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Sports Week!

Spring 2 Week 4

Spring 2 Week 3

Spring 2 Week 3

Spring 2 Week 2 - Our Circle Time

Spring 2nd Week 1

Chinese New Year Workshop

Forest Friday

Spring 1 Week 6 

Another super week, we simply aren’t too sure where this half term has gone ! 

In circle time this week we talked about what we think we are good at and what we’d like to get even better at doing. We then worked together to pass a high five around the circle - a great team performance !

We have continued with our learning around the Chinese New Year this week and thoroughly enjoyed the Workshop experience. 

During Literacy this week we have been focusing on our reading strategies and in particular trying to spot our digraphs ‘oo, ar, ee, or, ur (as in turn) , ow (as in cow) and the trigraph ‘igh’ in words to help with our speed of reading words.

In our Maths sessions we have introduced length and used language such as longer and shorter to compare objects.

With the Chinese New Year being the year of the pig we had a fabulous time in the Forest this afternoon linking the theme to the very well know story of the Three Little Pigs and many children worked together to make stick houses for a pig ! 

What a very busy week we have had!


Spring 1 Week 5


Wow, what a busy week despite the snow! ❄️⛄️
This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year. We all enjoyed a banquet trying different food including noodles, prawn crackers, rose tea and lychees.

In Maths we learnt about weight, measuring rice using the vocabulary heavier, lighter and balanced. Some of use went on to predict how many spoonfuls of rice we would need to make the scales balance.
In Literacy, we continued our winter topic learning about non-fiction texts. Together we read all about an Emperor penguin and had a go at labelling a diagram and writing captions.

We are all looking forward to continuing our Chinese New Year celebrations by taking part in a workshop on Tuesday 5th February. 

Home learning:
Please continue to read regularly and practise the sight words in the front of your reading record.
The Reception Team have enjoyed seeing all the Chinese New Year and Winter challenges you have posted on Tapestry from the sheets we sent out in previous weeks. You could choose to continue to work through these.

Have a lovely weekend
The Reception Team

Fantastic Forest Friday


A superb shout out about or weekly Forest Friday session in particular! This week we have been continuing with our investigation into the ‘bone discovery’! To our amazement, last Friday the Reception children found an unusual item on the field- a bone- and have been unsurprisingly very keen to investigate further...

Our children have thoroughly enjoyed discussing who the bone belonged to and how it got onto our field!

This week we began our session researching and we looked at the human skeleton before deciding to use sticks to make our own Stick Skeletons !


Forest School Friday

Spring 1 Week 4


This week we have been joining in with the whole school Curriculum Week focusing particularly on Maths and Computing.

Our went to the whole school assembly on Monday and launched the week brilliantly. We listened to Mrs Walker talk about keeping ourself safe with screens and the different sorts of technology that’s ever growing !

On Thursday, Mrs Simmonds our Maths Leader, led a very exciting assembly and many staff including Miss Morten and I dressed up as Number Rock Stars ! We will be introducing the timetables Rock Stars towards the end of the year ready for children moving into Y1 as we are focusing on addition and subtraction within 0-20 at the moment!!!

In literacy this week we have been reading parts of the story from the Snow Queen and have written words using the digraphs ‘ oa(as in goat) and oo (as in both good and goose)’ we have focused upon this week in phonics.

In Maths we have been using the Numicon and have been finding the missing number on a number line that the Snow Queen had pinched !

Home Learning Challenges :

- It is great to see so many children reading so often at home. Please keep practising reading and remember to read the list of words that have been sent home too.

- Can you write your own number line to 20 making sure your numerals are all correctly formed? You could then play a game and cover a number and explain which number is missing and why eg ‘ I know 9 is missing because it is one less than 10 or the number covered is after 8 and 8+1=9’

- Over the next 2 weeks you could look at the attached sheet and pick one or two challenges to complete.

Next week we will be continuing with our Arctic theme but also learning about Chinese New Year.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Week 4

Spring 1 Week 3


Another fabulous week, we are really getting into our Winter topic and the weather is joining in too- we've had a rather cool and chilly feeling both indoors and outdoors this week ! Our Arctic Igloo Role play areas is very popular with children going on the expeditions !!!!!

In Literacy this week we have been continuing to look at the story of the Snow Queen and we have started to write our own story !
In Maths we have been counting objects and using numicon resource (photo attached) to help with our understanding of number.

Suggested Home Learning Chalenges:

- See the photo attached. We have a very exciting family challenge opportunity to share with you and we are entering this competition with the rest of the local school in Stockport !
It would be amazing if one of our Reception Ludworth Families wins so if you would like to take part in the exciting competition and be in with the chance of winning some amazing prizes please follow the attached information or pop in and ask one of us !!!!!!!

Email :
Say you would like to enter the Be Active Be Healthy Family Challege
Give the names and ages of all children in your family
Say you are a Family from Ludworth

- Keep practising the reading words we have sent home as often as you can.

Thank you for your continued support,

Reception Team

Spring 1 Week 2


Our first full week of Spring term has flown by this week and what a busy one we have had!
Getting back into the school routine is no easy task for any of us but our Reception children are in full swing and excited for the term ahead (if a little tired today) ! 

We have started our week with the story of the Snow Queen and written a character description for either the Evil Sprite or the Snow Queen. 

During the Maths sessions we have been using our amazing listening skills to count how many jewels were put into a tin and then challenging ourselves to work out one or two more of less than then number we counted !

Our role play area has transformed from a home kitchen to an igloo and is reassured to be explored next week as we continue our Winter/ Arctic learning theme.  


Spring 1 Week 1


Welcome to Spring Term and what a fabulous start to the term we have had.

Our children have come back bursting with enthusiasm and had a lot to tell us about what they have been getting up to in the holidays! You have all been very busy it appears! 

Thank you to those of you who completed the Home Learning Challenge booklet and many of you have recorded in your child's reading log how many times they have read and each time they practised their reading words. Many children read their books several times over the break which is great.  

This week in Literacy we have been busy writing a 'Thank you' letter to Father Christmas. In Maths we have been working with numbers to 20, counting on and back from a given number. We have been into the Forest this afternoon and discovered a den which many of us collected sticks to add to the shelter that has been started. 

We have had a super start to the term are settling back into school life very well- remembering routines of the day brilliantly!

You may see a new face in Reception next week and we are delighted to introduce Mrs Sterling who will be working with Reception this term as our TA Apprentice. 

Week 5


This week in Reception we have had another busy one! We have continued our maths topic of addition and our Literacy work on the Owl Babies story. Linked to our topic, we have also enjoyed learning about diurnal and nocturnal animals. 
As well as all this we have been practicing for our Christmas play. The children are brilliant and we are all looking forward to our performances on the 12th &13th of Dec

Week 4


Another fabulous week and we are beginning to get into the festive spirit with our Christmas fair at the end of the week- we look forward to seeing you at the fair. 

Our Literacy focus this week has been based around the book 'Owl Babies' and the children have really enjoyed acting out the story. We have been reading words, captions and sentences this week linked to the story. 

In Maths we have been counting groups and started the concept of adding groups together to find the total. 

We have also started rehearsing for our Reception Production and already our children are familiar with the songs and have all chosen a part to play. 

Week 3


We have had a fantastic third week filled with many different themes and learning enquiries intitiatied by our children. 

On Monday, we began our week with a very special circle time all about remembrance and we all showed our kindness and respect. We then launched our Anti Bullying Week and signed a class charter, agreeing we will try and make good choices, be kind and friendly to all members of our class.  
We have completed our learning around ‘Diwali’ the festival of light by painting and decorating our diva lamps. 
Our outdoor learning provision has been a regular meeting point for our keen fire officers, and we have been dressing up and acting out our ideas together. 
With fabulous imaginations and inventive scenarios, we have thoroughly loved learning about fire, fire safety and we have been acting out how we would help people who are stuck or step in to sort and ‘emergency’ ! Regularly this week our outdoor shed and the mud kitchen have been on ‘fire’ and required the ‘emergency services’ to come equipped with fire hose skipping ropes, buckets and stepping block ladders! It had been great fun!

In Literacy this week, we have been identifying phonemes, or reading captions or sentences about  Rama and Sita  ! We have also had a think about onomatopoeia words to resemble the noise of a firework and have recorded our ideas.

In Maths this week, we have continued our work on one more and one less. Today we counted cakes that Pudsey had made and then solved problems of a cake either being given away to a friend or discussing how many there would be if one more cake was added! We have looked at number lines and talked about adding one more (as we count right and increase along the number line as the numbers get bigger) and then one less than a given number.

We have listened to the story of Leaf Man and talked more about the changes to our surroundings as the weather is changing etc. 

Thank you for your kind donations today for Children in need, we joined Y5 and Y6 this morning to complete an orienteering challenge based around Pudsey. It was a fantastic opportunity for our children to work with the older children. Fabulous collaborative learning and such fun too, all children thoroughly enjoyed the activity and it was brilliant to see.

Week 2


We have had another jam-packed week full of excitement ! Thank you once again to those of you who came to one of the Curriculum sessions on Tuesday. We hope you all have found the presentation and handout useful. 

This week we began our circle time session thinking about Bonfire night, how we can keep ourselves and others safe as well as taking care of our pets and those people who may not enjoy firework displays!

In Literacy, we designed Fire Safety posters and then played a game identifying initial phonemes in words and recorded the phonemes we could hear using our grapheme mat to help us match the phoneme to the correct letter! We are all trying really hard to remember that most of our letters (besides capital letters) start on the line!

In Maths, we have introduced one less and used a number line to help us find the answer. We counted fireworks and then physically took one away each time so children could visibly see one less.

We have also learnt about Diwali, the festival of light , celebrated by many Hindus and have made Diva lamps out of clay.

During our PE session we went on an adventure with Pippa and Eddie (our physically active friends) and pretended to be fire officers and put out a burning building ! Some of us were ‘flames’ and used our bodies to twist, turn and move to resemble a flame and others ran with our imaginary hose to try and stop the fire ! It was great fun ! We had a turn at showing our moves on our new stage too!

Week 1:


What a great first week back we have had. Our children have come back bursting with energy and are really excited to start this term’s learning. This week, we have started our new learning theme based around the ‘dark’ and have talked about the Northern Lights, the darker earlier nights drawing in as well as linking it to our registration names discussing the limited darkness in both the North and South Pole!!!!!!


A ‘cross penguin’ sent a letter about concerns that polar bears may come and take over the South Pole and it has inspired our children to make pictures and sparked many super ideas we discussed!


In Literacy our focus has been learning how to identify words that rhyme and this has been done through the story ‘Room on the Broom’ which the children have really enjoyed.

In Maths we have been comparing 2 groups using the mathematical language ‘more’ and ‘fewer (or less)’.

Week 6


This week during circle time we talked about how we can be a super friend and the importance of using kind words to everyone! On Tuesday we went into an assembly led by Mrs Walker on Harvest. Thank you for all of your contributions, we have an impressive collection in the hall.
During our literacy sessions we have revisited the story of The Gruffalo (back by popular demand with children thoroughly enjoying the activities) and in our Mathematical development sessions have introduced and explored 2D shapes. 

Next week we will round up our topic, ‘Marvellous Me’, by looking both at how we have changed from us being a baby as well as reflecting upon how we’ve changed over this first fabulous term at school!

On Monday, we are inviting Dr Natasha Atherton to join Reception and talk about her role and how she helps people look after themselves, keep themselves and their bodies healthy ! We also will have the opportunity to compare ourselves with a 9 month old baby, Violet, so children can discuss how we change and grow over time. 

Week 4 and 5 


Our Creative Curriculum Week 


The weeks are whizzing by and what a fantastic 5th week we have had. 
On Monday we all went into the hall for a whole school assembly with Mrs Walker. We swapped our Circle time session so on Tuesday morning discussed our golden rules - kindness-  and linked our ideas as to how we can be a kind friend and have kind hands! We all got our PE kits on Wednesday and got changed into our kit for our session. All of the adults were very impressed with how speedily our children were able to get changed! 
We are really enjoying our phonics sessions too, so far we have learnt the phonemes ' Ss, Aa, Tt, Ll, Ii, Ee' and we have introduced the Tricky Words (words we just have to know by sight) ' I , the '.
In Literacy this week we have been working with rhyme and in Maths we have been finding ways to count an irregular amount of objects so we make sure we count accurately !
During Forest Friday we all went to the woods to listen to the story of the Gruffalo and make music with our shakers ! 

Week 3


Our Reception children are continuing to settle into school brilliantly and have had a great week.

We have been continuing with learning our routines and getting stuck into school life! Our Literacy focus for this week has been focusing on the story of the Gingerbread Man.
We have had a super time sequencing and acting out the story outside, making pretend Gingerbread using the play dough (with an infused ginger smell) and baking in our home cosy role play corner!
Other activities have included designing our very own ‘alternative smelling’ man using a variety of different spices.
In Maths we have been counting different vehicles the Gingerbread man could have used to get away from the many different characters he encountered !


On Thursday, we had our first Fire Drill practice and we have to say how very proud we are of all our Reception children. We were all out of the building safe and sound and super speedily too- Mrs Walker delighted with how sensible we all were. Well done Reception !!

We were extremely grateful of our waterproof clothing this week during our Forest School session and had fantastic fun jumping in puddles and squelching through some rather muddy parts- we decided that the Gingerbread man would have benefitted from such clothing !!!

Week 2

At the end of our first full week in school, we would like to share with you how proud we are of all our Reception children.
It is lovely to see that, already, the children are beginning to settle into school life at Ludworth so brilliantly.

Each week we will post onto Tapestry our 'round up' of the week and any suggested additional challenges which you may like to encourage you child to complete (those of you with children at our school already will be used to the parent pay email of weekly updates and homework).


Highlights of the week:


- On Monday we completed our very first circle time and started to get to know each other.
- Tuesday came and we had a tour of the school and in the children met Mrs Sofla and Mrs Walker.
- We had our first P.E. session in the hall on Wednesday, learning how to travel in different ways negotiating space effectively and making sure we didn't bump into anybody or burst anyone else's bubble!
- On Thursday we continued with painting our portraits and have started adding our features !
- Today we have thoroughly enjoyed joining in with the rest of the school for our One World day. This morning we all partnered up with a member of Y6 and went into the hall to watch the performance from the visitors from Zulu Nation. Following this, we all participated in a very exciting workshop and learned a song which we performed in front of the whole school at the end of the day! This afternoon, before our performance, we all went into the Forest for our first Forest Friday session.


During our first Forest Friday, we all had a great time exploring the forest using our senses. Some of us were inspired by our Zulu Nation workshop to tap out rhythms using sticks.

We are incredibly pleased with how all of our class members have engaged and adapted to the new learning experiences already.

What a busy week we have had!



