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Week 14 20.7.20 Resources

Task 1 Year 1 Science Quiz on Kahoot.


If you are playing the quiz using the Kahoot app, once you have downloaded it your child needs to type their first name only as their nickname (if another person in their class shares their name, use your surname initial as well, e.g. SamS) and then use the PIN 03309751

Where it says ‘Join the game’, your child needs to type their first name only as their nickname (if another person in their class shares their name, use your surname initial as well, e.g. SamS) click OK then you are ready to play.

Week 13 13.7.20 Resources

Week 12 6.7.20 Resources

Week 11 29.6.20 Resources

Week 10 22.6.20 Resources

Week 9 15.6.20 Resources

Week 8 8.6.20 Resources

Week 7 18.5.20 Resources


Week 6 11.5.20 Resources


Week 5 4.5.20 Resources


Week 4 27.4.20 Resources


Task 1 Year 1 Materials Quiz on Kahoot.


If you are playing the quiz using the Kahoot app, once you have downloaded it your child needs to type their first name only as their nickname (if another person in their class shares their name, use your surname initial as well, e.g. SamS) and then use the PIN 04403793


Where it says ‘Join the game’, your child needs to type their first name only as their nickname (if another person in their class shares their name, use your surname initial as well, e.g. SamS) click OK then you are ready to play.

Week 3 20.4.20 Resources

Week 2 30.3.20 Resources

Week 1 23.3.20 Resources



See Home Learning Packs for resources. 
