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Week beginning 25th July 

Week beginning 18.7.22

This week we showed great commitment to our learning despite the extreme heat!

We began exploring a new text: The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch, made new friends and strengthened old friendships. We continued to develop our computing and maths skills, too.

Sports and Well-being Week!

Week beginning 4th July 2022

Take a peek at this week!

This week Italy class have been keeping active and developing their skills in English, Maths and P.E.

Phonics: alternative spellings

Week beginning 27/6/2022. This week, France class have been captivated by the text Flotsam and created incredibly detailed and engaging diary extracts.

Week beginning 20th June 2022

What a week France class have had in their new, temporary headquarters! The children have embraced their top secret, agent challenges and passed spy school with flying colours!

This week, Year 1 enjoyed welcoming a special visitor who came with her suitcase and lots more! A local author, and parent of one of our Year 1 children, came to share her book ā€˜Move Mountainā€™.

Week beginning 13.6.22

Italy Class

Week beginning 23rd May 2022. This week, Year One have enjoyed learning about The Queen and engaged in a range of activities during the build up to Her Platinum Jubilee!

Week beg. 16.5.22

Italy class have been learning to multiply!

This week we have explored making arrays and using repeated addition. The children have done this through practical investigation and follow up tasks.

Year 1 have been busy creating dens!

Outdoor Learning in Year 1
Week beginning 19.4.22

Year 1 have had lots of fun using magnifying lenses to search for creatures in our outdoor environment during Forest School this week.

Week beginning 21st March

Year 1 had a visit from Stockport County’s education team and met a member of their football team. They also had fun with Vernon the bear! 

Week beginning 14th March

Children have been using their observational and recording skills to find signs of Spring around the school grounds.

Year 1 RE Workshop

Today, Year 1 had a visitor to teach us all about the Christian church and special celebrations. The children engaged in learning about what items you would find within a church and their purpose. They participated in active learning through drama and role play, including singing with actions. 

Week beg. 7th March 2022

Active teamwork (Maths) 7.3.22

Representing numbers to 50 in different ways.


Italy Class at Edgeley Park

Computing in Year 1 Class!

Still image for this video
We have been creating algorithms which are a set of instructions to achieve a goal. Computers need ALGORITHMS to work and do what we have programmed them to do. An algorithm for a computer or app which is called ā€˜codeā€™.

We created our own algorithms by giving a robot a set of instructions to visit several planets. We used the j2e code site for this task.

Communication and Languages Week


Year 1 had a super afternoon today when an author, Jane Pearce, shared her book ā€˜Oliver Lum and the Bubblegumā€™!

What a Drama!

Italy class get active to explore the book ‘The Invisible’ by Tom Percival 

We have been exploring an exciting book, Old Hat, this week. Look at some of our work in France class!

Italy Class love sport!

In France Class, children have been developing their oracy skills with their ā€˜Chatty Chumā€™.

Computing in Italy Class 

24.1.22 Putting on our Thinking Hats!

Today in Italy class the children put on their ‘Thinking Hats’ to learn more about the brain. They listened to a scientist at Manchester University explain how the brain helps us, how much electricity it generates and how much of our brain we use. The children then took a quiz and did a super job at answering the questions. 

Chinese New Year

Year 1 had an exciting start to the week as they welcomed Explosive Erica, a scientist from Mad Science, to their school. Children explored thrust and aerodynamics through experiments to take a rocket to Mars.

Italy class have been learning about addition using a number line

A snapshot of some of our week through pictures!

What A Performance! During Art Week, Year 1 have immersed themselves in some familiar fairy tales. Children have explored play scripts, written their own scenes, created stage backdrops and puppets, expressed themselves through interpretive dance to Peter and the Wolf... and so much more!

Spring Term Starts

In the first 2 days, Year 1 have immersed themselves in analysing the character of the wolf from traditional tales. The children have created freeze frames from stories, made lift the flap character descriptions and formed an opinion to answer the questions ‘Is the wolf really a villain?’ The children thought of some fabulous vocabulary and enjoyed being creative, too.

Italy class have fun at the Christmas Party!

Games, dancing, a video from Santa and even special visitors bringing gifts!


During this week, Year 1 have made Christmas biscuits. They used maths skills, co-ordination and team work to create these tasty treats!

A festive Christmas Workshop visits Year 1!

Week beginning 13.12.21

Week beginning 6.12.21


Continuous Provision in Year 1


Making Santa a new sleigh ( his old one has broken) and ordering advent number boxes.

PSHE : France class

Children in Need

The children in year 1 showed great team work during their relay race for children in Need. Thank you for all your donations. 

Tuesday 16th November

A Visit From the Author Sean Perkins 

Today we had a special visitor in year 1. The children were mesmerised by the story of Oscar and Ben, as told by it’s author, Sean Perkins. Sean answered many questions that the children had about being an author and publishing a book.

“Where did your inspiration come from?” Arthur

Finally, they all joined in a song about the characters Oscar and Ben. The children had a fabulous time! Here are some of their quotes:

“I wanted to eat the cake!” William

“ The characters were  naughty” Owen

” The song was funny” Jessica H

” We would like him to come back again!” All children. 



Year 1 have been busy observing the weather this week and keeping a weather diary. The children even spotted a faint rainbow during Tuesdayā€™s play time, which they didnā€™t expect to see!

Smile For A While!

Exploring paint in Italy Class

Week beginning 1st November 

This week the children have enjoyed our theme of Maths & Computing. We began our week looking at the book: Just a Second. We learnt interesting facts about what can be done in a second, minute, hour, day and a week. The children then made nature clocks, carried out investigations into what they could do in a minute and learnt about the months of the year. We learnt to use technology to send and print our photos to a printer, then to retrieve them. We also continued to develop our mouse skills using a laptop.   
Also this week, we have learnt about the festival of Diwali and why it is celebrated. We used primary colours to link Art, R.E. and bonfire night celebrations by creating beautiful firework paintings. We have also enjoyed spending time reading and relaxing!

22.10.21 - Using a computer!

20.10.21. Italy Class develop their geography skills by mapping the school grounds.

Look at what Year 1 have been up to this week!

World Space Week 4th - 8th October 

The children had a fantastic time this week exploring and investigating. They became engineers, satellite designers, rocket scientists

(launching paper mice into the air) and learnt about the important contribution women have made to advance our space knowledge and understanding. 

Engineers in the making!

Active Phonics in Italy Class

Keeping active and learning new skills 

Circle Time Italy Class 

Exploring our knowledge of trees and plants in the school grounds.

Franceā€™s Maths Magicians and London Tour Guides have been busy!

France class had a special letter today asking for their help!

Italy Class take Maths Outside

Year 1 have been busy this week exploring technology around us, locating countries in the UK, observing plants and trees in the school grounds and so much more!

Italy Class have a superb start to the year!


A super first week in Year 1!
