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Spring 1st Lost and Found

This week we continued learning about 6,7 & 8 by finding 1 more and 1 less. We also practised our addition using the part part whole model.

The boy and the penguin visit Africa!

After watching a video about African drumming we went into the woods to have a try. We copied rhythms and made patterns. We then went exploring to see if we could find objects that made a different sound.

Thereā€™s a penguin at the door!

This week we discovered it was a penguin at the door! We have been busy learning about Emperor Penguins and Antarctica. We enjoyed using Google Earth, globes and atlases to help us. 

In Maths we explored the numbers 6,7 & 8. 

Representing and comparing numbers

Week 1 Who is at the door?

This morning we started our Narrative Immersion journey through ‘ Lost and Found.’ 

We met a boy who said that there was somebody knocking on the door. 

The story gave us lots of new language to discuss:  suspicious, visitor, guest, stranger and home. 

We sang a new song ‘Who is at the door’ and used our hat box to imagine who could be behind the door. 

