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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 2017-2018

Year 1 Team: Mrs Cartwright, Mrs Bond, Mrs Reid.

Mrs Findlow, Mrs Knibb, Miss Spink and Mrs Gillingham.


Welcome to the Year 1 page.

We look forward to sharing many special memories and learning experiences with you through this page.

Newsletter - Summer 2018

Earhart Class - taught by Mrs Cartwright and Mrs Bond

Attenborough Class - taught by Mrs Reid

Spring Term



Topic: Our main topic is 'Bright Lights, Big City’ which will focus on London.  Some examples of the things we will be learning are The Great Fire of London, the Royal Family and famous landmarks.  We will be recreating The Great Fire of London in dance and learning traditional songs and playground games.  We will be learning to code using the application ‘scratch’.  We are planning a garden party to celebrate the upcoming Royal Wedding.  As part of this, we will be making invitations, creating crowns and will be planning and preparing a picnic.  


English Focus: We will be linking our literacy to our topic so will be focussing on fiction and non-fiction books about London.  We will also be writing in different text types including writing stories, explanations, posters and persuasive letters.  


Phonics: We will continue our daily Phonics classes in which we will consolidate learning of phase 3 and 5 sounds.


Maths Focus: This term we will be focusing on understanding multiplication and division.  We will also be learning about fractions, position and direction, money and time.  In addition, we will be consolidating our learning about number and place value.

Things to help at home:


· Read every night

· Practise reading and spelling key words

· Practise ‘Learn its’

· Help your child to learn number bonds to 10 and 20

· Support your child with their 2s, 5s and 10 times table

· Homework is due in on Wednesday every week.  New homework is sent out on a Friday

· Encourage your child to place their reading book and record in the tray on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday - when books are routinely  

  changed and on a Tuesday or Thursday if they have finished their book(s) and need it / them changing
