This week, Year 4 have been exploring reading for pleasure. Children have taken part in reading dating, book swaps and listening activities throughout the week. Teachers have swapped classrooms to read their favourite book to different classes on different days. On Monday, Birch and Hawthorn class looked fantastic in their PJs. As part of LKS2, we have explored ‘Osirri and the Bala Mengro’, a fanatic book looking at the traveller community.
26.01.23 Geography
Our learning highlight this week has been Geography. Hawthorn and Birch class both cleared their classrooms and created a UK map using string. This tested their teamwork and map reading skills. They then added capital cities and other cities onto the map. After that, the children used an 8 point compass to describe where a city was in relation to another city. They were fantastic geographers!
This week, we explored cave art from the Stone Age and created our own interpretations. We explored shade and tone using pencils and charcoal. We created a cave environment in the classroom by lying under the tables, listened to cave sounds and dimmed the lights. What an immersive experience!
In Science, we investigated the strength and qualities of rocks by carrying out a scratch test.
What a terrific week we have had.
Our English and History interconnected learning has meant we have delved deeper into our topic on the Stone Age. We have also kept with History being weaved through our Maths sessions as we have learnt about Roman Numerals this week too !
We have had a fantastic third week in Year 3!
We thoroughly enjoyed our learning in PE. We explored Bollywood dancing and put together our own routine.
We have really enjoyed getting further into our topic of ‘Rocks’ this week.
Establishing our tribe
Although it’s been a shorter week we still have managed to jam pack so much learning in ! This week in English we have begun our class texts, The Wild Way Home and Stone Age Boy. This is part of our focus on writing a narrative and our learning in interconnected with our History topic - Survival of the Stone Age.
We have incorporated DEAL into both our English and History lessons this week, making our learning a physically active as possible.
During our Maths lessons we have started our ‘Core’ maths teaching and the focus over the next few weeks is place value working with numbers from 0-10000.
Welcome to Year 4
We have had a terrific first week at school in Y4 and are extremely proud of all our children for settling so well. During our first circle time session of the year we made a class pledge and considered what every class member may need and deserve to have in order to be successful, feel happy and love their learning at school.
This week our primary focus has been to establishing our Tree Tribes, make connections and build relationships. Both Hawthorn and Birch classes have researched their trees during computing. We have also completed a water colour painting of the leaves and have written our aspirations for the year.
Birch class successfully went for their first swimming lesson of the term, with their Swimming Teacher commenting that our school has 'a strong set of swimmers'. This is fortunate, it really was not like being 'thrown into the deep end' even with it being our first morning back at school; our children were fantastic and had a 'whale of a time' !!!! !