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Spring 2nd What the Ladybird Heard

Another busy week in Reception!

Subtracting Easter chicks from the nest and careful counting πŸ₯

We were all amazed at how quickly our cress seeds grew! We used our scientific skills to discuss the differences we could see. We concluded that the seeds grew best when planted in soil and had access to water and light.

This week as part of our Narrative Immersion we met the ladybird from the story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ by Julia Donaldson. 

The ladybird told us all about Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len’s plan to steal the fine prize cow. The ladybird used lots of positional language such as around, next too, behind, etc. 

We explored using the Beebots to practice giving directions and using our positional language just like the ladybird.

“Can you direct the Beebot to the object below the fox? Will you need to go forwards or backwards.”

Lots of problem solving and communication skills in action!🀩

Positional language using the Beebots

 Welcome back Robins! We’ve had so much fun this week reconnecting and learning about growing seeds 🌱 

So amazing to have the Owl tribe back together. A wonderful week reconnecting with friends.

A huge well done to everyone this week, you continue to amaze us with your resilience, perseverance and determination. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸŒˆπŸ¦‰

We are back...πŸ¦‰
