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Highlights of the last week of Rowan Class

Yoga with a specialist teacher and Active Outdoor Maths: Fractions Relay

Year 1 Physical Activity and Wellbeing Week

Take a look at all the amazing experiences the children participated in and enjoyed this week.

Rowan Class go to the Oscars!

Everyone looked fantastic in their best outfits today. All the children were mesmerised by the Year 5 performances. Rowan class had a great time at the after party, too! Well done to our Oscar winners. 

16.5.23 PE Athletics Developing our running, jumping, throwing and hopping skills

Why do we love where live?

Week beginning 17th April 

A snapshot of Rowan class learning this week. 
Exploring ‘Where the Wild Things Are’, developing athletic skills and investigating mass. 

Week beginning 27.3.23

Active Outdoor Maths

Measuring using metre rulers. 

Lego Workshop 23.3.23

Today we had a fantastic workshop led by Nick from Junior Stem. We learnt how to program Lego models that we had built, making them spin, changing the light colour and even add sound effects!

13.3.23 R.E. 
Today we explored the parable of the Lost Sheep. We discussed the message that Jesus wanted to give then we created our own sheep and wrote about the meaning of the parable. 

Rowan class Place Value Within 50

Place Value within 50

This week in Maths we have been learning about Place Value within 50. 
We enjoyed grouping objects into 10s and 1’s and writing the matching addition sentence e.g. 30 +7=37, 37=30+7

This week we have been celebrating Communication and Language Week including World Book Day! We all enjoyed exploring the story The Firebird; a Russian folk story. We designed and made our own firebirds and used them to retell parts if the story. We also enjoyed coming to school dressed in our pyjamas and sharing our favourite stories over a cup of hot chocolate! 🍫☕️ 

27.2.23. Enjoying hot chocolate and our favourite stories during Language & Communication Week.


In Computing we explored Scratch, a coding app. The children were brilliant at making their characters move and speak. 

Active Maths: Addition on a number line. 

Adding ‘ing’

In Literacy this week we learnt about the suffix ‘ing’. In teams, we took part in an ‘ing’ relay. Great teamwork everyone!  

Arts Week! Hats Galore!

This week we all had a great time designing and making a hat as part of our 'Arts Week'. We thought carefully about what we wanted our hat to look like and what materials we would need to make it. 

Week beginning 16th January 2023


Wk.beg 9.1.23

20th December 

Festive Baking!

14th December 

Enjoying our Christmas Dinner!

Week beginning 21.11.22

Mixing secondary colours and creating artwork inspired by Mark Rothko

Week beginning 14th November 2022

Week beginning 7th November 

Rowan class visit St.Martins Church 

Today we walked to St. Martins church and learnt about what it means to be part of the church community. We looked at the special stained glass windows and lit candles to think about the people who are special to us. We also learnt why there are different colours of robes and their significance. We even got to try out bell ringing!

31st October 

This week Rowan class have been learning about part whole models and investigating addition within 10. 

Diwali lamps

Children Around the World Curriculum Week

Wear Red Day 21.10.22

Today we thought about the meaning of why we were wearing red and discussed the importance of respecting others and being kind. At playtime, key stage 1 decided to join together to show their support. 

Observational drawings of plants

Rowan class developed their art and observation skills this week by looking closely at a plant and it’s structure. They sketched what they saw and added colour using oil pastels. 

Elder Class were inspired by the Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo to create our our Harvest faces! 

Elder Class

This week Elder Class learnt how to use We practised using lots of the different tools and changing the effects e.g. size, colour. 

Week beginning 3.10.22

Zones of Regulation

In Circle Time this week, we continued our learning about the Zones of Regulation. We thought about what it means to be in the Green Zone and identified ‘blob people’ that were also in the Green Zone!


Rowan Class

26.09.22 Elder Class

This week Elder Class continued learning about The Naughty Bus by conducing a traffic survey. We learnt that London has a lot more traffic than Marple Bridge! 🚗

Week beginning 19.9.22

Rowan Class

This week the Naughty Bus sneaked into our continuous provision!

This week Elder Class have been consolidating their understanding of numbers to 10 and 20. The children challenged each other to make a number and then asked them to explain the 2 parts to make a whole. E.g 8 can be made from 7 and 1, 6 and 2, etc. 

This week in Rowan class we have explored the book ‘Naughty Bus’ and written sentences using adjectives and prepositions. We have thought about how unique we are and created a class collage based on the book ‘The Barefoot Book of Children’. In the continuous provision, children have created road maps for the London bus and their own creative transport, using Lego. 

Our first week in Rowan Class

What a wonderful start to the year! Exploring bees, leaf printing, phonics, maths, computing, working as a team to build with Lego and complete jigsaws and meeting our reading ‘buddies’ from Year 6. Not to mention enjoying playtimes!

Welcome Back!

Welcome back Team Elder! 
We have enjoyed learning all about Elder trees. We have practised making lots of different shades of green. We thought about things we are thankful for and wrote our ideas on leaves. 
