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Year 6

Our super duper, fabulous Year 6 leavers. We are beyond proud of you! Though the staff may never forgive you for the thorough send off soaking you gave us!

Year 6 had a transition talk from Marple Hall high school this week. They were able to ask lots of really good questions and they are extremely excited about wearing their blazers next year!

Year 6 CD Art Display

Week 4 Summer 2 Year 6 Overview

Inside outside all round fun!

Year 6 Summer 2 week 2 Home Learning Overview

We have Year 6’s back! 

How fantastic it is to see most of the Year 6 back at school. We really miss those who are isolating at home and send them all our best wishes! We have had a super couple of days in our new bubbles: creating Year Books, combining maths and art and sending messages to our friends via the Bubble Board.

We are looking forward to spending the next few weeks on some more fun activities and spending lots of time in the fresh air together.



Summer 2 Weekly Overview Mrs Lord and Mr Senogles

Enjoy your half term holiday and have a go at the home projects. We are looking forward to seeing your fabulous ideas.

Dolphin Class Celebrate VE Day!

Mrs Lord Summer 1 week 5 Overview

Super Science Easter Eggsperiments!

Mrs Lord Weekly Overview for Home Learning. Further lesson details are given on Google Classroom

Mr Senogles' Weekly overviews
