Week 7: Week Commencing Monday 22nd – 26th July
We cannot believe that our year has come to an end! We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know all your children and seeing their wonderful progress throughout the school year. We are so proud of them all. Thank you for all your support in your children’s learning journey.
In English we completed the story of Goldilocks by Lauren Child and re-told it in our own words. It was lovely to see how much the children have improved in their writing stamina. In maths we have revisited time, to include days of the week and months of the year.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a fabulous summer break, wherever you go and whatever you do. Thank you for the generous gifts and cards, they are greatly appreciated.
Home learning:
Dates for your diary:
School re-opens for children Wednesday 4th September
(Inset days for staff Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd)
Best wishes,
The Year 1 Team
Week 6: Week Commencing Monday 15th -19th July
We can’t believe another week has flown by and that we only have 1 week remaining. The children are really showing us that they are Year 2 ready.
In English we read the Story of Goldilocks by Lauren Child and created mindmaps of describing words. We then used these words in sentences using the conjunction ‘because’. E.g Goldilocks is mischievous because she went into the empty house.
In maths we have continued our work on money. This week we have focused on counting money and comparing amounts using the greater than, less than and equal to signs.
During Discovery learning we wrote conclusions for our experiments. We are all experts on the best conditions to grow plants.
Home learning:
Key Information:
P.E. Days: Tuesday (outdoor)
PE kits will not be needed on Friday.
Please can all children bring a carrier bag into school on Thursday 25th July as we will be sending some exercise books home.
All reading and library books will be collected in on Monday.
Your child’s Tapestry account will be closed on Monday 22nd July. Please ensure you have downloaded any posts you wish to keep. Photos containing other children must not be shared on social media.
Dates for your diary:
School closes for Summer Friday 26th July
Just a reminder for those parents using Stay and Play, there is no Stay and Play on Friday 26th after school.
Have a great weekend!
The Year 1 Team
Week 5: Week Commencing Monday 8th July -12th July
Year 1 have had another fabulous week. We concluded our work on The Secret of Black Rock by Joe Todd- Stanton by writing letters and postcards. The children were amazing at getting into role and their writing showed lots of lovely vocabulary and punctuation.
In Maths we been focusing on money, this included recognising coins and notes, and counting amounts. In Computing we worked Mr Choudhary (specialist computing teacher) and explored making digital music. We had an amazing time!
Home learning:
Read regularly with your child, including practising sight (RR) words (these are stapled into your child’s reading record).
Have a try at making your own digital music. www.drumbit.app
Explore Top Marks and have a go a playing some of the money games. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/money
Enjoy the weekend 😊
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Tuesday (outdoor)
Friday (Indoor)
Dates for your diary:
Reports sent to parents 19th July
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a great weekend weather
The Year 1 Team
Week 4: Week Commencing Monday 1st July- 5th July
Year 1 have had another very busy week. On Thursday everyone enjoyed Transition Day, the Year 2 teachers reported back with news of brilliant behaviour, excellent listening and great focus. Well done Year 1!
In English we concluded our narrative work based on The Secret of Black Rock by Joe Stanton and began our non- fiction piece. In Maths we looked at time and learnt to tell the time to the hour and half past. Practising at home would really help as telling the time is a tricky concept for some children.
In Science we have conducted several experiments to explore the best condition for growing plants. We are watching and waiting to see what happens to our seeds next week!
Home learning:
Read regularly with your child, including practising sight (RR) words (these are stapled into your child’s reading record). Ask your child a variety of comprehension questions. Use the reading bookmark in the front to your child’s reading log to help.
Children have been tested on spelling the Year 1 Common Exception words. The children will be bringing home an updated sheet with highlighted words to practise.
Practise telling the time to the hour and half past. Play https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/116/telling-the-time
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Tuesday (outdoor)
Friday (Indoor)
Have a great weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 3: Week Commencing Monday 24th – 28th June
This week Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed Sports Day on Tuesday afternoon. All the children showed great teamwork, participation and determination skills. Thanks go to all adults who were able to come along and support the children, we hope you had fun!
In English we planned and begun to write our own adventure story based on The Secret of Black Rock. In Maths we have investigated and used number lines, and compared numbers to 100.
Home learning:
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Tuesday (outdoor)
Friday (Indoor)
Dates for your diary:
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a great weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 2: Week Commencing Monday 17th -21st June
Year 1 have had a fabulous week. On Thursday we visited the Bridgewater Hall to listen to the Halle orchestra. The children’s behaviour was amazing, we are very proud of them. Thank you to the volunteers who supported us.
In English we continued reading The Secret of Black Rock by Joe Stanton. The children have been immersed in new vocabulary and have practised using it in their writing. In Maths we been focusing on place value to 100, this included partitioning numbers into tens and ones.
Home learning:
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Tuesday (outdoor)
Friday (Indoor)
Sports Day 25th June. Children can come to school dressed in their PE kit and team coloured t-shirt.
Dates for your diary:
Tuesday 25th June – Sports Day 1.30pm – 3pm
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunny weather
The Year 1 Team
Week 1: Week Commencing Monday 10th June – Friday 14th June
Welcome back to the last half term of the year! We would like to say what a great job all our children did during their Phonics Screening Check this week. In English we have begun to explore a new text The Secret of Black Rock. In Maths we have been very active both in and out of the classroom, learning about the directions left, right, forwards, backwards and ordinal numbers.
Home learning:
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Tuesday (outdoor)
Friday (Indoor)
Sports Day Colours – your child will have a slip in their book bag to show what colour tee-shirt they will need for Sports Day.
Dates for your diary:
Saturday 15th June – Marple Carnival
Tuesday 18th June – Trip to the Halle Manchester
Tuesday 23rd June – Sports Day 1.30pm – 3pm
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a great weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 6: Week Commencing Monday 20th May – Friday 25th May
Another half term comes to an end and as usual, it has been a busy week! Art discovery day on Monday was thoroughly enjoyed by all, on Wednesday and Thursday we had our special visitors from OFSTED and the highlight of this half term…the Ludworth Oscars! Everyone looked fantastic and a big well done to our winners. In English we have completed writing recipes and in Maths we have continued our work on fractions - looking at quarters.
Home learning:
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Tuesday (outdoor)
Friday (indoor)
Dates for your diary:
School re-opens Monday 10th June
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
We would like to wish you a lovely half term holiday and look forward to seeing you all in a couple of weeks.
The Year 1 Team
Week 5: Week Commencing Monday 13th May – Friday 17th May
In English we have analysed the writer’s knowledge and begun to write our own recipe for a hungry wolf. In Maths we have been recognising and finding half of shapes and quantities. In Discovery, we have been looking at the different human and physical features of the UK.
Home learning:
extra challenge for those who are feeling confident! https://ictgames.com/mobilePage/firepitFractions/index.html
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Wednesday (indoor)
Friday (outdoor)
Dates for your diary:
Oscars Thursday 23rd May – dress to impress!
School closes Friday 24th May for Whit holiday.
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a great weekend.
The Year 1 Team
Week 4: Week Commencing Monday 6th May – Friday 10th May
Thank you to all those adults who came and participated in our DT morning on Thursday. The children had a fabulous time and we hope you did too! The models created were super and met the design criteria. In English we have explored Instructions and made our own jam sandwiches (yum yum).
Home learning:
https://pbskids.org/curiousgeorge/busyday/dogs/ remember to drag the treats to the dogs nose.
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Wednesday (indoor) Friday (outdoor)
Dates for your diary:
Friday 17th May – Non uniform: bottle donations please.
3.30 – 6pm: Spring Fair
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a great weekend.
The Year 1 Team
Week 3: Week Commencing Monday 29th April- Friday 3rd May
It was lovely to see so many Coral Class parents at their assembly this morning. We hope you enjoyed learning about the hatting industry of Stockport. We are very proud of all the children who did some amazing singing and confident speaking.
In English we have continued our learning based on The Last Wolf by Mini Grey. We have planned our own story and begun writing them paying special attention to ensure we include lots of new vocabulary. In maths we have focused on making arrays and doubles.
We had a great Discovery day on Monday where we learnt lots of new joining techniques and designed new London landmarks in preparation for Thursday.
Please ensure you have signed up for the D&T morning. If you are unavailable to join us Grandparents, aunties, uncles, or other family members are welcome to join us.
Home learning:
Coral class: Please practice your assembly words & bring in a hat of your choice by Wednesday.
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Wednesday (indoor) Friday (outdoor)
Dates for your diary:
Design and Technology morning Thursday 9th May 9am – 11.15am. Come and make London landmarks with your child. If you are not able to attend we would welcome grandparents, aunties, uncles, etc. We all had a fabulous time last year! Only one adult per child due to limited space in the hall. Don’t forget to bring your junk modelling materials.
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a great weekend.
The Year 1 Team
Week 2: Week Commencing Monday 22nd April- Friday 26th April
What a busy week Year 1 have had. It was lovely to see so many Tiger Class parents at our assembly this morning. The children were so confident when speaking and did their best singing.
We have continued to explore our new text –The Last Wolf by Mini Grey. We have developed our understanding of synonyms and broadened our vocabulary. In maths, we have learnt to count in 2s, 5s & 10s and counting in equal groups. Our Discovery learning has focused on London and its landmarks.
Home learning:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQSdKlNvrmw - 10’s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EemjeA2Djjw- 5’s
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvTcpfSnOMQ- 2’s
Coral class: Please practice your assembly words & bring in a hat of your choice by Wednesday.
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Wednesday (indoor) Friday (outdoor)
Dates for your diary:
Coral Class Assembly:
Friday 3rd May at 9am in the hall. Please enter school via the main office doors. We are really looking forward to seeing you!
Design and Technology workshop- Come and make London landmarks with your child. If you are not able to attend we would welcome grandparents, aunties, uncles, etc. We all had a fabulous time last year! Only one adult per child due to limited space in the hall. Don’t forget to bring your junk modelling materials.
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a great weekend.
The Year 1 Team
Week 1: Week Commencing Monday 15th April – Thursday 19th April
We have enjoyed being back together to start our Summer term. We have immersed ourselves in our new text –The Last Wolf by Mini Grey. We have explored new vocabulary and recapped learning on question marks. In maths, we have investigated measures including length and mass. Our Discovery learning question is What do we mean by the UK? This week we have learnt the 4 countries of the UK and their capital cities.
Home learning:
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Wednesday (indoor) Friday (outdoor)
Dates for your diary:
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a great weekend. Hopefully the sun will shine!
The Year 1 Team
Notice for Tiger Class
We are all looking forward to our upcoming class assembly. Today the children have brought home their line/lines to learn. They are on small slips of paper which have been put into their reading record. Please look out for these and help your child to practise them. In most cases its only one or two lines.
Thank you
Miss Morten
Week 6: Week Commencing Monday 25th March – Thursday 28th March
This week Year 1 have written non- chronological reports based on their own Wild Thing. They have used their skills and knowledge of adjectives, conjunctions, punctuation and factual openers to make their writing successful. In maths, we have explored estimating on an empty number line.
Home learning:
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Wednesday (indoor) Friday (outdoor)
Dates for your diary:
School opens Monday 15th April for the Summer term.
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a wonderful Easter holiday and thank you for your continued support,
The Year 1 Team
Week 5: Week Commencing Monday 18th March – Friday 22nd March
This week Year 1 have begun exploring non- chronological reports on Where the Wild Things Live. We had a fabulous time on our trip to the Hat Works and developed our historical knowledge even further. Thank you to all those parents who supported us on this trip.
Home learning:
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days:
No PE on Monday due to walk to Brabyns Park
Forest School on Tuesday.
Dates for your diary:
Monday 25th March (1pm – 3pm) – Geography fieldwork walk to Brabyns Park
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a great weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 4: Week Commencing Monday 11th March – Friday 15th March
This week Year 1 have completed writing our own return narrative based on Where the Wild Things Live. All children should be congratulated for their effort and commitment. We have been very busy completing assessments in Maths, Phonics, Spelling and Reading.
Home learning:
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Monday Indoor
Forest School on Tuesday.
Dates for your diary:
Thursday 21st March – Hat works trip
Monday 25th March (1pm – 3pm) – Geography fieldwork walk to Brabyns Park. We still need helpers for this trip. Please let your class teacher know as soon as possible if you are able to volunteer your time.
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a great weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 3: Week Commencing Monday 4th March – Friday 8th March
This week Year 1 have loved celebrating World Book Week. We have taken part in a variety of activities including read dating, a book swap, bed time stories with hot chocolate and creating our own Traction Man inspired comics. We also enjoyed the Lego Robotic workshop and sharing our work with our adults on Thursday. Thank you to all who attended.
Home learning:
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Monday Indoor
Forest School on Tuesday.
Dates for your diary:
Friday 15th March – Comic Relief ‘Wear something funny for money’
Thursday 21st March – Hat works trip
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a great weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 1: Week Commencing Monday 26th February – Friday 1st March
In Y1 this week:
In English we have looked at features of the text, adding suffixes and writer’s knowledge. We have really enjoyed Scratch Jr in Computing and our first Forest School session.
Home learning:
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: No P.E. this week due to World Book Day activities on Monday & Forest School on Tuesday.
Dates for your diary:
Lego Workshops week beginning 4th March
World Book Day week beginning 4th March
Children’s Work Showcase Thursday 7th March
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
The Year 1 Team
Week 1: Week Commencing Monday 19th February – Friday 23rd February
In Y1 this week:
In English we began exploring a new text ‘Where the Wild Things Are’.
As part of our Discovery learning, we have use fieldwork skills, walking around Marple Bridge identifying Human and Physical features. In Maths, we are learning about number bonds to 20 and adding by counting on a numberline.
Home learning:
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Monday Indoor & Tuesday Outdoor (weather permitting)
Dates for your diary:
Lego Workshops week beginning 4th March
World Book Day week beginning 4th March
Children’s Work Showcase Thursday 7th March
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
The Year 1 Team
A selection of Coral Class learning activities this week:
Week 5: Week Commencing Monday 5th February – Friday 9th February
In Y1 this week:
The children have shown great commitment in English, writing a detective narrative with increased independence.
As part of our Discovery learning, we had a talk on Chinese culture and explored the celebration of Chinese New Year. We also had a Wellbeing workshop that encouraged the children to understand their feelings and emotions and how to manage these. Child voice “I like shaking the glitter jar and waiting for it to fall to the bottom” “I will try deep breathing the next time I am angry.”
Please can we politely remind all parents/carers that whilst waiting on the playground before school starts, the children are under your own parental supervision. Please ensure you can always see your children at this time.
Home learning:
Read regularly with your child, including practising sight (RR) words (these are stapled into your child’s reading record).
Practise Year 1 Common Exception word spelling- we would suggest focusing on a couple each week.
Don’t forget to look at our phonic resources on our class webpage https://www.ludworth.org.uk/learning-resources-7/ We are learning Choose to Use Phase 5.
Please download the free White Rose 1 minute maths app, to practice maths knowledge and skills https://whiteroseeducation.com/1-minute-maths#download
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Monday Indoor & Tuesday Outdoor (weather permitting)
Dates for your diary:
School opens Monday 19th February
Walk into Marple Bridge Thursday 22nd February
Lego Workshops week beginning 4th March
World Book Day week beginning 4th March
Children’s Work Showcase Thursday 7th March
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
The Year 1 Team
Week 4: Week Commencing Monday 29th January – Friday 2nd February
In Y1 this week:
We have continued our English work on Hermelin the Detective Mouse by beginning our own detective narrative.
As part of our Discovery learning we had a visit from Animal Magic who brought in a variety of animals for us to handle. See below for some photos’ There are lots more on Tapestry too.
Child voice “The snake feels really smooth.” “I can’t believe I held a tarantula-that was cool!”
It was lovely seeing so many of you at the Parent Teacher Meetings and sharing the children achievements and progress.
Home learning:
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Monday Indoor & Tuesday Outdoor (weather permitting)
Dates for your diary:
Chinese New Year cultural talk Monday 5th February
Wellbeing workshop Tuesday 6th February
Don’t forget to log on to Parent Pay for information about our upcoming visit to the Hat Works
Half term Monday 12th February - Friday 16th February
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
The Year 1 Team
Week 3: Week Commencing Monday 22nd January – Friday 26th January
In Y1 this week:
We have continued our English work on Hermelin the Detective Mouse by learning all about the ‘ed’ endings. We had to hunt through the text to find all the ’ed’ ending and then sort them by the sound it made e.g. ‘t’, ‘id’ and ‘d’. We then wrote sentences containing ‘ed’ words. As part of our Discovery learning we explored animals and sorted them into groups. Ask us to explain what a mammal is? On Wednesday it was our Art day and we all had a great time exploring different types of line, media and textures of paper.
Child voice “I really like drawing!”
Home learning:
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Monday Indoor & Tuesday Outdoor (weather permitting)
Dates for your diary:
We are all looking forward to our sessions with Animal Magic on Tuesday 30th January
Parent meetings Wednesday 31st and Friday 2nd
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
The Year 1 Team
Week 2: Week Commencing Monday 15th January – Friday 19th January
In Y1 this week:
It was lovely to see so many of you at our Maths’ Showcase. We hope you enjoyed all the activities, the children certainly did and were buzzing with excitement.
During our English lessons we have continued our work on Hermelin by Mini Grey by exploring the key features of the text. We were detectives and had to find all the noun phrases, time adverbials and plurals. As part of our Discovery learning we explored our senses. We took part in a carousel of activities which included smelling crisps to discover the flavour. We all had lots of fun.
Child voice “They are very smelly. I definitely think its cheese and onion!”
Home learning:
The children have loved these place value games last week so we thought we would set them for homework again.
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Monday Indoor & Tuesday Outdoor (weather permitting)
Dates for your diary:
Don’t forget to log into ParentPay for information and payment for Animal Magic (Tuesday 30th Jan) and RE Chinese Culture workshop (Monday 5th February). If we have insufficient contributions, these activities will have to be cancelled.
Parent meetings Wednesday 31st and Friday 2nd
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a great weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 1: Week Commencing Monday 8th January – Friday 12th January
In Y1 this week:
During our English lessons we have begun immersing ourselves in a new text ‘Hermelin’ by Mini Grey. In Maths, we have explored place value to 20 using tens and ones.
Child voice “If we didn’t have a skeleton, we would just be a blob on the floor”.
Home learning this holiday:
Read regularly with your child, including practising sight (RR) words (these are stapled into your child’s reading record).
Play https://ictgames.com/sharkNumbers/mobile/index.html This game focuses on place value up to 50. Making numbers with tens and ones.
Practise Year 1 Common Exception word spellings.
Play https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/place-value-basketball. Place value up to 50.
Don’t forget to look at our phonic resources on our class webpage https://www.ludworth.org.uk/learning-resources-7/ We are learning Choose to Use Phase 5.
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Monday Indoor & Tuesday Outdoor (weather permitting)
Today we are sending home individual spelling words that your child will need to know by the end of the year. The highlighted words are the words that your child needs to practise.
As mentioned in the Phonics Information Workshop, we are also sending home a ‘Choose to Use’ mat and a ‘Tricky words’ mat.
Dates for your diary:
Wednesday 17th & Thursday 18th January: Maths Showcase 8.40 – 9.15am
Thank you to the parents who attended the Phonics Information Workshops this week. We appreciate the time you took to come into school and learn about how to support your child in their learning journey.
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
The Year 1 Team
Week 8: Week Commencing Monday 18th December - Friday 22nd December
In Y1 this week:
During our English lessons we have completed writing instructions for ‘How to Catch a Witch’. In Maths, we have explored Christmas themed 2D and 3D shapes. The children enjoyed Christmas activities throughout the week including their Christmas party, where much fun as had by all!
Child voice “I didn’t win but I still had fun” (Arabella) “I liked playing corners in the hall” (Josie)
Home learning this holiday:
Read regularly with your child, including practising sight (RR) words.
Practice phonics skills using Phonics Play
Practice maths skills within 10 and 20 using Top Marks maths games & ICT Games
Key Information:
Please order all school dinners at home.
P.E. Days: Monday & Tuesday
Dates for your diary:
Monday 8th January 2024 – school opens at 8.40am
Thursday 11th January 2024 – Year 1 Phonics Workshop: 2.30pm & 5pm places are still available for these workshops. Please sign up through Parent Pay.
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
We hope you have a wonderful Christmas break and look forward to seeing you in the New Year. Thank you for all your support this term and our lovely gifts.
The Year 1 Team
Week 7: Week Commencing Monday 11th December - Friday 15th December
In Y1 this week:
During our English lessons we have looked at time adverbials and imperative (bossy) verbs. We have begun to explore instructions and have written instruction sentences in preparation for writing next week.
In Maths, we have put our skills to the test to see how much we have learnt over the term. Child voice (Arthur): “I know it is 6 because I can subitise.”
We very much enjoyed watching the Year 2 Christmas production and thought they gave a fantastic performance.
Home learning this week:
We understand how tired and busy everyone is. Please just prioritise reading for this week’s homework.
Key Information:
There no P.E. next week due to Christmas festivities.
Please order all school dinners at home.
Dates for your diary:
Thursday 21st: Christmas Party afternoon – Children can wear a Christmas jumper/top on this day. Popcorn and juice will be provided by school – your child does not need to bring in any extra food.
Friday 22nd: Carols in the Woods – we look forward to seeing you for a sing-a-long.
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 6: Week Commencing Monday 4th December - Friday 8th December
In Y1 this week:
We have had a very active, exciting week!
During our English lessons we have looked at vocabulary in our narrative, Rapunzel, and written sentences using the conjunction ‘and’. We have experimented with floating and sinking, made and tested aluminium foil boats, put our DT skills into practise making wheels, sliders & levers. We have even had a trip into our school hall where we were immersed into the pantomime, Cinderella...Oh yes we did!
Child Voice (Harry): “We sat in the hall and Cinderella came all around us, there were trees around us too and they did boxing... the rotten egg sister and Cinderella. It was funny.”
Home learning this week:
Read regularly with your child, including practising sight (RR) words.
Practice phonics skills using Phonics Play
Practise Maths skills – addition & subtraction within 20 using Top Marks Learning games.
Key Information:
- Indoor PE is on Thursday and outdoor PE is on Wednesday (weather permitting).
- Please order all school dinners at home.
Dates for your diary:
Thursday 14th December – Christmas Jumper Day for Christmas Dinner
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 5: Week Commencing Monday 27th November - Friday 1st December
In Y1 this week:
In Maths this week we have continued to explore number bonds to 10.
One class member shared: “We can also use our fingers or the multi-link or anything of 10 and then in 2 bits you can make another bond’.
In English, we have put all our new skills together to plan and write a traditional tale.
In our Discovery learning we have been super scientific investigators experimenting with changes of state: solid and liquid.
Home learning this week:
Key Information:
Indoor PE is on Thursday and outdoor PE is on Wednesday (weather permitting).
Please order all school dinners at home.
Dates for your diary:
Thursday 7th December – Panto in the hall
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 1 Team
Q. What is the strongest material to rescue Rapunzel from the tower?
We measured the strength of a selection of different materials to see which was the strongest.
Week 4: Week Commencing Monday 20th November - Friday 24th November
In Y1 this week:
In Maths this week we have become more fluent at recognising and using number bonds to 10. In English, we have analysed the writer’s knowledge in Rapunzel and looked at how this affects the reader.
In our Discovery learning we become scientific investigators looking into the question: Which is the strongest material to get Rapunzel down from the tower?
Home learning this week:
Key Information:
Indoor PE is on Thursday and outdoor PE is on Wednesday (weather permitting).
Please order all school dinners at home.
Book Bags: We have noticed an increase in keyrings on some book bags. This is causing some difficulties putting them in the children’s trays. Please could we ask that your child has only 1 small keyring on their bag.
Dates for your diary:
Saturday 2nd December: Marple Bridge Winter Wonderland
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 3: Week Commencing Monday 13th November - Friday 17th November
In Y1 this week:
In Maths this week we have moved onto addition and finding fact families using part whole models. In English, we have continued to explore the characters of Rapunzel and the witch, focussed on using ‘and’ in sentences.
In our Discovery learning we have looked at the properties of materials using vocabulary such as smooth, rough, bendy, transparent etc.
We really enjoyed our Run for Pudsey and all the children took part with enthusiasm!
Home learning this week:
Are all fabrics not waterproof?
Why does wood come from trees?
Why is plastic made by humans?
Where does metal come from?
This is a discussion homework and does not need to be written down.
Key Information:
Indoor PE is on Thursday and outdoor PE is on Wednesday (weather permitting).
Please order all school dinners at home.
Dates for your diary:
Monday 20th & Tuesday 21st Reading morning 8.40-9.30am. It's not too late to sign up. We would love to see as many grown ups as possible. There will be lots of lovely reading activities for you to explore with your child.
Tuesday 21st Reading Information Event 5-6pm
Friday 24th November – non uniform day for bottle donations to the fair.
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 2: Week Commencing Monday 6th November - Friday 10th November
In Y1 this week:
In English this week we have explored the text Rapunzel by Bethan Woollvin, thinking about and describing the main characters of Rapunzel and the witch.
In our Discovery learning we have identified, named and sorted everyday materials both inside and outside the classroom. In Maths, we have developed our knowledge on part-whole models.
Home learning this week:
Miss Smirk/Miss Wilson – Phase 5 games
Miss Morten – Phase 3 games
Mrs Welsh – Phase 4 games
Mrs Gichero – Phase 3
The password for this was shared via Tapestry.
Children can use counters, Lego bricks, cubes etc to help them to investigate.
A part-whole model template can be found on Tapestry.
Key Information:
Indoor PE is on Thursday and outdoor PE is on Wednesday (weather permitting).
Please order all school dinners at home.
Dates for your diary:
Wednesday 15th or Thursday 16th (weather dependent)​: Year 1 Run Pudsey Smile for a while - Children will be completing their sponsored run during our PE lesson and they are invited to wear Pudsey head bands/badges whilst they take part if they would like to.
Friday 17th November – non uniform day for chocolate donations to the fair.
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 1: Week Commencing Monday 30th October - Friday 3rd November
In Y1 this week:
In English this week we have begun to immerse ourselves in traditional tales. We have opened the story box and made predictions based on the contents. Please ask your child to tell you all about it!
In our Discovery learning this half term, we are focussing on Science and will be exploring and experimenting materials alongside learning about the seasons.
Home learning this week:
Read regularly with your child, including practising sight (RR) words.
Log into Phonics Play and play any of the games for the following phases:
Miss Smirk/Miss Wilson – Phase 5 games
Miss Morten – Phase 3 games
Mrs Welsh – Phase 4 games
Mrs Gichero – Phase 3
The password for this was shared via Tapestry.
Choose a traditional tale (fairy tale) to read with your child. Ask questions such as:
How is...(character) feeling? Can you tell me the story in your own words (sequence in correct order), Can you find the page when…happens (retrieval), what did you enjoy about the story? Why?
Key Information:
Indoor PE is on Thursday and outdoor PE is on Wednesday (weather permitting).
Please order all school dinners at home.
Dates for your diary:
Friday 17th November – non uniform day for chocolate donations to the fair.
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a lovely weekend
Year 1 team
Week 7: Week Commencing Monday 16th October - Friday 20th October
In Y1 this week:
In Maths this week we have been developing our understanding of comparing numbers using the vocabulary greater than, less than and equal to. We have extended this to look at the associated symbols.
In our Discovery learning, we continued our topic ‘Are new things always better? by looking at space travel and the impact of changes in transport over time. We also had a visit from a pilot and generated questions to ask him during one of our English sessions.
Home learning this week:
Read regularly with your child, including practising sight (RR) words.
Log into Phonics Play and play any of the Phase 3 games. We are recapping the Phase 3 sounds from Reception. Reading Robot is one of our favourites in class. The password for this was shared via Tapestry.
make a rain gauge and keep a weather log over the holidays- information sent home via Tapestry
Key Information:
Next Half Term P.E.
Indoor PE is on Thursday and outdoor PE is on Wednesday (weather permitting).
Please order all school dinners at home.
Dates for your diary:
Monday 30th October is an INSET Day – school closed to children
Thursday 2nd November Individual photographs
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a lovely half term holiday
The Year 1 Team
Week 6: Week Commencing Monday 9th October - Friday 13th October
In Y1 this week:
Thank you to everyone who came to Parent meetings this week. It was lovely to meet you all and talk with you about your children.
In English this week we continued our work on Old Bear by writing a re-telling of the story over several sessions. We worked hard to include full stops, capital letters and to extend our sentences using and.
In our Discovery learning, we continued our topic ‘Are new things always better? by looking at how aeroplanes have changed over time and learning about Bessie Coleman & Amelia Earhart.
Home learning this week:
Read regularly with your child, including practising sight (RR) words.
Log into Phonics Play and play any of the Phase 3 games. We are recapping the Phase 3 sounds from Reception. Reading Robot is one of our favourites in class. The password for this was shared via Tapestry last week.
Use the free learning game Bee More or Less on the website ICT Games to explore one more and one less within 20. Please follow this link: https://ictgames.com/mobilePage/beeMoreOrLess/index.html you can extend this to 20 by changing the slider at the top.
Key Information:
Indoor PE is on Tuesday and outdoor PE is on Wednesday (weather permitting).
Please order all school dinners at home.
Dates for your diary:
PTA Pumpkin Patch Saturday 14th Oct
PTA Spooky Disco Thursday 19th Oct 4.15-5pm Reception and Year 1
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 5 : Week Commencing Monday 2nd October - Friday 6th October
In Y1 this week:
A huge thank you to everyone who came to watch our Harvest Festival Assembly. We are so proud of all the children. They did a great job!
In English this week we continued our work on Old Bear by writing a character description for him. We were great at thinking of adjectives and then applying them in our sentences. We worked hard to include full stops and capital letters.
In our Discovery learning, we continued our topic ‘Are new things always better? by looking at how cars and buses have changed over time.
Home learning this week:
Key Information:
Indoor PE is on Tuesday and outdoor PE is on Wednesday.
Please order all school dinners at home.
Dates for your diary:
Below are the photo highlights of our week in action.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 1 Team
Week 4 : Week Commencing Monday 25th September - Friday 29th September
During Maths this week we have been recognsing numbers as words. We used tens frames in the form of train carriages and had to match the numeral, word and then add the correct amount of passengers.
In PSHE we talked about ways to keep ourselves and our friends safe online. Children shared the many different ICT devices that they are fortunate to have at home and we learnt about ways to keep safe and what to do if anything makes us feel uncomfortable. We shared who our trusted adults are and the importance of talking to adults if ever we are unsure. Great ideas Y1.
Jack shared that ‘there are so many things you can play on and use to talk to friends but everyone has to be careful and have fun as well’.
Home learning this week:
Y1 : Please login to Tapesty to discover the learning challenges we have set for this week.
Please read with your child regularly throughout the week, including asking comprehension questions and practice sight words.
In maths this week, please look at the ‘learning resources’ page of our website https://www.ludworth.org.uk/learning-resources-7/ and have a go at some of the Maths games.
Key Information:
Please remember to send you child’s reading books into school each day.
This term our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Due to limited storage in Year 1 PE bags will need to be brought into school on those days.
Dates for your diary:
Our Harvest Assembly is on Thursday 5th October 9am involving all of Y1.
Below are the highlights of our week in action.
Have a lovely weekend.
Week 1:
What a super first few days we have had in Year One. We have had a fantastic time getting to know each other and seeing our children settle brilliantly into their new learning environment. Excellent adaptability and independence skills have been shown by all of our children.
This week we have been focusing on building relationships across Y1 and learning about our class colours, Coral and Tiger Orange!
During our English focused carpet sessions we have read ‘The Tiger who came for Tea’ by Judith Kerr and ‘The Rainbow fish’ by Marcus Pfister. In our role play area we have had a tea table set up ready for the Tiger and our small word area has seen an ocean scene with sand, shells and sea creatures to explore.
Within Maths this week we have reviewed our learning from Reception and, making the most of this glorious weather, we completed an Active Maths session outdoors. Children worked in pairs to find numbers and record one more and one less on their whiteboards.
We have had a very busy and exciting week. As part of a whole school project we have completed our own self portraits in the style of a artist. Our learning has been interconnected with PSHE and feelings too. Y1 have been inspired by Edvard Munch and completed 'shocked/astonished/surprised' faces linking to his expressionist portrait of 'The Scream' !
Week 2:
We have completed our first full week in school and have been very impressed with how quickly our children have adapted to life in Y1!
Our week started with Circle Time. We used the book entitled ‘The Colour Monster’ to help us understand different feelings and emotions. Children worked together to draw pictures in labelled jars to represent different feelings.
In English we have introduced our first text Old Bear through our Story box ritual as part of Narrative Immersion - ask your child what they have done !
On Tuesday afternoons we are fortunate to have Mrs Law, a Specialist PE Teacher, working with Y1 and will be primarily focusing on fundamental movement skills related to gymnastics. She will be working with all of Y1 children over this half term.
During our Discovery Learning afternoons are focusing on History and have made comparisons things that are old and things that are new.