 3 Team
Summer Term 2 Week 3 24th June - 28th June.
Year 3 have had a great week, enjoying the fabulous weather!
Highlight of a Core Subject
In Maths, we have commenced our new topic 'statistics' where the children have enjoyed exploring how pictograms are used to interpret data and even having a go at drawing their own.
Highlight of a Foundation Subject
Both Olive and Sage class have been very lucky this week, having both had amazing school trips with their linking school classes at Ashbury meadow! Olive class really enjoyed their time at Ashbury Meadow on Wednesday. The children took part in a mini olympics and also created their own together town where they decided what values and resources would make an inclusive town for everybody.
Sage class are also in for a treat with their school trip to Z Arts in Manchester where they will be making friendship clay hands and participating in some free frame drama!
Home Learning
There is a new pre learning task on mymaths on pictograms. The children have began looking at pictograms so should be familiar with the concept.
Key Information:
Tuesday 2nd July- Year 3's sports day will be on Tuesday 2nd July alongside year 4 from 9am until approximately 10.30am. Every child has been given a slip of paper informing you of the colour team they are part of. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit and team coloured t shirt.
Thursday 4th July- Transition day
Friday 5th July- Sage and Olive Class Class assembly will be on Friday 5th July at 9am and will be approximately 1 hour. Children are to wear their normal school uniform with a colourful t-shirt.
P.E. Days: Tuesday and Wednesday - it is important that children remember to bring in their outdoor P.E. kit on both those days.
Summer Term 2 Week 2 17th June - 21st June.
Year 3 have had a fabulous week, enjoying the lovely sunshine!
Highlight of a Core Subject
In English we continued to read 'Into the Forest' by Anthony Browne. The children have been immersed in new vocabulary, such as huddled, lurched, forbidden and bustled and have practised using it in their writing.
Highlight of a Foundation Subject
In our science topic, 'Which is better plants or humans? We explored what makes a fair test and set off an experiment which looks at the essential requirements a plant needs to live. We also looked more closely (literally - see photos below) at the roots of weeds and discussed the functions of roots and finally started an experiment looking at how plants transport water and the role of xylem.
Home Learning
There are 2 new tasks set on mymaths on angles. One aspect of the homework looks at polygons which the children may need support with. A regular polygon is a 2 dimensional shape with straight sides of equal length. An irregular polygon has sides that are not equal.
Key Information:
Wednesday 26th June- Olive Class visiting Ashbury Meadow Primary School in Manchester.
Urgent Appeal: We still require 3 volunteers to support us on this trip - in order to avoid cancelling this opportunity. If you can volunteer your time, please your class teacher know asap or email the office on
Packed lunches will be required by all children for the trip, unless your child is entitled to a free school meal, in which case, the office will contact you directly. Children to arrive at school at the normal time of 8.40am
Friday 28th June- Sage Class visiting Z Arts in Manchester. Packed lunches will be required by all children for the trip, unless your child is entitled to a free school meal, in which case, the office will contact you directly. Children to arrive at school at the normal time of 8.40am. Thank you to the two parents who have volunteered their time to support this trip, it is much appreciated. No further volunteers are required. Thank you.
Tuesday 2nd July- Year 3's sports day will be on Tuesday 2nd July alongside year 4 from 9am until approximately 10.30am. Every child has been given a slip of paper informing you of the colour team they are part of. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit and team coloured t shirt.
Friday 5th July- Sage and Olive Class Class assembly will be on Friday 5th July at 9am and will be approximately 1 hour. Children are to wear their normal school uniform with a colourful t-shirt.
P.E. Days: Tuesday and Wednesday - it is important that children remember to bring in their outdoor P.E. kit on both those days.
Summer Term 2 Week 1 10th June - 14th June.
Welcome to our first week of Summer 2!
What a great first week back we have had in Year 3! Sage Class had an amazing time visiting Ashbury Meadow as part of their Linking Schools project, taking part in lots of amazing, creative activities. We have commenced our new topic in English, beginning to look at Newspaper writing. We have also been treated to an extremally talented bunch at Ludworths' got talent! We are super proud of all of the children in year 3 who auditioned and took part in the talent show and believe that you are all stars.
Highlight of a Core Subject
In maths, we have commenced our learning on shape and were able to put our skills into practice during our DT days looking at 2D and 3D shapes when we created nets to build a shell structure!
Highlight of a Foundation Subject
We have began our new topic for this term- Science and have kicked off by discussing which is better plants or humans? and labelling different parts of a plant.
Home Learning
There are 2 new tasks set on mymaths, revisiting our knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes.
Key Information:
P.E. Days: Tuesday and Wednesday - it is important that children remember to bring in their outdoor P.E. kit on both those days.
Wednesday 26th June- Olive class will be visiting Ashbury Meadow Primary School in Manchester and we are asking for 3 volunteers to support us on this trip - in order to avoid cancelling this opportunity.
We will be departing from school at approx. 9.15 and will return in time for the end of the school day. If you are able to volunteer your time, please let Miss Taylor or Mrs Towner-Yates know or email the office on Packed lunches will be required by all children for the trip, unless your child is entitled to a free school meal, in which case, the office will contact you directly.
Friday 28th June- Sage Class will be visiting Z Arts with their linking school in Manchester and will require 2 parent volunteers in order for the trip to go ahead. If you are able to volunteer your time, please let Mrs Reid or Mrs Towner-Yates know or email the office at lunches will be required by all children for the trip, unless your child is entitled to a free school meal, in which case, the office will contact you directly.
Tuesday 2nd July- Year 3's sports day will be on Tuesday 2nd July alongside year 4 from 9am until approximately 10.30. Further information to follow next week.
Friday 5th July- Sage and Olive class Linking schools class assembly will be on Friday 5th July at 9am and will be approximately 1 hour. Children are to wear their normal school uniform with a colourful t-shirt.
Summer Term 1 Week 6 20th May - 24th May
Welcome to our final week of Summer 1!
What a busy week we have had in Year 3! Olive Class had a super time visiting Z Arts in Manchester, taking part in lots of amazing, creative activities with their Link class, 3W from Ashbury Meadows Primary School; we concluded lots of learning in English - writing our secret diary entries and we were treated to an incredible Oscars Ceremony on Thursday. Congratulations to all the winners of those coveted 9 Oscars awards! Each and every child in Year 3 is a stars though and you should be proud of the hard work, perseverance and resilience the children have shown throughout this half term - and especially this week with the challenging rainy conditions!
Highlight of a Core Subject
In maths, we have concluded our learning about money by focusing on adding and subtracting money and giving change. The holidays may well present plenty of opportunities for our children to practise this skills in real life!
Highlight of a Foundation Subject
Our history lessons have continued apace this week, with events taking a turn for our Pharaoh...Do have a chat with your child about what they have learnt about the mummification process...Will our Pharaoh journey successfully to the afterlife?
Home Learning
There is no homework set over the holiday - enjoy making memories together instead and have a rest after all your hard work over the last 6 weeks.
When we return to school on Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th June, we will be taking part in an exciting Design and Technology project looking at shell structures. Please could each child bring in ONE example of packaging (maybe their favourite cereal, drink or a treasure box) that they like to help with this project - children will describe something about the packaging they find attractive. For example, maybe it's the shape, material or design they like etc. Thank you.
Key Information:
P.E. Days: Tuesday and Wednesday - it is important that children remember to bring in their outdoor P.E. kit on both those days.
Wednesday 12th June: Sage Class will be visiting Ashbury Meadow Primary School in Manchester and we are asking for 2 volunteers to support us on this trip - in order to avoid cancelling this opportunity.
We will be departing from school at approx. 9.15 and will return in time for the end of the school day. If you are able to volunteer your time, please let Mrs Reid or Mrs Townes-Yates know or email the office on Packed lunches will be required by all children for the trip, unless your child is entitled to a free school meal, in which case, the office will contact you directly.
Summer Term 1 Week 5 13th May - 17th May
Welcome to week 5 of our Summer Term!
Highlight of a Core Subject
In maths, we have completed our learning about mass and capacity! We are now feeling much more confident in our ability to measure the capacity and volume of different things. Being able to count up in 25s, 50s and 100s up to 1,000 with confidence has helped us tackle our fluency and problem solving and reasoning questions this week. We have now moved onto our new topic-money! our knowledge of addition and subtraction will help us a lot throughout this unit. So far we have been looking at adding pounds and pence and we can't wait to learn more!
Highlight of a Foundation Subject
Within our history lessons this week we have been learning all about Egyptian towns and markets and had the opportunity of creating our very own Shadufs! The children have also enjoyed comparing the Egyptian markets to the Shang Dynasty markets to identify similarities and differences between the two.
Home Learning
MyMaths - 1 extended task has been set, this is a pre-learning task as it links to both measure and money therefore children may not have been taught all aspects of the unit as of yet.
Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice - each Friday we continue to test children on these in class and their results are sent home.
Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text using the bookmark and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.
Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.
Key Information:
The Ludworth book awards is also fast approaching! the deadline for all entries is Friday 24th May! This is a really exciting competition where you could win your height in books! Children are to design a piece of artwork that represents a book from the from the shortlist. For more information, please see the post below. Good Luck!
Friday 24th May: Year Three Ludworth's Got Talent auditions (please send any links to music via the office ensuring the music is child friendly). 2 acts will be put forward to the final from each year group, decided by a democratic vote.
The acts will then have half term to practice and put the finishing touches to their performance ahead of the final for KS2 on Friday 14th June,1:30-3:00pm.
Wednesday 22nd May: As part of the School's Linking Project, Olive Class are visiting Z arts in Manchester and we are asking for parent volunteers to accompany the class on this exciting visit. We will be departing from school at approx. 9.15 and will return in time for the end of the school day. If you are able to volunteer your time, please let Miss Taylor know or email the office on
Wednesday 12th June: Sage Class will be visiting Ashbury Meadow Primary School in Manchester and we are asking for volunteers to support us on this trip. We will be departing from school at approx. 9.15 and will return in time for the end of the school day. If you are able to volunteer your time, please let Mrs Reid or Mrs Townes-Yates know or email the office on
Summer Term 1 Week 4 7th May - 10th May
Welcome to week 4 of our Summer Term!
Highlight of a Core Subject
In maths, we have continued to enjoy learning about mass and capacity - understanding how capacity and volume are different things. We have used our knowledge of 1000g = 1 KG and 1000ml = 1litre to work out the weight or mass of an object and also the volume and capacity of different jugs of water. Measuring in this manner has consolidated our learning about number lines to help us work out the scale, using vocab such as difference and intervals. Being able to count up in 25s, 50s and 100s up to 1,000 with confidence has helped us tackle our fluency and problem solving and reasoning questions this week.
Highlight of a Foundation Subject
Within our music lessons, this week, we have continued to be taught by an external tutor, from Stockport Music Service to play the Ukulele! This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn a musical instrument and these sessions are very much enjoyed by the children.
Home Learning
MyMaths - 1 extended task has been set, consolidating children's knowledge of multiplication and division. Children may need some support to understand the short section on short division.
Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice - each Friday we continue to test children on these in class and their results are sent home.
Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text using the bookmark and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.
Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.
Key Information:
Wednesday 22nd May: As part of the School's Linking Project, Olive Class are visiting Z arts in Manchester and we are asking for parent volunteers to accompany the class on this exciting visit. We will be departing from school at approx. 9.15 and will return in time for the end of the school day. If you are able to volunteer your time, please let Miss Taylor know or email the office on
Wednesday 12th June: Sage Class will be visiting Ashbury Meadow Primary School in Manchester and we are asking for volunteers to support us on this trip. We will be departing from school at approx. 9.15 and will return in time for the end of the school day. If you are able to volunteer your time, please let Mrs Reid or Mrs Townes-Yates know or email the office on
Summer Term 1 Week 3 29th April - 3rd May
What a cracking week of learning we've had in Year 3!
First and foremost, the sun has shone! Just in time for Ashbury Meadow Primary School's visit on Wednesday!
We had an AMAZING day - but don't just take our word for it - see some of the quotes from the children below. It was fabulous to finally meet the children of class 3B and 3W - after sharing bunting, identity maps and our initial Zoom call in December. We engaged in some ice breaker activities in the hall, which gave us chance to find out some more information about one another. We also realised we had lots in common! The classes then mixed up, with Sage Class and 3B enjoying some Forest School games out on the field and a Team Tower Building activity in the classroom and Olive Class went onto the MUGA for lots of sporty games and then enjoyed a Team Tower Building activity in the classroom. We had lots of fun getting to know one another and can't wait to see them again at Ashbury Meadow and Z Arts in Manchester!
'I loved making a new friend called Fatima.'
'I like it when we played Forest Fire but my favourite was definitely Guess the Animal!'
'I made lots of friends.'
'I loved playing Bat and Moths and I think I made friends with Musa and I also liked lunch!'
'I enjoyed making new friends and I really loved building a tower with them.'
In English
We've been completing our Egyptian Mystery Narratives using 'show not tell' techniques to convey how our characters are feeling - focusing on what their bodies are doing! For example, sweat trickled down my spine and my heart was pounding in my chest...
In Our Discovery History:
The time machine broke and in order to get it fixed, the children had to re-programme it to get to their destination safely! They consolidated their knowledge of BC and AD and put some key historical events in order to get the time machine back up and running again. Hopefully, now they can continue on their journey back in time to Ancient Egypt...
Home Learning
MyMaths - 1 extended task has been set, consolidating children's knowledge of addition and subtraction.
Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice - each Friday we continue to test children on these in class and their results are sent home.
Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text using the bookmark and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.
Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.
Key Information:
Wednesday 22nd May: As part of the School's Linking Project, Olive Class are visiting Z arts in Manchester and we are asking for parent volunteers to accompany the class on this exciting visit. We will be departing from school at approx. 9.15 and will return in time for the end of the school day. If you are able to volunteer your time, please let Miss Taylor know or email the office on
Summer Term 1 Week 2
For some of us, it's been a bit of a sad week as we've all been missing Miss Clarke however, Mrs Towner-Yates has had a LOVELY week with Olive class enjoying all their hard work and best of all Team Y3 have held onto the Golden Brush for a third week!! Two weeks for Sage class followed by one for Olive makes us the year group with the longest winning streak. Well done to both classes for doing such a good job looking after all our belongings! We also met the new Year 3 teacher Miss Taylor.
In English
We've been planning and writing our Egyptian Mystery Narratives using vocabulary such as: unearthly, ornate, glimpse, catacombs and one of us decided to introduce the word "unorthodoxly"! I think you can agree that the vocabulary in Year 3 is not only unorthodox but very impressive!
In Maths:
We have been learning about grams and kilograms and measurements of weight/mass. Did you know there are 1000g in one kg? You could practise weighing items at home on scales to help remember how to read g and kg.
In Our Discovery History:
We have discovered a secret message in the classroom. After some research into ancient writing techniques, we found out that it was written in hieroglyphics and deciphered it and it said: "BEWARE OF TIME TRAVEL THE PAST IS IN GREAT DANGER..." so who knows what will happen next!
In PE:
We started with our sports coaches. On Monday, Mark came and taught us some tennis skills and we practised rallying and forehand. On Thursday Ben came to teach us cricket skills and we played a competitive game. Our PE days are Monday and Thursday for the rest of the half-term.
We can't wait to tell you all about our learning next week. Will we disappear in Miss Sanders and Miss Clarke's well constructed time machine? Will there be any other strange messages appearing in the classroom? Will we become world class tennis champions? We'll find out next week!
Home Learning
MyMaths - 2 tasks have been set on units of measurement.
Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice - each Friday we continue to test children on these in class.
Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you. Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.
Key Information:
Wednesday 1st May: Class 3W & 3B from Ashbury Meadow Primary School in Manchester will be visiting us for the day to enjoy lots of exciting activities with us! Can everyone please bring a packed lunch in on Wednesday as we’ll be enjoying our lunchtime together on the field! (Weather permitting!)
Summer 1 Week 1
Week Commencing Monday 15th April - Friday 19th April
We've had a super start to our Summer term and by far the highlight of our week was our trip to Bolton Museum on Thursday! What better way to immerse ourselves in our new history learning - What Makes a good leader? by listening to all things Ancient Egypt, at the workshop in Bolton and examining the artefacts, learning about the mummification process, and looking at the ‘unknown mummy’! Bolton museum has so much to offer and we had time to explore some of Bolton’s history, see some interesting animal exhibits, visit their art gallery and their popular aquarium! Have a chat with your child about their favourite part and take a look at some photos from the trip, below. A big thank you to our parent volunteers for making this trip happen!
”This has been the best day ever” Quote from one of our Year 3 children
In English we have begun an exciting new text, Egyptology, building our knowledge of new vocab and making predictions about the text. In Maths we have consolidated our knowledge of the written method for addition and subtraction.
Foundation Subjects
On Friday, we rounded off our first week back with an art day, where the children explored shading using different graded pencils and used these skills to sketch a landscape picture.
Home Learning
MyMaths - 8 times table and recapping addition and subtraction.
Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test).
Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.
Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you. Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.
Key Information
Please remember to order your child’s school lunch at home.
PE days next half term are:
Monday: Outdoor P.E. - Next week, they will be receiving a tennis masterclass from the Head coach at our local tennis club!
Thursday: Indoor P.E.
If your child won an Oscar's award last year please can they return their award as soon as possible!
Have a lovely weekend,
The Y3 Team
Spring 2 Week 6
Week Commencing Monday 25th March - Thursday 28th March
We've had a very exciting week in Year 3 this week. In English we have written our letters based on the text Jemmy Button informing 'Mama Button' that we had a safe journey and described what the city is like. In Maths we have been continuing to find fractions of an amount and have now finished our work on fractions in Year 3.
Foundation Subjects
On Monday we had our sewing morning for Design Technology and all of year 3 showed their determination and problem solving skills to sew a bag, fulfilling the brief that was to carry a reading book and reading record. See below for the finished products. Olive class had their music day and really enjoyed learning about the history and culture of Jazz music. In computing we have finished our unit of work on branching databases where we created our own using the program ''.
Home Learning
There is no homework over the Easter holidays however please do keep reading with your child and/or encourage your child to go on reading plus. If your child has any homework that is incomplete on Mymaths you can still access all work that has been set.
Well done to Sage class who won the battle again on on TT Rockstars. There is a new battle taking place which will end when we come back to school after the holidays. May the best class win!
Key Information
Please remember to order your child’s school lunch at home.
We have a trip to Bolton Museum on the first Thursday back after half term (Thursday 18th April). All children will need to bring a packed lunch into school, a water bottle and bag to carry these things in (see separate communication from the school office, if you qualify for pupil premium).
Urgent Appeal: We still require 1 parent volunteer to support our trip to Bolton Museum. If you can volunteer your time, please let your child’s teacher know asap! Your help is very much appreciated!
PE days next half term are:
Monday: Outdoor P.E.
Thursday: Indoor P.E.
If your child won an Oscar's award last year please can they return their award during the first week back.
Have a great holiday,
The Y3 Team
Spring 2 Week 5
Week Commencing Monday 18th March - Friday 22nd March
We've had a very exciting week in Year 3 this week. In English we have planned our letter based on the text Jemmy Button and in Maths we have been finding fractions of an amount, which we will continue to consolidate next week.
Foundation Subjects
We've have a very creative week this week. All of year 3 produced some beautiful pieces of art on Tuesday using their stencil with Miss Arthur. On Wednesday we had our first Design Technology day for our unit on sewing. We showed lots of determination and adaptability as we practised our sewing skills. Sage class really enjoyed their Jazz music day learning all about where Jazz originated from (don't worry Olive class you have yours next week). We also had our felt workshop this week with a specialist artist. All the children loved taking part in the workshop and they will get to take home their felt next week. See below some pictures of your children in action. Lastly with took part in our community part of our schools linking project by helping tidy and rejuvenate an area of our forest.
Home Learning
Homework is on MyMaths.
We are aware that some people have experienced technical problems with the mymaths website. Please just have a go and if it doesn’t work, do not worry.
We have also got a new battle taking place on TT Rockstars. Congratulations to Sage class who won last week’s battle. May the best class win!
Key Information
Please remember to order your child’s school lunch at home.
PE days this half term are:
Monday: Outdoor P.E.
Friday: Indoor P.E.
Have a great weekend
The Y3 Team
Spring 2 Week 4
Week Commencing Monday 11th March - Friday 15th March
In Year 3 this week we have:
Taken part in lots of drama to immerse ourselves in our text ‘Jemmy Button’ and understand the characters in the story to help us with our letter writing. In maths, the children have completed some ‘quizzes’ to assess their knowledge and understanding of their learning so far. Everyone showed great determination and perseverance to tackle some challenging questions, well done to everyone!
Foundation Subjects
In science this week, we have conducted experiments to help us understand friction and in P.E. the children continue to enjoy their tennis sessions, despite it being a challenge to hit a backhand! Great resilience shown all round Year 3!
On Friday this week we had our Spanish day. The children loved learning all of the different flavours of ice creams and how to order a tub or a cone and one scoop or two. Ask your child to teach you what they know.
Home Learning
Homework is on MyMaths. We have set a couple of tasks to recap knowledge of column addition and subtraction.
We are aware that some people have experienced technical problems with the mymaths website. Please just have a go and if it doesn’t work, do not worry.
We have also got a new battle taking place on TT Rockstars now that the website is back up and running. May the best class win!
Key Information
Please remember to order your child’s school lunch at home.
PE days this half term are:
Monday: Outdoor P.E.
Friday: Indoor P.E.
Friday 22nd March: Felt Workshop
Friday 22nd March: Forest School session: please bring appropriate clothing- warm jacket, waterproof trousers, wellies/ walking shoes.
Monday 25th March: Sewing Morning: volunteers are still very much welcome.
Thursday 18th April: 1 more parent or grandparent volunteer is required to support our trip, please do let your child’s class teacher know. Your help is very much appreciated!
Have a great weekend
The Y3 Team
Spring 2 Week 3
Week Commencing Monday 4th March - Friday 8th March
We've had a very busy week in Sage and Olive class this week where we have done many activities celebrating world book week. We started our week with a special assembly where Mr Senogles shared his favourite book. We then introduced the poet Matt Goodfellow, who has written lots of poems (some of which were very funny) and we discussed which poems we liked and how we might perform them. We then got into groups to practise performing our poems. We've done many other activities this week surrounding books, such as our hot chocolate and book sharing, a trip to the library, a reading event and we also rounded off the week with a book quiz which both classes really enjoyed.
Foundation Subjects
The children LOVED the lego workshop on Thursday. They built a fairground ride and then coded it using an iPad so that it moved, made sound and lit up. All children were great ambassadors for the school whilst we had the visitor in and he was very impressed with their knowledge and how quickly they picked up new skills.
Home Learning
Homework is on MyMaths - we are aware that some people have experienced technical problems with the mymaths website. Please just have a go and if it doesn’t work, do not worry.
Key Information
Please remember to order your child’s school lunch at home.
PE days this half term are:
Monday: Outdoor P.E.
Friday: Indoor P.E.
Friday 22nd March: Felt Workshop
Monday 25th March: Sewing Morning
Volunteers Needed!
Thankyou to all those who have so far volunteered for our sewing morning. We are still looking for a few more helpers for Monday 25th March.The children will be designing and making a 'tote bag' to hold their reading book this half term and we would love your help with this sewing project! Parents/Grandparents are invited to come in for the morning to help support the children to assemble and sew their bags together. Again, if this is something you are interested in, please email the office or let your child's teacher know.
We also still require 1 more volunteer for the Bolton Museum trip - if you would like to support our trip, please do let your child’s class teacher know. Your help is very much appreciated!
Have a great weekend
The Y3 Team
Spring 2 Week 2
Week Commencing Monday 26th February - Friday 1st March
This week has flown by in Sage Class and Olive Class. We have written our return narrative story, inspired by the text ‘Jemmy Button’, and in maths we are consolidating our knowledge about numerators, denominators and ordering fractions. Science, has once again been our learning highlight as we have helped Gary with a problem he was having with his neighbour’s cats. This meant the children had to investigate how shadows work and also what reflection means and which surfaces reflect light. They then used these skills to decode a mysterious message…Ask your children who Gary is and what he might have been up to…
Foundation Subjects
The children are really enjoying their tennis on a Monday afternoon, where they are learning about the ready position, general ball skills and forehand. In computing, we are using our knowledge of closed questions to devise a branch database.
Home Learning
Homework is on MyMaths - we are aware that some people have experienced technical problems with the mymaths website. Please just have a go and if it doesn’t work, do not worry.
Key Information
Please remember to order your child’s school lunch at home.
PE days this half term are:
Monday: Outdoor P.E.
Friday: Indoor P.E.
WB 4th March World Book Week
Monday 4th March: Wear PJs and bring in your favourite book
Thursday 7th March: Bring in a book to swap
Thursday 7th March: Lego Workshop
Thursday 7th March: Children’s Work Showcase
Friday 22nd March: Felt Workshop
Monday 25th March: Sewing Morning
Volunteers Needed!
Monday 25th March Design and Technology Curriculum Day: The children will be designing and making a 'tote bag' to hold their reading book this half term and we would love your help with this sewing project! Parents/Grandparents are invited to come in for the morning to help support the children to assemble and sew their bags together. Again, if this is something you are interested in, please email the office or let your child's teacher know.
Have a great weekend
The Y3 Team
Spring 2 Week 1
Week Commencing Monday 19th February - Friday 23rd February
What a busy first week in school we've had!
We started our week looking at our schools linking project and focusing on what we care about. We then found out what our text will be for English this term. There were lots of things in our story box for us to make a prediction. The text turned out to be Jemmy Button. We've done lots of work exploring the text ahead of doing some writing next week.
We also learnt what our new topic in Science will be this week and this half term we will be looking at light. Ask your children who Gary is and what he's having a problem with.
Home Learning
Homework is on MyMaths and their is also a battle taking place between Sage and Olive Class on TTRockstars!
Key Information
Our PE days have changed, please note they are now:
Monday: Outdoor P.E.
Friday: Indoor P.E.
WB 4th March World Book Week
Monday 4th March: Wear PJs and bring in your favourite book
Thursday 7th March: Bring in a book to swap
Thursday 7th March: Lego Workshop
Volunteers Needed!
Monday 25th March Design and Technology Curriculum Day: The children will be designing and making a 'tote bag' to hold their reading book this half term and we would love your help with this sewing project! Parents/Grandparents are invited to come in for the morning to help support the children to assemble and sew their bags together. Again, if this is something you are interested in, please email the office or let your child's teacher know.
Have a great weekend
The Y3 Team
Spring 1 Week 5
Week Commencing Monday 5th February - Friday 9th February
What a jam-packed final week in school we've had!
We kick-started the week with our mindfulness workshop - check out Ludworth Life for more details about the strategies the children learnt. On Tuesday, we joined a live virtual Safer Internet Day assembly, where we learnt more about artificial intelligence technology and careers in tech for AI. The theme for Safer Internet Day was 'Inspiring Change' so as part of that we learnt about the achievements of Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who created, amongst many other things, the World Wide Web. The children worked in teams to create posters celebrating Sir Tim's achievements - some of which will form part of a computing display in school.
Highlight of a Core Subject
We've completed our exploration of the text 'Rhythm of the Rain' and the children have written some amazing information leaflets on The Great Barrier Reef! In Maths, we have finished our learning on length and perimeter and the children are starting to get to grips with their 8 times table!
Highlight of a Foundation Subject.
We rounded off our Geography learning about 'What stories maps tell us' by conducting a Guided Tour of our 'UK Charity Event', with the children assuming the roles of Landmark Leaders, Transport Experts, Compass Champions, Mountain Guides, Clothing Specialists and Quiz Masters! The children astounded us with their geography knowledge so have a chat with them to find out more!
Home Learning
No home learning will be set over the half term holiday - enjoy making memories and having a rest after all your hard work these last 5 weeks!
Key Information
Our PE days will be changing next half term:
Monday: Outdoor P.E.
Friday: Indoor P.E.
Have a lovely holiday, enjoy the break and we look forward to seeing you all soon,
The Y3 Team
Spring 1 Week 4
Week Commencing Monday 29th January - Friday 2nd February
Our learning highlight for this week is learning about the Natural Wonders of World in English. We have now chosen our wonder (The Great Barrier Reef) and found out lots of fact in order to write our leaflets next week.
Highlight of a Foundation Subject.
The learning highlight in geography this week has to be learning how to read four figure grid references on maps. Ask your child if your not sure, as they are now experts! We have also been continuing to learn a variety of percussion instruments in music with a specialist music teacher and continued learning how to talk about musical instruments in Spanish.
Home Learning
Mymaths: Complete the 2 tasks set. The homework is on perimeter which we will be covering during our maths lessons next week. Homework Club will be held on Weds for children who have not managed to complete the previous week's homework. If for any reason, you are struggling to complete mymaths tasks at home, then do come and have a chat - either during drop off or pick up or we can chat over the telephone. It could be that we can provide you with a print out of the tasks or an additional copy of your child's username/password for mymaths etc.
Spellings: Practise spellings from their spelling books (these lists are updated each Monday, ready for the Friday test). This week we have been focusing on the spelling rule ai sound made with the 'ey' graphemes, e.g. prey, obey.
Reading: Read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you! We do encourage you to also access Reading plus to support your child's reading and comprehension skills.
Outdoor PE takes place on a Wednesday afternoon and indoor PE on a Friday morning - please make sure children have their P.E. kit with them.
Key Information
Next week is children's mental health week and we will be doing a few activities surrounding this to end the half term.
Have a lovely weekend.
Y3 Team
Spring 1 Week 3
Week Commencing Monday22nd January - Friday 26th January
Our learning highlight for this week was to write our setting narratives inspired by the text, 'Rhythm of the Rain'. They children were very skilled at creating expanded noun phrases, using adverbs, conjunctions and similes to bring their stories to life! The children will be editing their writing on Monday before moving on to the next genre - information leaflets, based on the same text.
Highlight of a Foundation Subject.
The learning highlight in geography this week has to be continuing to help 'Green Earth' in their mission to set up a new 'UK-wide charity fundraising event' that has necessitated the year 3s learning all about contour lines on maps to understand the stories they tell us about mountain ranges, using the atlases to locate key rivers so that we can plot green transport methods between each fundraising challenge and researching about UK mountains and using our drama skills to be able to deliver a information report about them!
Home Learning
Mymaths: Complete the 2 tasks set on multiplication and corresponding questions. Homework Club will be held on Weds for children who have not managed to complete the previous week's homework. If for any reason, you are struggling to complete mymaths tasks at home, then do come and have a chat - either during drop off or pick up or we can chat over the telephone. It could be that we can provide you with a print out of the tasks or an additional copy of your child's username/password for mymaths etc.
Spellings: Practise spellings from their spelling books (these lists are updated each Monday, ready for the Friday test). This week we have been focusing on the spelling rule ai sound made with the 'ey' graphemes, e.g. prey, obey.
Reading: Read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you! We do encourage you to also access Reading plus to support your child's reading and comprehension skills.
Outdoor PE takes place on a Wednesday afternoon and indoor PE on a Friday morning - please make sure children have their P.E. kit with them. We look forward to seeing you at our parent appointments next week, if you haven't made an appointment yet, you still have time!
Key Information
Currently in Sage Class, we have a student teacher called Miss Stephenson, the children have enjoyed getting to know her this last week
'Hello, I am a second year student at Manchester Metropolitan University, studying primary education and currently on placement at Ludworth until the end of March. I originally wanted to do social work as a degree and then I started working at a children's play centre, which I absolutely loved and it made me think about a career with children! My boss used to be a primary school teacher and she suggested I should go into it and after speaking with her about how much she loved her time as a primary school teacher, I changed my university application to primary education and have not looked back since!'
Have a lovely weekend.
Y3 Team
Spring 1 Week 2
Week Commencing Monday 15th January - Friday 19th January
Our learning highlight for this week was our Maths showcase. We loved welcoming you into the classroom where you could see your children doing Maths in action. The children particularly loved the times table games. If you were unable to come please see the photos below to see your children enjoying the activities.
Highlight of a Foundation Subject.
The children have really enjoyed starting to learn musical instrument in Spanish.
"I really enjoyed playing the instrument game with Mrs Taylor where we had to the find the person who was 'el piano' or 'el violin'" - Bella, Ava and Matilda
The children have also been practising their gymnastic skills in PE. We have been focusing on balancing and spinning.
Home Learning
Over the next week, we will be checking to see who has completed the mymaths activities and if tasks have not been completed by Wednesday, we will be offering a home learning club during break time where children will have the opportunity to complete these tasks.
If for whatever reason, you are struggling to complete mymaths tasks at home, then do come and have a chat - either during drop off or pick up or we can chat over the telephone. It could be that we can provide you with a print out of the tasks or an additional copy of your child's username/password for mymaths etc.
Mymaths: Complete the 2 tasks set.
Spellings: Practise spellings from their spelling books (these lists are updated each Monday, ready for the Friday test). This week we have been focusing on the ai and aigh spelling rule.
Reading: Read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you. Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practise their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.
In the Spring Term, outdoor PE takes place on a Wednesday afternoon and indoor PE on a Friday morning.
Please can I remind all parents that children should not be bringing toys into school under any circumstances.
Have a lovely weekend.
Y3 Team
Spring 1 Week 1
Week Commencing Monday 8th January - Friday 12th January
Our learning highlight for this week was starting our new English text, ‘Rhythm of the Rain’. The children loved exploring the magic story box- where children take it in turn to take out objects which provide clues as to the text. Our story box revealed a parrot teddy, wooden elephant, flowers, scented potpourri, a jar of water and fishing rod. The story box also contain key words, like streams and plunge and questions for the children to ponder. The children then made a prediction as to what they thought the story would be about.
Highlight of a Foundation Subject.
’What stories can a map tell us?’ is the question Year 3 are considering this half term in our Discovery learning. Through DEAL (Dramatic engagement and active learning), the children had to learn about the regions of England and locate 15 landmarks across the four countries that make up the UK, in order to help a Global Charity set up a new Charity Event in the UK!
On Wednesday, we started our outdoor P.E. lessons in basketball. The children had great fun dribbling around cones, completing relay races and learning to control a ball.
Home Learning
Over the next week, we will be checking to see who has completed the mymaths activities and if tasks have not been completed by Wednesday, we will be offering a home learning club during break time where children will have the opportunity to complete these tasks.
If for whatever reason, you are struggling to complete mymaths tasks at home, then do come and have a chat - either during drop off or pick up or we can chat over the telephone. It could be that we can provide you with a print out of the tasks or an additional copy of your child's username/password for mymaths etc.
Mymaths: Complete the 2 tasks set.
Spellings: Practise spellings from their spelling books (these lists are updated each Monday, ready for the Friday test). This week we have been focusing on the ai and aigh spelling rule.
Reading: Read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you. Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practise their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.
Dates for Your Diary
17th and 18th January: 8.40-9.15 Maths Showcase
In the Spring Term, outdoor PE takes place on a Wednesday afternoon and indoor PE on a Friday morning.
Have a lovely weekend.
Y3 Team
Autumn 2
Week 8: Week commencing Monday 18th December - Friday 22nd December
Merry Christmas from Sage Class!
Autumn 2
Week 7: Week commencing Monday 11th December - Friday 15th December
Our learning highlight for this week was definitely connecting with Class 3B and 3W from Ashbury Meadow Primary School via a video call - as part of our special School's Linking Project. Everyone introduced themselves and revealed something about them - like a favourite hobby; we then played a game called 'Would you Rather...' and took part in a hilarious drawing challenge! Following this, we asked some 'curiosity questions' of class 3B and 3W - such as What is your favourite subject at school? and What is your favourite food?
We realised that we shared lots of similarities with children from Ashbury Meadow and some differences too - which make us all unique!
"I loved getting to know children from Class 3B."
"I really enjoyed playing the 'Would you rather...' game!"
"That was lots of fun!"
This week, we also conducted a science experiment to help us determine whether 'soil is just dirt'. We planned and wrote a fable narrative in English about Fox and Magpie and completed our multiplication and division unit in maths!
Home Learning
Over the next week, we will be checking to see who has completed the mymaths activities and if tasks have not been completed, we will be offering a home learning club in the Spring Term on a Wednesday breaktime where children will get the opportunity to complete these tasks.
If for whatever reason, you are struggling to complete these tasks at home, then do come and have a chat - either during drop off or pick up or we can chat over the telephone. It could be that we can provide you with a print out of the tasks or an additional copy of your child's username/password for mymaths etc.
Mymaths: A task on word problems.
Spellings: Practise spellings from their spelling books (these lists are updated each Monday, ready for the Friday test)
Reading: Read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you. Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practise their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.
Dates for Your Diary
Monday 18th December is the Year 3 Christmas Party. Please wear your Christmas jumper and be ready to have lots of fun! School will be providing popcorn and juice for the children to enjoy.
Thursday 21st December: Autumn Term Reports will be given out.
PE: Wednesday afternoon.
Forest School: Y3 received the last of their half term block of forest school sessions (15 December), so please note there will be no forest school session next Friday (22nd December).
In the Spring Term, outdoor PE will resume on a Wednesday afternoon and indoor PE on a Friday morning.
Request for empty cereal boxes: please could your child bring in 1 empty cereal box on Monday, which we will use next week in our DT lessons.
As we enter our last week of the Autumn term, we'd like to thank you for all your continued support this half term and we look forward to
all our exciting learning after the festive period.
Have a lovely weekend.
Y3 Team
Autumn 2
Week 6: Week commencing Monday 4th December - Friday 8th December
Our learning highlight for this week was learning all about fossils! The children categorised fossils and leant how fossils form over millions of years. We have also been continuing our work on times tables. We have been focussing on the eight times table this week.
We also enjoyed a fantastic pantomine of Cinderella which I know all the children enjoyed and found very funny.
Home Learning
We are no longer using Google Classroom to set homework.
Over the next week, we will be checking to see who has completed the mymaths activities and if tasks have not been completed, we will be offering a home learning club on a Wednesday breaktime where children will get the opportunity to complete these tasks.
If for whatever reason, you are struggling to complete these tasks at home, then do come and have a chat - either during drop off or pick up or we can chat over the telephone. It could be that we can provide you with a print out of the tasks or an additional copy of your child's username/password for mymaths etc.
Mymaths: Two tasks on multiplication and inverse operations.
Spellings: Practise spellings from their spelling books (these lists are updated each Monday, ready for the Friday test)
Reading: Read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you. Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practise their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.
Dates for Your Diary
On Thursday 14th December it is Christmas Dinner Day. Children are to come to school in their school uniform but are allowed to wear a Christmas jumper instead of their ludworth jumper over their shirt and tie.
Over the next week, we will be formally assessing the children on their reading fluency, comprehension, maths, spelling and writing through a combination of different activities. We will use these results, together with other formative assessments to draft our End of Year reports, which will be sent out just before the Christmas break.
PE: Wednesdays
Forest School: Fridays (Children to bring in appropriate wet weather clothing, such as a warm, outdoor coat, PE top, joggers, waterproof trousers (if you have them) and strong shoes or wellies.)
Request for empty cereal boxes: please could your child bring in 1 empty cereal box, which we will be putting to good use in our Design and Technology lessons, closer to Christmas! Thank you!
Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend.
Y3 Team
Autumn 2
Week 5: Week commencing Monday 27th November - Friday 1st December
Our learning highlight for this week was definitely Spanish Day! The children loved learning 10 animal names in Spanish through a combination of games, listening, reading, writing and speaking activities! We learnt whether the animal started with 'un or una' and how to say 'I am' (soy) and 'I have' (Tengo) and managed to recap Spanish numbers 1-10 and colours too! Make sure you ask your child about the Spanish they have learnt this week - they could even teach you a word or two and check out the pictures below which show our learning in action!
Our handball lessons continued with Hayden, a sports coach from SHAPES; in science the children consolidated their knowledge on rocks and learnt about the contribution Florence Bascom made to the field of geology in America!
Home Learning
We are no longer using Google Classroom to set homework.
Over the next week, we will be checking to see who has completed the mymaths activities and if tasks have not been completed, we will be offering a home learning club on a Wednesday breaktime where children will get the opportunity to complete these tasks.
If for whatever reason, you are struggling to complete these tasks at home, then do come and have a chat - either during drop off or pick up or we can chat over the telephone. It could be that we can provide you with a print out of the tasks or an additional copy of your child's username/password for mymaths etc.
Mymaths: Two tasks on bar division and multiplication.
Spellings: Practise spellings from their spelling books (these lists are updated each Monday, ready for the Friday test)
Reading: Read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you. Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practise their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.
Dates for Your Diary
Over the next fortnight, we will be formally assessing the children on their reading fluency, comprehension, maths, spelling and writing through a combination of different activities. We will use these results, together with other formative assessments to draft our End of Year reports, which will be sent out just before the Christmas break.
PE: Wednesdays
Forest School: Fridays (Children to bring in appropriate wet weather clothing, such as a warm, outdoor coat, PE top, joggers, waterproof trousers (if you have them) and strong shoes or wellies.)
Request for empty cereal boxes: please could your child bring in 1 empty cereal box, which we will be putting to good use in our Design and Technology lessons, closer to Christmas! Thank you!
Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend.
Y3 Team
Autumn 2
Week 4: Week commencing Monday 20th November - Friday 24th November
We’ve had another action-packed week in Year 3. We have nearly finished our information report on foxes in English and did an experiment looking at the hardness of rocks in Science, learning all about the Mohs scale. We tested lots of different rocks and decided which was our hardest and softest rock (see below for some action shots). In Maths this week we have started our next unit of work, which is on multiplication. We have been looking at both mutiplication and division of the 2 and 3 times table.
Home Learning
We are no longer using Google Classroom to set homework.
Mymaths: Two multiplication tasks.
Spellings: Practise spellings from their spelling books (these lists are updated each Monday, ready for the Friday test)
Reading: Read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you. Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practise their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.
Dates for Your Diary
PE: Wednesdays
Forest School: Fridays (Children to bring in appropriate wet weather clothing, such as a warm, outdoor coat, PE
top, joggers, waterproof trousers (if you have them) and strong shoes or wellies.)
Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend.
Y3 Team
Autumn 2
Week 3: Week commencing Monday 13th November - Friday 17th November
We’ve had an action-packed week in Year 3, what with our sponsored Pudsey-run, forest school session and handball lesson on Wednesday but our learning highlight was probably our computing lesson! Children learnt more about animations, including that they’re comprised of frames; they used iMotion on the iPads to create their own simple animation with a partner using the ‘onion skinning’ function to assist them! See below for some examples of our work! We also began to plan our information report on foxes in English and continued our discovery lessons on rocks, fossils and soil. In Maths this week we have completed our learning on column addition and subtraction and have moved on to our new unit on multiplication and division.
Home Learning
We are no longer using Google Classroom to set homework
Mymaths: 3 and 4 times table tasks
Spellings: Practise spellings from their spelling books (these lists are updated each Monday, ready for the Friday test)
Reading: Read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you. Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practise their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.
Dates for Your Diary
PE: Wednesdays
Forest School: Fridays (Children to bring in appropriate wet weather clothing, such as a warm, outdoor coat, PE
top, joggers, waterproof trousers (if you have them) and strong shoes or wellies.)
Reading Showcase: Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st 8.40-9.30am.
Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend.
Y3 Team
Autumn 2
Week 2: Week commencing Monday 6th November - Friday 10th November
Please note that P.E. days have changed to Wednesday - when an external coach will be teaching us Handball and on Friday afternoon, both classes will be receiving Forest School sessions with Mrs Reid and Mr Templar. For this children are advised to bring in appropriate wet weather clothing, such as a warm, outdoor coat, PE top, joggers, waterproof trousers (if you have them) and strong shoes or wellies. We will endeavour to go out in all weathers and Forest School sessions will continue for the remainder on this half term.
Our highlight this week was our art day where we focussed on paintings of poppies ahead of Remembrance Day. The children had a fantastic day exploring paintings, recreating an artists painting, planning and creating their own poppy painting. The work produced was beautiful. See the pictures below for some of your children in action.
In Maths this week we have continued and embedded our knowledge of column subtraction.
Home Learning
We are no longer using Google Classroom to send homework out.
Two homework tasks have been set on mymaths.
Children have spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (these lists are updated each Monday, ready for the Friday test.
Please continue to read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.
Some children might want to do some independent reading on reading plus. The children who have been accessing the programme in school should know their username and password.
Dates for Your Diary
On Wednesday 15th November, Olive and Sage Class will take part in a 'Run Pudsey Smile for a While' - Children will be completing their sponsored run during this PE lesson and they are invited to wear Pudsey head bands/badges whilst they take part if they would like to.
Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend.
Y3 Team
Autumn 2
Week 1: Week Commencing Monday 30th October - Friday 3rd November
Welcome to a new half term!
Please note that P.E. days have changed to Wednesday - when an external coach will be teaching us Handball and on Friday afternoon, both classes will be receiving Forest School sessions with Mrs Reid and Mr Templar. For this children are advised to bring in appropriate wet weather clothing, such as a warm, outdoor coat, PE top, joggers, waterproof trousers (if you have them) and strong shoes or wellies. We will endeavour to go out in all weathers and Forest School sessions will continue for the remainder on this half term.
Our highlight this week was uncovering our new text: Fox. Our focus over the next few weeks is to explore the features of information texts and write our own about foxes - ensuring we write a balanced and detailed report. We also posed the question ‘Who am I?’ and ‘Who are We?’ by creating identity maps as part of our Schools Linking Project, which we are taking part in with Ashbury Meadows Primary School.
In science this half term, we are considering ‘What makes a good scientist?’ and through narrative immersion, we will be helping Amira with a secret mission, which will lead us to discover all about rocks, fossils and soil!
Home Learning this week
We are no longer using Google Classroom to send homework out.
Two homework tasks have been set on mymaths.
Children have spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (these lists are updated each Monday, ready for the Friday test.
Please continue to end at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text. Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.
Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend.
Y3 Team
Week 7: Week Commencing Monday 16th October - Friday 20th October
In Y3 this week:
This week we have introduced Year 3 to the Schools Linking Project we will be taking part in this year, which is with Ashbury Meadows Primary School. We have created some bunting to send over to our partner class so that they can learn more about who we are. We will be doing more projects before Christmas to get to know each other.
In History this week we have finished off our topic answering "is fire the most important discovery?". We have been designing our own piece of Stone Age cave art. We then used charcoal to create our design. We turned the tables over so that we could recreate what it would be like to draw on a cave wall, which the children really enjoyed.
Home learning this week:
There is no homework set over the holidays but please continue to read with your child as often as you can.
Key Information:
After half term PE Days will be, indoor PE on a Wednesday and outdoor PE on a Friday.
Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you - at least 3 times a week.
Books, reading records and spelling books need to be brought into school on a daily basis.
Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely break and we will see you all after the holiday.
Week 6 : Week Commencing Monday 9th October - Friday 13th October
In Y3 this week:
In maths this week, we have continued to use the number line to add and subtract 1s and 10s from a 3 digit number, where it has involved crossing 10 or 100. This can be a challenging concept for the children to grasp, so we have been practising our knowledge of finding the nearest multiple of 10 and 100 and making links to our number bonds of 10 and 20, to help work this style of question out! The children have show great resilience, problem -solving and determination during our maths lessons, so well done year 3!
In P.E. this week, we have been learning to jump dynamically, thinking about the muscles we are using and developing when we practise jumping. Children took part in a circuit of 5 different jumping stations and performed them for 3 minutes before rotating to the next one.
They complete river jumps, heiman jumps, compass jumps, lunges and lateral jumps!
Home learning this week:
Please login to Google Classrooms to discover the learning challenges we have set for this week - a coding challenge - following on from a very popular coding lesson with Mr Choudry and two mymaths activities.
Key Information:
PE Days outdoor PE is on Tuesday and indoor PE is on a Friday.
SEND appointments are taking place this week on Tuesday 17th AM and Wednesday 18th AM.
Please remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you - at least 3 times a week.
Books, reading records and spelling books need to be brought into school on a daily basis.
Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend.
Week 5 : Week Commencing Monday 2nd October - Friday 6th October
In Y3 this week we have :
In English this week we have been writing our approaching threat narrative based on the story the Iron Man. Every child has shown lots of creativity and determination to make their story enjoyable for a little bit scary for the reader. Ask your child and see if they can retell you part of their story.
In History this week we continued our discovery learning and looked at Stone Age houses. We went into the forest to recreate a Stone Age house/shelter in groups using branches, leaves and tarpaulin.
Home learning this week:
Please login to Google Classrooms to discover the learning challenges we have set for this week.
Key Information:
PE Days outdoor PE is on Tuesday and indoor PE is on a Friday.
Parent phone calls are in the morning of Tuesday 10th and Parents evening is Wednesday 11th.
Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend.
Week 4 : Week Commencing Monday 25th September - Friday 29th September
In Y3 this week we have :
In Maths this week we have finished off our unit of work on place value where we determined whether numbers were greater than or less than each other.
For example:
234 > 189
234 is greater than 189
189 is less than 234
Ask your child and see if they can remember what this.
In History this week we continued our discovery learning and looked at the impact of farming from the Stone Age to Iron Age. We tried some food that would have been available in the Stone Age era and created a Stone Age Meal.
Home learning this week:
Please login to Google Classrooms to discover the learning challenges we have set for this week.
Key Information:
PE Days Outdoor PE is on Tuesday and indoor PE is on a Friday.
Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend.
Week 3
We have been continuing to code with Mr Choudry using Scratch Junior. We have been debugging programmes and learning how to code for a purpose and to achieve an outcome. We enjoyed making characters speak and move.
Sage Class had the opportunity to explore Ludworth’s new play-pod today and what fun they had! They were incredibly creative in using the equipment and made all manner of creations from bridges and chocolate factories to cafes and hoverboards! This was also a fabulous opportunity for children to practise their team working and communication skills! Equipment in the pod will be available for children to use at break times and lunchtimes so today provided a chance for us to practise taking out and putting the equipment away safely and sensibly, and learning when we might need a helping hand to carry the heavier pieces of equipment.
Week 2
Narrative Immersion: In Year 3, we have started to explore our class text, The Iron Man, predicting what we think the story may be about and understanding how he might sound and look like, using noun phrases and adverbs.
Week 1
Smile for a While