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Our Learning Highlights

Summer 2 Week 6: Week Commencing Monday 22nd July - Friday 26th July.


Well done to Cornflower and Turquoise Class for a fantastic year! You have all worked incredibly proud and we are all so proud of all of your achievements this year!


Thank you so much for all of your generous cards and gifts! 


Have a lovely summer.



Year 4 Team

Summer 2 Week 6: Week Commencing Monday 15th July - Friday 19th July.


In Y4 this week

In Discovery, we visited the River Goyt as part of our field study on rivers. Luckily, the weather was kind to us. We walked along the River Goyt and identified some of the features of a river that we have been learning about in class. We then sketched the different parts. It was great to see what we have been learning about in class up close and in person.


Highlight of a core subject

In English, we started to look at features of a persuasive letter and the vocabulary used within in it. This will help us write our own letter next week.


Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, we designed and made a night light suitable for a child as part as our DT day. Next week we will be putting together a simple circuit to make them light up using a microbit.

Home learning this week

Please can all library books be returned as soon as possible, before the holiday.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information



Cornflower - Monday PM

Turquoise - Monday PM



Thank you for your support!

Summer 2 Week 5: Week Commencing Monday 8th July - Friday 12th July.


In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have been busy writing our own twisted traditional tales and completing our end of year maths assessments.


Highlight of a core subject

This week in English, we planned and wrote our own version of a tradional tale with an unhappy ending. We worked really hard, and had to make sure we included all of the language features we have looked at in class such as expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and possessive apostrophes.


Highlight of one foundation subject

In Discovery, we have been looking at the different features of a river, ready for our trip next week. We also researched and compared rivers from around the world to find out why they are important to the area.

Home learning this week

MyMaths homework - Money Problems, and coordinates

Spellings - possessive apostrophes of plural words

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information



Cornflower - Thursday morning Swimming

Turquoise - Thursday morning outdoor PE.


DT Day

On Wednesday 17th July we will be having a DT Day making Night Lights. We would appreciate donations of cereal boxes and jars for the children to use to make their creations.


Brabyns Park Trip

On Monday, we will be walking to Brabyns Park to complete a field study on the confluence at the River Goyt. The children need to come to school wearing their uniform. At present the weather is forecast to be cloudy but dry. As British weather can be unpredicatable, please can the children bring forest school trousers, a coat and outdoor shoes (Hopefully we wont need them!). 


Thank you for your support!

Summer 2 Week 4: Week Commencing Monday 1st July - Friday 5th July.


In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we enjoyed meeting our new teachers as we prepare for Year 5. We also had great fun showing off our sporting prowess during Sports Day.


Highlight of a core subject

This week in Maths, we have been finding the perimeter of rectilinear shapes, as well as regular and irregular polygons including those with missing lengths. 


Highlight of one foundation subject

In Discovery, we have been looking at, and plotting, the journey that the River Goyt makes from its source and naming the parts of a river.

Home learning this week

MyMaths homework - perimeter

Spellings - prefix bi

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information



Cornflower - Monday pm outdoor PE and Thursday morning Swimming

Turquoise - Monday pm outdoor PE and Thursday morning indoor PE.


Brabyns Park Trip

On Monday 15th July, we will be walking to Brabyns Park to complete a field study on the confluence at the River Goyt. The children will be wearing their school uniform, but we will keep an eye on the weather and let you know nearer the time if anything specific is needed regarding footwear and coats.


Thank you for your support!

Summer 2 Week 3: Week Commencing Monday 24th June - Friday 28th June


In Y4 this week

This week, Year 4 have been exploring characters in our English lessons in preparation for writing our twisted narrative next week. We also watched Cornflower's assembly. Well done to Cornflower Class on their amazing assembly about the Romans (see pictures below).


Highlight of a core subject

This week in Maths, we have been identifying and naming different types of polygons and exploring their properties including lines of symmetry and angles. We have also been calculating the perimeter of rectangles.


Highlight of one foundation subject

In Discovery, we have been investigating whether the North West of England deserves the title of the wettest place in the UK.

Home learning this week

MyMaths homework - Rectangles and irregular polygons and angles

Spellings - prefix of super, anti and auto

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information

In circle time over the next few weeks, we will be talking about appropriate touch. This will include discussing body parts, which may spark conversations at home. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to one of the Year 4 team.



Cornflower - Tuesday am (Sports Day). Thursday morning Swimming

Turquoise - Tuesday am (Sports Day). Thursday morning indoor PE.


Sports Day

Year 4 Sports Day is 9-10.30am Tuesday 2nd July. Information regarding colour groups has been sent out. Please come in your PE kit and the correct coloured t-shirt. If it is sunny, please remember to apply sun cream and bring a hat and water bottle. 


Brabyns Park Trip

On Monday 15th July, we will be walking to Brabyns Park to complete a field study on the confluence at the River Goyt. The children will be wearing their school uniform, but we will keep an eye on the weather and let you know nearer the time if anything specific is needed regarding footwear and coats.


Thank you for your support!

Summer 2 Week 2: Week Commencing Monday 17th June - Friday 21st June


In Y4 this week

This week, Year 4 have been learning about Time in maths and and doing lots of assembly practise. Well done to Turquoise Class on their amazing assembly about volcanoes (see pictures below)


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have been exploring twisted fairytales in English. We have done some fantastic drama showing the different stages of traditional fairytales before adding a twist to change the ending.


Highlight of one foundation subject

In PE. we have been practising batting and bowling skills in rounders. We used the rounders bats for the first time, which was a lot trickier than we thought it would be.

Home learning this week

No MyMaths homework - Time

Spellings - 'phon' and 'sign' word families

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information

Cornflower - Monday afternoon outdoor PE. Thursday morning Swimming

Turquoise - Monday afternoon outdoor PE. Thursday morning indoor PE.


Class Assemblies

Cornflower Class Assembly - 9am Thursday 27th June


Sports Day

Year 4 Sports Day is 9-10.30am Tuesday 2nd July. Information regarding colour groups will be sent out shortly.


Brabyns Park Trip

On Monday 15th July, we will be walking to Brabyns Park to complete a field study on the confluence at the River Goyt. The children will be wearing their school uniform, but we will keep an eye on the weather and let you know nearer the time if anything specific is needed regarding footwear and coats.


Thank you for your support!

Summer 2 Week 1: Week Commencing Monday 10th June - Friday 14th June


In Y4 this week

This week,Year 4 have been going multiplication crazy! We are super proud of all of the children's achievements during the multiplication checks. They will be saying them in their sleep!


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we opened our story box and made predictions about the story. We looked at a picture from the text and thought of nouns and adjectives to describe what we could see in order to generate and build sentences.


Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, we starting learning about rivers,and used atlases to locate some rivers from around the world and mark them onto a map.

Home learning this week

No MyMaths homework - Rest your multiplication brains!

Spellings - 'Sol word families’ and ‘real word families’ 

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information

Cornflower - Monday afternoon outdoor PE. Thursday morning Swimming Please can cornflower bring shorts and t-shirt to swimming. No sports kits please.

Turquoise - Monday afternoon outdoor PE. Thursday morning indoor PE.


Class Assemblies

Turquoise Class Assembly - 9am Thursday 20th June

Cornflower Class Assembly - 9am Thursday 27th June


Plastic Bottle Request

Please can we request donations of clear plastic bottles for Year 4 to make rain gauges from Wednesday.



Marple carnival is on Saturday 15th June. We hope you can all join us for the parade and celebrations.


Week 6: Week Commencing Monday 20th May - Friday 21st May


In Y4 this week

Year 4 have continued to immerse ourselves in life in Roman Britain. We had a great time at Park in the Past Roman Fort Experience and learnt so much about being a Roman.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we wrote some fantastic diary entries from perspective of Pompeii citizens during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD.


Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, we went on our trip to the Roman Fort Experience. We engaged in combat training using swords and spears as well as learning about shield formation tactics. We also experienced life in the army barracks and got to try on some armour. We went on patrol to look for firewood and other resources, whilst making sure we weren't ambushed by the local Celtic tribe.

Home learning this week


TT Rock Stars -Battle Round 5.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information
PE for summer 2

Cornflower - Monday afternoon outdoor PE. Thursday morning Swimming

Turquoise - Monday afternoon outdoor PE. Thursday morning indoor PE.


This weeks TTRS Champions are: Cornflower class!


Class Assemblies

Turquoise Class assembly - 9am Thursday 20th June

Cornflower Class Assembly - 9am Thursday 27th June


Multiplication Check

On the first week back, the children will be taking part in the multiplication check. Please practise times tables as much as possible over the holidays!


Thank you for your support and have a lovely holiday!

Week 5: Week Commencing Monday 13th May - Friday 17th May


In Y4 this week

Year 4 have been immersing themselves into life in Roman Britain. Wehave also created setting descriptions of the volcanic eruption in Pompeii.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we started to look at money and converting between pounds and pence.


Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, we explored Roman settlements and designed our own for the new Governor, Bigus Maximus. We also learnt about Boudicca and her rebellion against the Romans in 60AD

Home learning this week

MyMaths - Money problems

TT Rock Stars -Battle Round 4!

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information

Cornflower - Tuesday afternoon outdoor PE. Thursday morning Swimming

Turquoise - Tuesday afternoon indoor PE. Thursday morning outdoor PE.


This weeks TTRS Champions are: Turquoise class!


Multiplication Check

In June, the children will be taking part in a multiplication check. This is a online activity which consists of 25 questions, with 6 seconds to answer each one. Although the children are good at recalling their times tables, they need to build up their recall speed. We will be doing lots of activities in school to help with this, but we would appreciate in helping them to practise at home using TT Rock Stars and to use the practise multiplication check activity on the website below.


Roman Fort Trip 

We will be going on a trip to Park in the Past: Roman Fort Experience on Wednesday 22nd May. The forecast is currently looking dry, but could change before then. We will speak to the park on Monday to get an update on conditions. Please can children wear sensible clothing and outdoor footwear as they will be going out on patrol through the woods and take part in life as a Roman. Children will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink in a labelled bag.


Thank you for your support.

Week 4: Week Commencing Tuesday 7th May - Friday 10th May


In Y4 this week

Year 4 have been extra busy with it only being a four day week. We have continued to learn about the Roman Empire, and have been enjoying our tag rugby sessions out in the sunshine.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we created Haiku poems about one of the characters from our story, using role on the wall to explore their feelings and actions. We also discovered torn extracts from a diary, and worked in groups to gather evidence about who had written it, and what had taken place. We worked out that the diary was written by a witness to the events of the eruption of Mt.Vesuvius and the destruction caused to the city of Pompeii.


Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, we had another video message from Professor Tarquin, who confirmed that the artifacts were from a Roman settlement near Hadrian's wall. This led to us exploring key events in Roman history and creating a timeline booklet. We came up with lots of questions about the Romans, and investigated why they invaded Britain and other places to build the Roman Empire

Home learning this week

MyMaths - Estimating with decimals

TT Rock Stars -Battle Round 3!

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information

Cornflower - Tuesday afternoon outdoor PE. Thursday morning Swimming

Turquoise - Tuesday afternoon indoor PE. Thursday morning outdoor PE.


Art - Jar Request

Please can the children bring in an empty jar to create their final art piece by MONDAY 13th MAY.


This weeks TTRS Champions are: Cornflower class!


Multiplication Check

In June, the children will be taking part in a multiplication check. This is a online activity which consists of 25 questions, with 6 seconds to answer each one. Although the children are good at recalling their times tables, they need to build up their recall speed. We will be doing lots of activities in school to help with this, but we would appreciate in helping them to practise at home using TT Rock Stars and to use the practise multiplication check activity on the website below.


Roman Fort Trip 

We will be going on a trip to Park in the Past: Roman Fort Experience on Wednesday 22nd May. A letter has been sent out with the details. Please can children wear sensible outdoor footwear such as walking boots or wellies as the terrain can be rather muddy and they will be going out on patrol through the woods. All parent volunteers should have now been contacted about helping on the trip.


Thank you for your support.

Week 3: Week Commencing Monday 29th April - Friday 3rd May


In Y4 this week

Year 4 have become archaeologists as an introduction to our new topic. We also started to plan and write our own Refuge Narrative for our English work.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have had a massive push on our times tables. We have used our morning time and lessons to practise our tables using games and TT Rock Stars to increase our knowledge and recall. We had a TTRS battle between our classes and Cornflower narrowly won by 11 points! It has been great to see everyone so enthusiastic and achieving such great results.


Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, we received a message from an archaeologist, Professor Tarquin Addams-Smithe II, who had made a discovery during one of his archaeological digs. He sent us artifacts and pictures of the items he had found for us to study. Some of the artifacts were covered in sand to protect them and we had to carefully use brushes to excavate them just like an archaeologist. We made sketches and observations of each item,and tried to draw conclusions as to what they each were and who they belonged to.

Home learning this week

MyMaths - Introducing decimals

TT Rock Stars -Battle Round 2!

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information

Cornflower - Tuesday afternoon outdoor PE. Thursday morning Swimming

Turquoise - Tuesday afternoon indoor PE. Thursday morning outdoor PE.


Multiplication Check

In June, the children will be taking part in a multiplication check. This is a online activity which consists of 25 questions, with 6 seconds to answer each one. Although the children are good at recalling their times tables, they need to build up their recall speed. We will be doing lots of activities in school to help with this, but we would appreciate in helping them to practise at home using TT Rock Stars and to use the practise multiplication check activity on the website below.


Art - Jar Request

Please can the children bring in an empty jar to create their final art piece by w/b 13th May.


Roman Fort Trip 

We will be going on a trip to Park in the Past: Roman Fort Experience on Wednesday 22nd May. A letter has been sent out with the details. Please can children wear sensible outdoor footwear such as walking boots or wellies as the terrain can be rather muddy and they will be going out on patrol through the woods.


Thank you for your support.

Week 2: Week Commencing Monday 22nd April - Friday 26th April


In Y4 this week

Year 4 have had a jam packed week! In maths, we have continued to investigate decimals using tenths and hundredths. In computing, we worked with Mr Chowdury to write a programme to make a cat fly across the screen, before making it teleport to a new location. This required us to use lots of our Ludworth Values, such as problem solving, adaptability, and determination. In PE, we started to develop our skills in Tag Rugby, as well as continue to develop our dance routines linked to the Romans with Mrs Wall.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have been analysing the language features of our text, 'The Journey'. We recreated small scenes from the story and used it to create direct speech, and to explore effective vocabulary to describe the setting and atmosphere.


Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, we have LOVED investigating volcanoes! We explored the different features before creating a news report about the destruction of Pompeii.

Home learning this week

MyMaths - Fraction and decimal equivalents

TT Rock Stars 

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information

Cornflower - Tuesday afternoon outdoor PE. Thursday morning Swimming

Turquoise - Tuesday afternoon indoor PE. Thursday morning outdoor PE.


Multiplication Check

In June, the children will be taking part in a multiplication check. This is a online activity which consists of 25 questions, with 6 seconds to answer each one. Although the children are good at recalling their times tables, they need to build up their recall speed. We will be doing lots of activities in school to help with this, but we would appreciate in helping them to practise at home using TT Rock Stars and to use the practise multiplication check activity on the website below.


Art - Jar Request

Please can the children bring in an empty jar to create their final art piece by w/b 13th May.


Roman Fort Trip 

We will be going on a trip to Park in the Past: Roman Fort Experience on Wednesday 22nd May. A letter has been sent out with the details. Please can children wear sensible outdoor footwear such as walking boots or wellies as the terrain can be rather muddy and they will be going out on patrol through the woods.


Thank you for your support.

Summer 1

Week 1: Week Commencing Monday 15th April - Friday 19th April


In Y4 this week

Year 4 have had a great first week back. We have got off to a flying start with all our new areas of learning. We were lucky to have tennis coach, Ben from Brabyns and Mellor Tennis Club in working with the children as well as Mr Chowdhury who has been putting us through our paces with our computer programming.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have started our new text, The Journey. The children explored the Story Box items and made predictions before exploring some of the vocabulary. We also created freeze frames and short scenes depicting key events of the family's journey.


Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, we jetted off across Europe to Italy where we explored the different geographical features. We then compared human and physical features found in the North West of England and Naples.

Home learning this week

MyMaths - tenths and hundredths

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information

Cornflower - Tuesday afternoon outdoor PE. Thursday morning outdoor PE and Swimming

Turquoise - Tuesday afternoon indoor PE. Thursday morning outdoor PE.


Roman Fort Trip 

We will be going on a trip to Park in the Past: Roman Fort Experience on Wednesday 22nd May. A  letter has been sent out with the details. Thank you to all those who have volunteered to help. We will be in contact with you next week.


Thank you for your support.

Week 6: Week Commencing Monday 25th March – Thursday 28th March


In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, had a Design and Technology Day and finished our story box writing about 'Manfish'.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have been researching information and writing paragraphs for a Biography about Jacques Cousteau. 


Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, we had lots of fun during our Design and Technology Day. We were given a design brief to design and make a sandwich. It had to suitable for all age groups, be visually appealing and include a variety of food groups that was not just nutritious but also delicious. We taste tested a selection of sandwiches and evaluated them based on their appearance, smell, taste and texture. We then had a go at designing our sandwich,making sure we kept to the design brief. In the afternoon, we used lots of utensils and learnt lots of skills  to prepare our ingredients and assemble our sandwiches.


Thomas M - "I think will have more lettuce with my sandwiches from now on."

Home learning this week

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information
PE for next half term:

Cornflower - Tuesday afternoon PE. Thursday morning Swimming

Turquoise - Tuesday afternoon PE. Thursday morning PE.



Cornflower class will start after the Easter holidays.


Roman Fort Trip 

We will be going on a trip to Park in the Past: Roman Fort Experience on Wednesday 22nd May. A  letter has been sent out with the details. We have received many offers of parent volunteers from Cornflower class, but would appreciate a volunteer from Turquoise class as well.


Thank you for your support.

Week 5: Week Commencing Monday 18th March – Friday 22nd March


In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have been very busy exploring food chains and animal groups,as well as writing and editing our invention narratives.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have been planning and writing an invention narrative linked to our story 'Manfish'. We wrote about our experience as Jacques Cousteau, and our creation and testing of our invention of the aqualung.


Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, we enjoyed taking part in our Computing Day and learnt lots of different ways to edit photos. We explored how to crop, rotate, re-colour, clone and combine images. We also discussed the ethics behind editing photos. 


Pupil Voice: "You shouldn't edit photos because you give a false image of the picture to whoever is looking at it."

Home learning this week

MyMaths task: Introducing improper fractions

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information
No PE or Forest School next week.



There will be no swimming next week. Cornflower class will start after the Easter holidays.


DT Day

On Wednesday 27th March, we will be having a DT day and will be doing food technology. As part of the day,the children will be taste testing sandwiches and then creating their own. We will cater for any allergies, but if you would like to discuss any concerns, please email the office or speak to one of the class teachers.


Thank you for your support.

Week 4: Week Commencing Monday 11th March – Friday 15th March


In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, carried out a number of investigations linked to teeth,and continued with our Forest school challenges with Mr.T.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have been working on fractions in our maths sessions. We worked together to teach each other how to convert mixed number and improper fractions. We found this really useful because it helped us to use the correct vocabulary and develop our own understanding of the process.


Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, we had lots of fun creating investigations to explore how to keep our teeth healthy. For our first experiment, we compared the impact different drinks had on staining our teeth. We used eggs to represent our teeth because the egg shells are made of calcium like our teeth.

We also investigated why we need to use toothpaste. We took two eggs and covered one with toothpaste.We then placed them in a glass and covered them with vinegar. We were able to observe the changes between the two eggs. 

These experiments made us think about the impact our diet and oral hygiene have on the health of our teeth. (See pictures below)

Home learning this week

MyMaths task: multiples

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information
Spring 1 PE Days:

Turquoise:  Forest School on Friday, swimming is on a Thursday.

Cornflower: Forest School on Friday. No PE on Thursday next week.


Forest School

Year 4 will continue with Forest School next week. Please can the children bring in suitable outdoor clothing and named wellies.


Swimming (Turquoise Class)

Next week will be our final swimming session.


Thank you for your support.

Week 3: Week Commencing Monday 4th March – Friday 8th March


In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have celebrated World Book Day!


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have done lots of reading and book related activities such as speed reading, a book swap and getting cosy in our pyjamas whilst listening to a story and drinking a delicious hot chocolate. The children also explored some of the poems by local poet, Matt Goodfellow, before choosing their favourite to perform for the class. We were treated to some wonderful performance poetry by all the Year 4 children.



Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, the children enjoyed a fantastic Lego workshop where they got to develop their STEM skills. The children used their skills in engineering and programming to build a Lego helicopter that moved, made sounds and lit up. This linked nicely to our English text Manfish, which is an invention narrative. The children enjoyed the workshop immensely. We definitely have some budding engineers in Year 4.  (See pictures below)


Zach: "It was really good doing something a bit different and I enjoyed working with my friend."

Home learning this week

MyMaths task: Short multiplication.

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information
Spring 1 PE Days:

Turquoise:  Forest School on Friday, swimming is on a Thursday.

Cornflower: Forest School on Friday, indoor PE is on a Thursday. 


Forest School

Year 4 will continue with Forest School next week. Please can the children bring in suitable outdoor clothing and named wellies.


Swimming (Turquoise Class)

Swimming will continue for Turquoise class until Easter.


Thank you for your support.



Week 2: Week Commencing Monday 26th February - Friday 1st March

In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have been investigating the digestive system


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have been doing lots of drama linked to our story of 'Manfish'. We recreated scenes from the book, and used these to write our own direct speech conversation.


Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, we had a fantastic time exploring digestion. We researched the functions of all the parts of the digestive system before getting very messy and building our own working model to show how the process works. (See pictures below)


Jensen: "It was really fun to watch and have a go. It was interesting to see how it all works."

Home learning this week

MyMaths task: Short multiplication.

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information
Spring 1 PE Days:

Turquoise:  Forest School on Friday, swimming is on a Thursday.

Cornflower: Forest School on Friday, indoor PE is on a Thursday. 


Forest School

Year 4 will be starting Forest School next week. Please can the children bring in suitable outdoor clothing and named wellies.


Swimming (Turquoise Class)

Swimming will continue for Turquoise class until Easter.


World Book Week - Monday 4th March

Monday - The children can wear their pyjamas to school for the day. Please can they also bring their favourite book to share with the class.

Thursday - Book swap. Please bring a book from home that you would like to swap.


Thank you for your support.

The Digestive System

Spring 2

Week 1: Week Commencing Monday 19th - Friday 23rd February

In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have settled in to our new term and have made a start on our Discovery focus, Animals and Humans.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we were introduced to our new story box and wrote predictions about what we thought the story might be about. Our story, 'Manfish' is all about Jacques Cousteau and the ocean. We looked at imagery in poems and song lyrics about the ocean, and had a go at writing some of our own. 


"The sea is a dream,dashes of colour everywhere.

The sea is a mystery, questions of the unknown.

The sea is like a sad story, rubbish killing the Earth and strangling the sea."


Highlight of one foundation subject

This week, we had our Spanish Day and learnt how to present ourselves. We explored how to introduce ourselves and ask and share information about our name, age and where we live. Take a look at some of the conversations we recorded below.

Home learning this week

MyMaths task: Multiplying a single digit.

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information
Spring 1 PE Days:

Turquoise:  Forest School on Friday, swimming is on a Thursday.

Cornflower: Forest School on Friday, indoor PE is on a Thursday. 


Forest School

Year 4 will be starting Forest School next week. Please can the children bring in suitable outdoor clothing and named wellies.


Swimming (Turquoise Class)

Swimming will continue for Turquoise class until Easter.


Thank you for your support.


Week 5: Week Commencing Monday 5th - Friday 9th February

In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we performed our Oscar winning production of 'Mermaids vs Pirates'. We had a fantastic time performing to our audience.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we started learning about short multiplication.

Highlight of one foundation subject

In Discovery, we explored the water cycle and created our own using a tank, ice, hot water and clingfilm. We learned all about the different stages of the cycle and made a water cycle wheel to showcase our findings.

Home learning this week

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information
Spring 1 PE Days:

Turquoise:  Outdoor PE on Wednesday, swimming is on a Thursday.

Cornflower: Outdoor PE on Wednesday, indoor PE is on a Thursday. 


Swimming (Turquoise Class)

Swimming will continue for Turquoise class until Easter.



Congratulations to everyone in Year 4. We are super proud of all of you! 

Trixie: "We enjoyed our production because it was lots of fun and we got to dress up.'


Thank you for your support.


Week 4: Week Commencing Monday 29th January - Friday 2nd February

In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have been very busy with our production. We can't wait for you all to watch next week.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we started researching information about polar bears in preparation for creating our own information texts.

Highlight of one foundation subject

In Discovery, we continued our expedition in Antarctica. We awoke to discover that our ship had been destroyed under the weight of the ice and one of our crew had fallen into the freezing waters. We were able to rescue him, but we needed to get his clothes dry as quickly as possible. We carried out investigations about evaporation to see which were the best conditions for evaporation to work effectively.

Home learning this week

MyMaths task.

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information
PE Days:

Turquoise:  Outdoor PE on Mondays, swimming is on a Thursday.

Cornflower: Outdoor PE on Mondays, indoor PE is on a Thursday. 


Swimming (Turquoise Class)

Please can the children bring shorts and a t-shirt, as well as their swimming kit, on Tuesday as they will be doing some work on water safety.



Year 4 will be performing 'Pirates vs Mermaids' on 7th and 8th of February. Please make sure to practice your lines.

Afternoon Production - Wednesday 7th February: 2pm - 3pm

Evening Production - Thursday 8th February: 5pm - 6pm


Follow the google form to book your tickets  


Please find the link to the costumes in case your child has misplaced their slip. Cast and costumes.docx

Please can costumes come into school by Monday. 



Thank you for your support.



Week 3: Week Commencing Monday 22nd January - Friday 26th January 

In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have been very busy with our learning, and making a start on our exciting production.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we used drama techniques to explore the thoughts and feelings of a character from our class text. We imagined we were adrift on a block of ice and came across an unfamiliar habitat. This helped us to develop our vocabulary.

Highlight of one foundation subject

In Discovery, our expedition to Antarctica has progressed! We investigated changing solids to liquids to try and find a way to recover our boat from a block of ice. 

Home learning this week

MyMaths task.

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information
PE Days:

Turquoise:  Outdoor PE on Mondays, swimming is on a Thursday.

Cornflower: Outdoor PE on Mondays, indoor PE is on a Thursday. 



Please find the link to the costumes in case your child has misplaced their slip. Cast and costumes.docx

Please can costumes come into school next week in a named bag. 


Year 4 will be performing 'Pirates vs Mermaids' on 7th and 8th of February. Please make sure to practice your lines.

Afternoon Production - Wednesday 7th February: 2pm - 3pm

Evening Production - Thursday 8th February: 5pm - 6pm


Thank you for your support.


Below are the highlights of our week in action.


Week 2: Week Commencing Monday 15th January - Friday 19th January 

In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have been very busy with our learning, and making a start on our exciting production.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we enjoyed taking part in different activities as part of our Maths workshop. We played lots of games to help us with our times tables and problem solving.

Pupil Voice: Ashwin,"I liked playing the times tables game because it was lots of fun and I got really quick at my times tables."

Highlight of one foundation subject

In Discovery, we have been invited to be part of Ernest Shackelton's expedition to Antarctica. We investigated what it would be like in Antarctica and thought about the things we would need to take with us to keep us alive. Later on, we discovered that our ship had become stuck in the ice and had to explain to Shackelton about solids, liquids and gases.

Home learning this week

MyMaths task on dividing by 10 and 100.

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information
PE Days:

Turquoise:  Outdoor PE on Mondays, swimming is on a Thursday.

Cornflower: Outdoor PE on Mondays, indoor PE is on a Thursday. 


Old Clothes:

As part of Year 4's art work, the children will be working with acrylic paints which can stain clothing. Please can you send in a named, old shirt or something on Tuesday 23rd January for the children to wear for their painting sessions.



Year 4 will be performing 'Pirates vs Mermaids' on 7th and 8th of February. Please make sure to practice your lines.

Afternoon Production - Wednesday 7th February: 2pm - 3pm

Evening Production - Thursday 8th February: 5pm - 6pm


Thank you for your support.


Below are the highlights of our week in action.

Week 1: Week Commencing Monday 8th January - Friday 12th January 

In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have been very busy with our learning, and making a start on our exciting production.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we explored our story box and wrote setting descriptions from our story 'Leaf'.

Highlight of one foundation subject

In Discovery, we thought about the qualities that would make a good explorer, and applied to join Ernest Shackelton on his expedition to Antarctica.

Home learning this week

MyMaths task on x10

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (ready for a Friday test). 

Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practice.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practice their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information
PE Days:

Turquoise:  Outdoor PE on Mondays, swimming is on a Thursday.

Cornflower: Outdoor PE on Mondays, indoor PE is on a Thursday. 


Old Clothes:

As part of Year 4's art work, the children will be working with acrylic paints which can stain clothing. Please can you send in a named, old shirt or something similar by 23rd January for the children to wear for their painting sessions.



Year 4 will be performing 'Pirates vs Mermaids' on 7th and 8th of February. Please make sure to practice your lines.

Afternoon Production - Wednesday 7th February: 2pm - 3pm

Evening Production - Thursday 8th February: 5pm - 6pm


Thank you for your support.


Below are the highlights of our week in action.

Week 8: Week Commencing Monday 18th December - Friday 22nd December 

In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have designed and made our series circuit Christmas cards and were delighted to see them light up!


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have written our newspaper reports, reporting a sighting of the Loch Ness Monster! 

Highlight of one foundation subject

In Computing this week, we have had a great time creating our own podcasts about animals that can be heard over long distances. We wrote our own scripts, learnt how to layer sounds and added jingles.

Home learning this week

We are no longer be using Google classroom to send homework out.


Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (these lists are updated each Monday, ready for a Friday test).

Key Information
PE Days for Spring 1:


Turquoise:  Outdoor PE on Mondays, swimming is on a Thursday.

Cornflower: Outdoor PE on Mondays, indoor PE is on a Thursday. 


Thank you for your support.


Below are the highlights of our week in action.


Have a lovely Christmas break! See you all in 2024!

Week 7: Week Commencing Monday 11th December - Friday 15th December 


In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have used plenty of resilience and determination as we have begun our DT unit. We have used our knowledge of simple series circuits to create a card.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have been in role as newspaper reporters to understand to interview possible witnesses who claimed to have seen the Loch Ness Monster! We will be using the quotes and experience to write our own newspaper reports.

Highlight of one foundation subject

This week we have classified materials to find out which were conductors and which were insulators. This knowledge has helped us to build circuits for our Christmas cards.

Home learning this week

We are no longer using Google classroom to send homework out.

Homework is put on MyMaths this week. 

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (these lists are updated each Friday, after a Friday test). Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practise.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practise their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information

Music lessons are on Tuesday. Bring remind children to bring their instruments with them each week.

PE Days:
Outdoor PE is on Thursday and indoor PE is on a Friday.


Dates for your diary:

Monday 18th December - Year 4 Christmas Party. School will provide the food (popcorn and juice) and children can bring in a Christmas jumper to change into.

Friday 22nd December- Carols in the woods will take place at 1:30. Children will return to their classrooms and you will then be able to take your child home. It is NOT a toy day so please do not bring in any toys/games.
Thank you for your support.


Below are the highlights of our week in action.

Have a lovely weekend!

Week 6: Week Commencing Monday 4th December - Friday 8th December 


In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we start to get into the Christmas spirit with an excellent pantomime, Cinderella.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have explored a variety of newspaper reports to understand author’s techniques which will help us to write and report our own stories. 

Highlight of one foundation subject

This week we further developed our gymnastics skills and added various rolls to our performances. We have now learnt how to use spins, varying levels of height and rolls to create different sequences. 
Child voice:

Home learning this week

We are no longer be using Google classroom to send homework out.

Homework is put on MyMaths this week. 

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (these lists are updated each Friday, after a Friday test). Please continue with the daily spelling and times tables practise.

Reading: Please read at least 3 times a week with your child, asking them questions about the text and remember to sign your child's reading record every time they read with you.  Reading plus is also available if children would like to use that to practise their reading and comprehension skills too. The children have been accessing the programme in school and should know their username and password. Please let us know if you require their username/password.  

Key Information

Music lessons are on Tuesday. Bring remind children to bring their instruments with them each week.

PE Days:
Outdoor PE is on Thursday and indoor PE is on a Friday.


Dates for your diary:

Thursday 14th December: Christmas Dinner Day - Christmas jumper can be worn over uniforms.

Thank you for your support.


Below are the highlights of our week in action.

Have a lovely weekend!

PE: Gymnastics performance

Still image for this video

Week 5: Week Commencing Monday 27th November - Friday 1st December 


In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have started started to look at newspaper reports and have been exploring the language a news reporter would use.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we enjoyed practising our times tables and learning new songs to remember them (even if this meant them being stuck in our heads all day).

Highlight of one foundation subject

This week we reached the end of our science topic about sound. We received a message from a secret agent asking us to find out as much as we can to help capture a marine animal. We have learnt that we would need a low pitch sound and create a lot of so that the vibrations travel further. 
Child voice: ‘I’ve learnt something new by using data loggers to measure sound and I now know how to improve my experiment s for next time.’

Home learning this week

We are no longer be using Google classroom to send homework out.

Homework is put on MyMaths this week. 

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (these lists are updated each Friday, after a Friday test). Please continue with the daily spelling practice, times tables and regular reading.

Key Information

Music lessons are on Tuesday. Bring remind children to bring their instruments with them each week.

PE Days:
Outdoor PE is on Thursday and indoor PE is on a Friday.

Thank you for your support.


Below are the highlights of our week in action.

Have a lovely weekend!

Week 4: Week Commencing Monday 20th November - Friday 24th November

In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have written and published our setting narratives. We investigated pitch by creating water xylophones in our discovery learning and discovered the more water that is in the bottle, the lower the pitch.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we enjoyed having our grown ups join us in school to share our love of reading.

Highlight of one foundation subject

This week we have been practising our orienteering skills in the school grounds and have learnt to correctly orientation a map.

Home learning this week

We are no longer be using Google classroom to send homework out.

Homework is put on MyMaths this week. 

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (these lists are updated each Friday, after a Friday test). Please continue with the daily spelling practice, times tables and regular reading.

Key Information

Music lessons are on Tuesday. Bring remind children to bring their instruments with them each week.

PE Days:
Outdoor PE is on Thursday and indoor PE is on a Friday.

Thank you for your support.


Below are the highlights of our week in action.

Have a lovely weekend!

Reading Showcase

Discovery Learning: Water Xylophone Experiment

Week 3: Week Commencing Monday 13th November - Friday 17th November

In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have started to write our ominous setting narratives. We are focusing on creating an image in the readers mind by writing descriptively, using similes, metaphors and personification.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have started our multiplication and division unit in Maths. We are applying our times table knowledge to multiply and divide and are continuing to learn our times tables. 

Highlight of one foundation subject

This week we have been exploring how sound travels through water and air. We have investigated this in many different ways and are intrigued to find out more.

Child Voice: Freddie said, “I was surprised to see the vibrations of sound in the water when using the tuning forks as we don't see this in air.” 

Home learning this week

We are no longer be using Google classroom to send homework out.

Homework is put on MyMaths this week. 

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (these lists are updated each Friday, after a Friday test).

Key Information

Music lessons are on Tuesday. Bring remind children to bring their instruments with them each week.
PE Days
Outdoor PE is on Thursday and indoor PE is on a Friday.

Thank you for your support.

Dates for your diary

Reading Showcase: Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st 8.40-9.30am.

Christmas Fair: Friday 24th November after school.


Below are the highlights of our week in action.

Have a lovely weekend!

Discovery Learning: Exploring how sound travels through air and water

Pudsey Children in Need Run

Week 2: Week Commencing Monday 6th November - Friday 10th November

In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have started to look at column method for subtraction in Maths - we are becoming exchanging pros!


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have been exploring narrative settings. We used prepositions and thought about our choices of vocabulary to help describe the mood and detail of a setting.

Highlight of one foundation subject

This week we have talked about Remembrance Day, and worked together to create some artwork to commemorate the day. Our poppy soldier, and collages are on the gates outside of school.

Child Voice: “It’s really important to remember all of the great deeds these people did. They were really brave. I think our soldier picture is really moving.”

Home learning this week

We are no longer be using Google classroom to send homework out.

Homework is put on MyMaths this week. 

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (these lists are updated each Friday, after a Friday test).

Key Information

Music lessons are on Tuesday. Bring remind children to bring their instruments with them each week.
PE Days
Outdoor PE is on Thursday and indoor PE is on a Friday.

Thank you for your support.

Dates for your diary



Below are the highlights of our week in action.

Have a lovely weekend!

Week 1: Week Commencing Monday 30th October - Friday 2nd November

In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we have started to look at column method for addition in Maths - we are becoming exchanging pros!


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have uncovered our new text: The Whale. Children have explored part of the story and use drama to understand the thoughts and feelings of the characters.

Highlight of one foundation subject

In Music this week, children received their new instruments and enjoyed starting their music journey this half term.

Child Voice: 

Home learning this week

We are no longer be using Google classroom to send homework out.

Homework is put on MyMaths this week. 

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books (these lists are updated each Friday, after a Friday test).

Key Information

Music lessons are on Tuesday. Bring remind children to bring their instruments with them each week.
PE Days
Outdoor PE is on Thursday and indoor PE is on a Friday.

Thank you for your support.

Dates for your diary



Below are the highlights of our week in action.

Have a lovely weekend!


Autumn Term 2 Story Box: The Whale

Week 7: Week Commencing Monday 16th October - Friday 20th October


In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we had lots of fun on our Spanish day.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we were invited by the Monster Hunters Guild to help to create a book with instructions of how to capture a mythical creature. We had to draw on our previous learning on mythological creatures to help us and had to think about our use of vocabulary and formal language.


Highlight of one foundation subject

We took part in a Spanish Day, where we learnt all about the seasons and how to describe what happens during them. Some of us had a go at using a green screen to create our own weather report.

Key Information
PE Days for after half term:
Outdoor PE is on Thursday and indoor PE is on a Friday.

Dates for your diary



Thank you for your support.

Have a lovely holiday!

Week 6: Week Commencing Monday 9th October - Friday 13th October


In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we absolutely loved our Greek workshop. Please see below for photos.


Highlight of a core subject

This week, we have looked at rounding in Maths. We realised that we needed to use so many skills just to be able to round, for example, multiples of 10, counting forwards and backwards and place value. We feel more confident about it now.


Highlight of one foundation subject

In History this week, we took part in a Greek experience day with Poly. We learnt about the Greek democratic system, tried a variety of Greek food, completed puzzled and took part in a mini Olympics 

Child Voice: Rory said, “The spear felt heavier than I thought, it was hard to keep above my head but cool to try”. 

Home learning this week

Please login to Google Classrooms to discover the learning challenges we have set for this week.

Children have the spellings they need to learn this week in their spelling test books/on their sheet.

Key Information
PE Days
Outdoor PE is on Friday and indoor PE is on a Tuesday.

Dates for your diary


Saturday 14th October - Pumpkin Picking

Thursday 19th October - spooky disco

Friday 20th October - wear red day for Racism 


Below are the highlights of our week in action.


Thank you for your support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Week 5 : Week Commencing Monday 2nd October - Friday 6th October


In Y4 this week

In Year 4 this week, we are very much looking forward to finding out who will receive the first ever story bag in assembly on Friday. 


Highlight of a core subject

In English this week, we have written suspense narratives. We have used our creativity and chose language that would add suspense to our writing to encourage the reader to read on. 


Highlight of one foundation subject

In Music, we have been learning about body and tuned percussion. We explored texture, structure, tempo and dynamic using the rainforest as a stimulus to create body and tuned percussion using a variety of instruments.

Child Voice : 

Home learning this week

Please login to Google Classrooms to discover the learning challenges we have set for this week.

Key Information

Indoor PE is on Tuesday

Outdoor PE is on Friday

Thank you for your support.

Dates for your diary

Thursday 12th October - Greek workshop where children have been invited to dress up as an Ancient Greek if they wish.


Below are the highlights of our week in action.

Have a lovely weekend.

Music: Body and Tuned Percussion


Still image for this video

Week 4: Week Commencing Monday 25th September - Friday 29th September


In Y4 this week

Both classes have been extremely busy preparing to write suspense narratives. Children used their imagination to plan characters, settings and creatures.



This week, we set up a Greek village in class to explore how Ancient Greeks lived and to help us set the scene for our narrative.



In our Discovery lessons, we were introduced to the story of Perseus and met King Polydectes who needed our help to choose a mythological beast to defeat Perseus. We took part in a game show to decide which beast had the best qualities and scariest traits.

Child Voice : Vinnie shared “I enjoyed the lesson because I love hearing about the different mythological creatures".


Home learning this week

Please login to Google Classrooms to discover the learning challenges we have set for this week.


Key Information

PE Days:

Indoor PE is on Monday 2nd October this week only

Outdoor PE is on Friday

Thank you for your support.


Dates for your diary


Thursday 12th October - Greek workshop where children have been invited to dress up as an Ancient Greek if they wish.


Below are the highlights of our week in action.

Have a lovely weekend.



Teamwork: We used equipment from our new playpod to build a path and needed to find a way from one side of the playground to the other with limited resources

Geography: European Road Trip 

What a fantastic week of learning we have had. Children have been consistently using their superpowers this week to problem solve, focus, work together and have shown great enthusiasm towards their learning.
Our learning highlight of this week has been our Discovery learning where we have been geographers exploring maps of Greece and Ancient Greece. Our learning began with a road trip through Europe where we started in London and made our way to Athens, visiting different capital cities along the way. Some of our road trips took over 3 days just driving which we were really surprised by! We then draw maps of Greece and became tour guides to showcase our learning.

Exploring Greece in Discovery Learning: we begin our Geography learning by understanding where Greece is and what it is known for.

Narrative Immersion: In Year 4, we have started to explore our class text, Arthur and the Golden Rope, predicting what we think the story may be about and exploring the thoughts and feeling of the main character.
